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ap gov court cases

schenck v. us clear and present danger clause
gitlow v ny bad tendency doctrine-speech w tendency to lead to illegal action restricted
tinker v. desmoines vietnam armbands
bethel school district v. fraser suspend students for lewd speech
hustler magazine v. falwell intentional infliction of emotional distress allowable
texas v. johnson flag burning
morse v. frederick bong hits 4 jesus
miller v. ca 3 part obscenity test
near v. mn selectively incorporates freedom of press
ny times v. sullivan publish false article they thought was true, not libel
ny times v. us pentagon papers
hazelwood school v. kuhlmeier regulate student newspapers
thornhill v al strikes by unions lawful
cox v nh parade permits
lloyd corp v. tanner protesters have less rights in private spaces, like malls
boy scouts v. dale private organizations have rt to choose membership, even based on sexuality
engel v. vitale prohibited prayer in public schools
abington school district v. schempp no reading of bible in public schools
epperson v ak no ban of evolution
lemon v kurtzman money rules for giving to religious schools: secular purpose, promote nor inhibit, excessive entanglement
wi v. yoder amish parents can remove kids from school before 16 for relious reasons
employment division v. smith can deny unemployment to person fired for violating prohibition of use of peyote
weeks v us exclusionary rule
powell v al st must provide lawyers in death penalty cases
betts v. brady st doesn't have to provide lawyers to indigent defendants in capital cases
mapp v oh extended exclusionary rule to sts
gideon v. wainwright all sts must provide attorney in all cases for those who can't afford one
escobedo v il must grant lawyer to those who ask for one or confession doesn't count
miranda v az must be informed of rights before arrest
furman v ga stop death penalty until better method of sentencing derived
woodson v nc nc attempt to resolve death penalty issue, court rejected it
gregg v ga death penalty no cruel and unusual punishment
atkins v va no execution of mentally challenged
griswold v ct right to privacy
roe v wade national abortion guidelines
webster v reproductive health services sts more power to regulate abortion
planned parenthood v casey no husband consent; parental consent and 24 hr wait upheld
lawrence v tx no sodamy law; overruled bowers v hardwick
plessy v ferguson separate but equal
brown v board of edu of topeka unanimous, separate but equal is unconstitutional
brown v board 2nd schools desegregate w deliberate speed
heart of atl motel inc v us civil rights act of 1964 mandated hotels can't discriminate
katzenback v mcclurg power of congress to regulate interstate commerce extends to st discrimination statutes
regents of u of ca v bakke quotas requiring certain percentage of minorites violate 14th
grutter v bollinger u of m law school and u of m
marbury v madison judicial review
sd v dole mandated 21 yr old drinking age
us v lopez commerce clause doesn't give congress power to regulate guns near schools
korematsu v us japanese ams could be interned
us v nixon no such thing as executive privelege in criminal cases
clinton v ny no presidential use of line item veto
barron v baltimore bill of rights restricts federal not st gvnts
brandenburg v oh kkk speech, can't be jailed unless speech led to imminent lawless action
chaplinsky v nh fighting words could be prohibited
dejonge v oregon peaceable assembly for lawful discussion can't be a crime
dennis v us gvnt can limit speech even if it didn't lead to action
katz v us wiretaps illegal w/o warrant
olmstead v us unlimited phone tapping
or v elstad confessions given before rights are read are admissible in court
va v black cross burning is fighting words and illegal
rostker v goldberg congress can draft men, not women
Created by: arpatrick
Popular American Government sets




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