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Prescription Written order for dispensing or administering, medication, usually by a physican, dentist, or other licensed health care professional as allowed by law.
Universal Precaution Procedures followed in healthcare setting to prevent infection as a result of exposure to blood or other bodily fluid
Side effects Mild or annoying but expected and fairly common undesirable response to a medication
Third Party Administration (TPA) direct billing by the pharmacy to the customer's insurer
Vitamin General term for a number or organic substances necessary in trace amounts for normal growth, develpment, metabolism, and realease of energy from food; exclusive of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and organic salts.
Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Agency responsible for the safety, efficacy, and purity of drugs marketed in the United States.
National Drug Code (NDC) number on drug label that identifies the manufacturer, product substances, and size of container.
Insert Ingredients inactive chemicals that are added to active ingreadients to improve drug formulations; also called inactive ingredients.
Active Ingredients a chemical in the drug product producing the desired therapeutic effect.
Deductible an amount that must be paid by the insured beforwe the insurance company will consider paying its portion of a medical cost
Acquires Immunity immunity that is the result of exposure to disease antigen or the injection of immune globulins or through immunizations.
Active Immunity Immunity resulting from the development of antibodies within a person's body that renders the person immune; may occur from exposure through a disease process or from immunizations
Attenuated lessened, abbreviated; in reference to immunity, lessened virulence of a pathogen
Immunity protection against a disease, especially infectious diseases.
Intra into/within
Average Wholesale Price (AWP) the average price that wholesales charge the pharmacy for a drug
Killed Vaccine vaccines made from whole killed microbes and their components
Live Vaccine vaccine composed of live microbes that have been rendered avirulent
Passive Immunity immunity acquiered from the injection or passage of antibodies from an immune person or animal to another or short-term immunity or immunity passed from mother to child.
Vaccine preparation containing a suspension of whole or fractionated microorganisms that on administration causes the recipient to form antibodies to a disease.
Created by: ggarcia1218
Popular Pharmacology sets




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