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BRCTC Pharm Ch 11-12

Terms, Drugs, and nursing considerations from Ch 11-12

Acute Pain Pain - sudden onset, typically over less than 6 wks, and typically subsides when treated
Addiction / Psychologic Dependance Chronic, compulsive neurobiological disease incluenced by genetics, psychosocial, and enviromental factors
Adjuvant analgesic drugs an added second drug for combined therapy; may have additive or independant analgesic properties, or both
Agonist binds to a receptor and causes a response
Agonist-antagonists bind to a receptor and causes a partial response; not as strong as an agonits (also knon as partial agonist)
Analgesic ceiling effect when a given pain drug no longer controls the pt pain regarless of higher dosage
Analgesic pain relife with out LOC
Antagonist binds to a receptor and blocks a response
breakthrough pain pain that occurs between doses of pain meds
Cancer Pain pain related to cancer
Central Pain pain due to disorder that causes CNS damage
Chronic Pain recurring or persistant pain; often difficult to treat; longer than 3 - 6 months and lasting 1 month after tissue healing
Deep Pain pain in tissues below skin level
Gate Theory theory of pain transmission; gate modle to explain how impulses from damaged tissues are sensed in the brain
Narcotics Medically - any medically used controled substance Legal -any illicit or street drug
Neuropathic Pain pain associated with disturbance of function or pathologic change in a nerve
Nociception process of pain signals in the brain that leads to feeling pain
Nociceptors subclass of sensory nerves that transmit pain signals to the CNS from other parts of the body
Nonopiod analgesics analgesics that are not opiors
NSAID's nonsteroidal antiinflammaroty drugs; chemically diverse group of non steroid drugs that are analgesic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic
Opiod analgesics synthetic; binds to opioid receptors to block pain
Opiod Naive a pt being treated with opiod for the first time
Opiod Tolerant physiologic condition due to long term use of opiods; greater risk of withdrawl symptoms
Opiod Tolerance physiologic condition resulting from long term opiod use; larger doses are required; abrupt discontinuation results in withdrawl
Opiod withdrawl S&S of stoping use of opiods when body has become physically dependant;
Pain Threshold level of stimulace that results in sensation of pain
Pain tolerance individual; level of pain a pt can indure without interfering with normal function
Physical Dependance withdrawl symptons due to abrupt cessation, rapid reduction, decreasing blood levels or the drug, and/or admin of an antagonist; physical adaptation of the body to an opiod or other addictive substance
Refered Pain pain occuring away from the organ of origin
Somatic Pain pain originating from skeletal muscles, ligaments, or joints
Superficial pain pain originating in the skin or mucous membranes
Synergistic Effect drug interations - 2 or more drugs w/similar action that are greater than the sum of the individual effects 1+1>2
Vascular Pain Pain that results from apathology of the vascular or perivascular tissues
Visceral Pain pain originating from smooth muscle or organs
3 main receptors involved in pain sensation Mu- dorsal horn (pain & feeling of well being Kappa Delta
meperidine like drugs meperidine, fentanyl, remifentanil, sufentanil, alfentanil
methadone like drugs methadone, propoxyphene
morphine like drugs morephine, heroin, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, levorphanol, oxycodone
codeine sulfate, use & class cough relief; opiate analgesic, opium alkaloid
fentanyl citrate (Duragesic, Oralet, Actiq), use & class procedural sedation or adjunct to general anesthesia; opiod analgesic
meperidine HCL (Demerol, Pethidine), use & class obstetric analgesia, preoperative sedation; Opiod analgesic
methadone HCL (Dolophine, use & class opiod analgesic, relief of chronic pain, opiod detoxification, opiod addiction maintenance
morphine sulfate (MSIR, Roxanol, Kadian, Avinza, others), use & class opiod analgesic; opiate analgesic, opiod alkaloid
Created by: freenpackn
Popular Pharmacology sets




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