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neuro18 PNF
Question | Answer |
Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) was introduced | in the early 1950's using the hierarchical model as its framework. |
The original goal of PNF treatment was | to lay down gross motor patterns within the central nervous system. |
PNF approach is based on | the premise that stronger parts of the body are utilized to stimulate and strengthen the weaker parts. |
PNF Normal movement and posture is based on | a balance between control of antagonist and agonist muscle groups. |
Development will follow | the normal sequence through a component of motor learning. |
PNF theory places great emphasis | on manual contacts and correct handling. Short and concise verbal commands are used along with resistance throughout the full movement pattern. |
The PNF approach utilizes methods that | promote or hasten the response of the neuromuscular mechanism through stimulation of the proprioceptors. |
PNF Movement patterns follow . | diagonals or spirals that each possess a flexion, extension, and rotatory component and are directed toward or away from midline |
Chopping:. | A combination of bilateral upper extremity asymmetrical extensor patterns performed as a closed-chain activity |
Developmental sequence: | A progression of motor skill acquisition. The stages of motor control include mobility, stability, controlled mobility, and skill. |
Mass movement patterns: | The hip, knee, and ankle move into flexion or extension simultaneously. |
Overflow: | Muscle activation of an involved extremity due to intense action of an uninvolved muscle or group of muscles. |
A patient learns | diagonal patterns of movement |
PNF Techniques | must have accurate timing, specific commands, and correct hand placement |
PNF Verbal commands | must be short and concise |
PNF Repetition | is important in motor learning |
PNF Resistance | given during the movement pattern is greater if the objective is stability, less if the objective is mobility |
PNF Techniques | utilize isometric and isotonic muscle contractions |
PNF Treatment objectives will | dictate the use of techniques through either full movement or at points within the range |
PNF Developmental sequence | is used in conjunction with PNF techniques in order to increase the balance between agonists and antagonists |
PNF techniques are implemented | to progress a patient through the stages of motor control |
PNF Functional patterns of movement | are used to increase control |
PNF Techniques should be utilized that increase | strength or improve relaxation by enhancing irradiation from the stronger to the weaker muscles |