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new born vision and memory move their eyes toward sound and movement. prefer mom's face. dark/light contrast. simple stimuli. remember to kick leg to make mobile tory move at will.
life span development physical. cognitive. social/emotional, self-esteem
conception one egg $ 100s of million of sperm. 25% chance of conception before 30. 15% after 30. zygote-embryo-fetus-age of viability
environmental influences illness before and while pregnant. drug use (driking 1.5oz of alc. a day increase fetal alcohol syndrome 50%)
smoking ( anti-social behavior, conduct disorfer, low birth weight, heart and lung disease.
artificial sweetners increase future risk of cancer
mercury brain damage
lead lowers IQ, memory function, increase violent behavior and anxiety, develop in brain disease
flouride increase down syndrome, bone cancer, hyperact in boys, lowers IQ
cognitive behavior understanding and knowlege of the world chnge through afe and exp.
piaget need maturity and exp. for cog. develop.
sensory motor (0-1.5) -lack of obj. permanence. -focus liik, smell, sound, taste -no symbolic representation of abstact thinking -develop sensory skills (vision by 3.5-4mo.) and motor skills(sitting, crawling, and walking) -sense of self. mirror reflection (1.5)
preoperational(1.5-7) -develop language -prob. w/ reality vs. appearance(little room/big room) -symbolic thinking(imaginary friend) -egocentric(3 mountains exp.) cant take anyone else's issue. -consercation difficulty(play dough)
concrete operational(7-11) master conservation -less egocentric -more logic -prob. w/ abstract thinking
formal operational(11+) -abstract thinking -deductive thinking and systematic planning.
Created by: glamorous
Popular Korean sets




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