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T2 chap 3&12 rev

T2 chap 3&12 review questions

primary literature original reports of clinical and other types of research projects and studies (direct access to the largest amount of and most current info from contemporary research)
secondary literature general reference works based upon primary literature sources. (abstracting services indexing bibliographic services and microfiche systems)
tertiary literature condensed works based on primary literature, such as textbooks, monographs, etc. (most commonly used)
Drug Facts and Comparisons (DFC) is used to compare medications in the same theraputic class. provides the most up-to-date drug reference through monthly updates
Red Book: Pharmacy's Fundamental Reference provides the latest pricing info, including nationally-recognized AWP's and suggested retail prices for OTC products
Physicians' Desk Refernce (PDR) the info is simular to pharmaceutical manufacturer's drug pack inserts since manufacturers prepare the essential drug info found in the PDR
USP Pharmacist's Pharmacopeia Product Information provides comprehensive info for pharmacy, vet, and other health care professionals on compounding, packaging, labeling, & storage pharm preparations.(regulatory surveys & to comply w/standards of prac regarding compounding sterile & non sterile preps
Orange Book determine the theraputic equivalence of a brand and generic drug
AHFS Drug Information investigating on & off label medication indications, grouped by theraputic use & is updated electronically
Pharmacopeia sets offical legal standards for drugs in the US. it is revised every 7 years
Martindale use to research foreign drugs
Handbook on Injectable Drugs includes info on prep, storage, admin, compatibility, and stability of injectable drugs
Indexes Micromedex: puts all info together, better ways to learn about drugs
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) 1996-first palm pilot, very popular
world wide web a collection of electronic documents at addresses called web sites
modem computer hardware that enables a computer to communicate through telephone lines
DSL (digital subscriber line) a family of technologies that provide digital data transmission over the wires of a local phone network
browser a software program that allows users to view web sites on the world wide web
ISP (internet service provider) a company that provides access to the internet
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) a web address
search engine software that searches the web for info related to criteria entered by the user
Pharm Tech Refernces National Pharm Tech Association-largest (profit based), American Association of Pharm Techs-non profit based
Food and Drug Act 1906- prohibited interstate commerce
Created by: thenry75
Popular Pharmacology sets




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