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Network Management
Question | Answer |
What is Traffic Engineering or Traffic Analysis? | the application of probability theory to estimating the number of servers required to meet the needs of anticipated number of customers. In telephone work, the servers are typically trunks, and the customers are the telephone calls. |
_______ ________ enables you to determine the number of trunks needed for a particular voice system. | Traffic analysis |
ITU-T Recommendation E.500 covers | Traffic Intensity Measurement Principles |
ITU-T Recommendation E.492 covers | Traffic Reference Period |
You should initiate a traffic analysis when: | • There are many busy signals on the existing service • There are organizational changes that may affect the performance of a voice network • It is part of annual maintenance |
Traffic analysis for a voice network is broken down into four major steps: | • Determine the traffic demand that will have to be satisfied • Apply traffic information into traffic model • Select Grade of Service • Determine number of trunks needed |
We express traffic load (also called traffic intensity) as the quantity of traffic presented to a trunk group during the ______. | peak period of the day. |
Peg count is the: | Peg count is the number of calls in a specified period of time. |
__________ is the total time of all calls in a specified period divided by the number of calls in that period. | Average hold time AHT: traffic load/peg count = AHT |
There are two units of measurement typically used to measure traffic load: | • Centum Call Seconds (CCS) • Erlangs |
Centum Call Seconds (CCS) is _____ seconds of calls on the same circuit. | 100 seconds |
Centum Call Seconds (CCS) is 100 ______ of calls on the same circuit. | 100 seconds |
Traffic in CCS is the product of the number of calls times the AHT (in seconds) divided by ____. | 100 |
Traffic in CCS is the product of the number of calls times the _____ (in seconds) divided by 100 | Average hold time, AHT |
is the method in which traffic intensity is measured for consecutive read-out periods of each day, and the peak traffic intensity for the day is recorded. This method requires continuous measurements. | Daily Peak Period (DPP) traffic intensity measurement method |
is the method in which a predetermined time interval (i.e. a set of consecutive read-out periods during a day) in which peak period loads usually occur is identified, and during that time interval each day traffic intensity measurements are taken. | Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI) traffic intensity measurement method |
identifies frequent busy operating conditions of the network for which user expectations should be met. | Normal load condition |
identifies not very frequently encountered operating conditions for which user service expectations would not necessarily be met | High load condition |
is the representative value over a monthly time interval of the traffic intensity under normal (high) load condition. | Normal (high) load traffic intensity |
is the representative value over a yearly time interval of the traffic intensity under normal (high) load condition. | Yearly Representative Value (YRV) of the normal (high) load traffic intensity |
The continuous 1-hour period lying wholly in the time interval concerned for which the traffic or the number of call attempts is greatest. | busy hour |
The average busy hour traffic of several days. It is usually not related to the same hour each day. | average daily peak hour traffic |
The 1-hour period starting at the same time each day for which the average traffic of the resource group concerned is greatest over the days under consideration. | time consistent busy hour |
is the traffic intensity in a pool of resources when just one of the resources is busy. | Unit of traffic intensity (symbol: E). 1 erlang |
The instantaneous traffic in a pool of resources is the number of busy resources at a given instant of time. | traffic intensity |
________ __________ is equivalent to the product of arrival rate and mean holding time. | Traffic intensity |
The unit usually used for traffic intensity is the ______. | erlang (symbol: E). |
The time between the seizure of a resource and its release | holding time |
The event which changes the condition of a resource from busy to idle. | release |
A bid that obtains the use of a resource of the type under consideration. | seizure |
Abbreviation for hundred call-seconds | CCS |
What is a Call Second? | A unit used to measure communications traffic. Note 1: A call-second is equivalent to 1 call 1 second long. |
How many call seconds equal an one call hour? | 3600 call-seconds = 36 CCS = 1 call-hour |
How many CCS equal a 1 call hour? | 36 CCS = 1 call-hour |
How many call seconds equal 1 traffic unit? | 3600 call-seconds per hour = 36 CCS per hour = 1 call-hour per hour = 1 erlang = 1 traffic unit. |
How many call seconds equal 1 erlang? | 3600 call-seconds per hour = 36 CCS per hour = 1 call-hour per hour = 1 erlang. |
A dimensionless unit of the average traffic intensity (occupancy) of a facility during a period of time, usually a busy hour. | erlang |
Whats the Synonym for erlang | traffic unit |
The total length of time that a call makes use of a trunk or channel. | holding time |
In communication systems, a count that is made of the number of times that an event or condition occurs | peg count |
A count of the attempts to seize, or a count of the actual seizures that occur, of various types of telephone trunks, access lines, switches, or other equipment. | peg count |
What is A? Usage/ (Peg Count – Overflow) = A. | A = Average Holding Time. Average Holding Time is the amount of time a subscriber carries a call during busy hour on average Usage is the traffic measured per subscriber or per network Peg Count is the number of times subscriber presses “send” |
What is N peg count * AHT/100 = N | peg count * AHT/100 = CCS |
Calculate CCS with a peg count of 22 and a AHT of 167.09. | 22 * (167.09 / 100) = 36.7598 CCS |
Calculate CCS with a peg count of 52 and a AHT of 200.05. | 52 * (200.05 / 100) = 104.02600 CCS |
Calculate CCS with a peg count of 12 and a AHT of 200.05. | 12 * (200.05 / 100) = 24.00600 CCS |
Calculate CCS with a peg count of 99 and a AHT of 7.09. | 99 * (7.09 / 100) = 7.0191 CCS |
Calculate Average Hold Time (AHT) with 3676 call seconds and a peg count of 22. | AHT = 3676 / 22 = 167.090909 |
Calculate Average Hold Time (AHT) with 4500 call seconds and a peg count of 15. | AHT = 4500 / 15 = 300 |
Calculate Average Hold Time (AHT) with 7000 call seconds and a peg count of 78. | AHT = 7000 / 78 = 89.7435897 |
Calculate Average Hold Time (AHT) with 1000 call seconds and a peg count of 8. | AHT = 1000 / 8 = 125 |
Calculate Average Hold Time (AHT) with 100,000 call seconds and a peg count of 89. | AHT = 100,000 / 89 = 1,123.59551 |
Calculate Average Hold Time (AHT) with 23000 call seconds and a peg count of 890. | AHT = 23,000 / 890 = 25.8426966 |
Traffic in erlangs is the product of the number of calls time AHT (in seconds) divided by ______ . | 3600 call seconds or 36 CCS. |
What does this formula find? What is N? ((Peg count) * (AHT/3600 call seconds)) = N | erlangs |
How many erlangs if the peg count is 22 and AHT is 167.09. | erlangs = 22 * (167.09 / 3 600) = 1.02110556 |
How many erlangs if the peg count is 92 and AHT is 789.09. | erlangs = ((92) * (789.09/3600)) = 20.1656333 |
How many erlangs if the peg count is 882 and AHT is 40. | erlangs = ((882) * (40 / 3 600)) = 9.8 |
How many erlangs if the peg count is 87 and AHT is 989.006 | erlangs = 87 * (989.00600 / 3 600) = 23.9009783 |
The amount of traffic that the network has at a given time is the _______ ________. | load condition |
A _______ load condition refers to operating conditions in which the busy frequency of the trunk is that which meets user expectations. | normal load |
A _______ load condition refers to not very frequently encountered operating conditions for which user service expectations would not necessarily be met. | A high load condition |
Under normal load, traffic intensity is the representative value over a _______ _______ interval of the traffic intensity under normal load conditions. | monthly time |
_______ load traffic intensity is the representative value over a monthly time interval of the traffic intensity under high load conditions. | high load |
The sampling periods should be in ____-minute and/or 15-minute intervals. | The sampling periods should be in 60-minute and/or 15-minute intervals. |
The sampling periods should be in 60-minute and/or ___-minute intervals. | The sampling periods should be in 60-minute and/or 15-minute intervals. |
The sampling periods should be in __-minute and/or ___-minute intervals. | The sampling periods should be in 60-minute and/or 15-minute intervals. |
ITU T Recommendation E-500 provides descriptions of sampling intervals what are they? | The sampling periods should be in 60-minute and/or 15-minute intervals. |
The sampling periods should be in 60-minute and/or 15-minute intervals. What document recomends this? | The ITU T Recommendation E-500 |
Measurement collected continuously every hour of each business day during a month. | Daily Peak Period (DPP) |
What is the Daily Peak Period (DPP)? | Measurement collected continuously every hour of each business day during a month. |
What is the Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI)? | Measurements collected only during predetermined peak sampling intervals of a month. |
Measurements collected only during predetermined peak sampling intervals of a month. | Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI) |
When performing looking at a Daily Peak Period (DPP) sampling chart 10am is continuously the busy hour. What could be used next? | Use a Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI) to sample only at 10am everyday. |
Looking at the traffic intensity of each sample period throughout the day, one period will be higher than the others. The usage during this period is the ______ _______ ______ ______ for that day. | daily peak traffic intensity |
the hour of the day with the highest traffic intensity is called the ______ _______. | busy hour |
Busy hour traffic is the number of ______ or ______ used during the busy hour. | erlangs or CCS |
The daily "_________ ________ " intensity measurement is the basis for determining normal and high load traffic intensities. | “peak traffic” |
Normal and high load traffic intensities are defined over a ________ time interval. | Normal and high load traffic intensities are defined over a monthly time interval. |
If within each 60 minute interval. There is one 15-minute period that the traffic intensity is significantly different from the other 15-minute periods in that 60-minute interval. What should the sampling interval be? | 15-minute intervals for the samples. |
If within each 60 minute interval. The traffic intensity is fairly uniform. What should the sampling interval be? | 60-minute intervals. |
If traffic patterns are not known to be predictable then use what sampling method? | DPP method. |
If traffic patterns are predictable and peak periods occur at regular intervals then use what sampling method? | FDMI method. (Periodically take additional measurements to make sure traffic patterns have not changed) |
The recommended method by ITU T for measuring daily traffic intensity is the: | DPP method |
Daily measurements are grouped into categories that have the same statistical behavior. | • Work days • Weekend days (including most holidays) • Yearly exceptional days (such as Christmas, or Mother’s Day) |
What do you do after collecting the traffic intensity measurements? | Identify the sample with the highest traffic intensity for each day. (Each of these is the daily peak traffic intensity.) |
What do you do after Identifying the sample with the highest traffic intensity for each day? | Order the daily samples from highest to lowest within the grouping of working days. |
What do you do after ordering the daily samples from highest to lowest within the grouping of working days? | Select the sample having the fourth highest daily traffic intensity measurement. This is the normal load traffic intensity. |
What do you need to find besides the, "normal load traffic intensity," when reviewing samples? | Select the sample having the second highest daily traffic intensity measurement. This is the high load traffic intensity. |
What is the sample having the second highest daily traffic intensity measurement? | This is the high load traffic intensity |
Whats is the sample having the fourth highest daily traffic intensity measurement? | This is the normal load traffic intensity. |
When reviewing a list of daily peak traffic you discover the 4th highest sample is 12.6 erlangs. What does this represent. | This is the normal load traffic intensity, or busy hour for a normal traffic load. |
When reviewing a list of daily peak traffic you discover the 2nd highest sample is 12.7 erlangs. What does this represent? | This is the high load traffic intensity, or busy hour for a high traffic load. |
Calls that are attempted on the system: | Offered Traffic |
Traffic that is actually serviced by telecommunications equipment: | Carried Traffic |
Most PBXs have the following functions that provide the data on carried traffic needed for a traffic analysis: | • SMDR (Station Message Detailed Recording) • Trunk Group Summary (also called Traffic Summary) |
An ______ is a report that provides information on each call made by a station (extension). It will provide a sequential output of all calls on a PBX. | SMDR |
An ________ report may be called a Call Detail Recording (CDR), depending on the manufacturer of the PBX. ______ and CDR are essentially the same thing. | SMDR |
A SMDR may contain: | • Station making the call • Trunk accessed • Date call was made • Time call was made • Duration of call • Number dialed |
A _______ , sometimes called a traffic summary, is a report generated to show the usage level on a trunk or trunk group. In particular, it generates valuable information on determining the appropriate amount of lines to place on a trunk group. | trunk group summary |
A trunk group summary will usually contain: | Peg count, Busy Peg, Total usage. |
the number of times a trunk group is accessed to make an outgoing call and it is in use or busy. | Busy peg |
the number of times the trunk group is accessed to make an outgoing call. | Peg count |
the amount of time the trunk group is in use, usually given in CCS. | Total usage |
is made up of both blocked calls and carried traffic | Offered traffic |
is a call that fails to be served immediately by the trunk. | A blocked call |
A ________ is different from a call that is not completed, because the called number is busy. A _________ is due to the limitation of the telephone switching and transmission network. | blocked call |
When a call is blocked, callers encounter an ____________. | all-trunks-busy signal |
There are two types of blocked calls: | • Customer on the network attempts to access a trunk to make an outgoing call. • Customer outside the network attempts an incoming call. |
When customers on the network attempt to access a trunk to make an outgoing call and it is blocked what data is captured? | the blocked call is captured in a trunk group summary from the PBX as a busy peg. |
Does the PBX collect data regarding customers blocked calls from outside the network inward? | NO. The telephone company can perform a busy study on selected trunk groups to provide this information. |
The continuous 1-hour period lying wholly in the time interval concerned for which the traffic or the number of call attempts is greatest. | busy hour |
What formula can you use to calculate the percentage of outgoing calls blocked for each trunk group during the busy hour? | busy peg/(busy peg + peg count)=(blocked calls %) |
If blockage is found to be less than 15% it is: | Negligible. No action is required to account for blockage. |
If blockage is found to be greater than 15% it is: | Significant and will invalidate the traffic formulas. |
refers to the percentage of calls that encounter blockage on that network during the busy hour. | The Grade of Service (GoS) |
In most business situations, circuits are designed for a GoS of between _____ and _____ percent blockage. | one and five percent. |
If the found GoS is P.10 what does that indicate? | blocking factor is the probability of 10% |
If the found GoS is P.05 what does that indicate? | blocking factor is the probability of 5% |
One of three types of traffic models (also called traffic tables) is generally used for voice networks. These three types are: | • Erlang B • Poisson • Erlang C |
The traffic models represent probability formulas. The different formulas are based on different theories of how the callers will behave when they encounter a blocked call. There are three primary blocked call behavior theories: | • Blocked Calls Cleared (BCC) • Blocked Calls Held (BCH) • Blocked Calls Delayed (BCD) |
Which behavior theory should be used if there is blockage when: Callers immediately redial and continue dialing until the call is completed. (User may keep hitting redial button.) | Blocked Calls Held (BCH) |
Which behavior theory should be used if there is blockage when: The call overflows to another trunk (according to how the PBX is programmed), so the call is cleared from the system. | Blocked Calls Cleared (BCC) |
Which behavior theory should be used if there is blockage when: Callers wait for some time before redialing, so the call is cleared from the system. | Blocked Calls Cleared (BCC) |
Which behavior theory should be used if there is blockage when:The call is placed in a holding circuit (queued) until a circuit to serve them is available. | Blocked Calls Delayed (BCD) |
If behavior theory is Blocked Calls Cleared (BCC) what traffic model should be used? | Erlang B |
If behavior theory is Blocked Calls Held (BCH) what traffic model should be used? | Poisson |
If behavior theory is Blocked Calls Delayed (BCD) what traffic model should be used? | Erlang C |
What Theory and Model should be used if: Callers use Trunk Group 1 (TG1). When they encounter blockage, the calls overflow to Trunk Group 4 (TG4) and calls are completed. | Theory: Blocked Calls Cleared (BCC), Model: Erlang B |
What Theory and Model should be used if: Callers use Trunk Group 2 (TG2). When TG2 is blocked,callers hear a fast busy or reorder signal, and must redial the call later. | Theory: Blocked Calls Held (BCH), Model: Poisson |
What Theory and Model should be used if: Callers use Trunk Group 3 (TG3). When TG3 is blocked, their calls are held in queue until an idle trunk in TG3 is available, and the call is completed. | Theory: Blocked Calls Delayed (BCD), Model: Erlang C |
What would 4min and 32 seconds be in erlangs? | ((4 * 60) + 32) / 3600 = 0.0755555556 erlangs |
What would 9min and 20 seconds be in erlangs? | ((9 * 60) + 20) / 3600 = 0.155555556 erlangs |
What would 4min and 32 seconds be in CCS? | ((4 * 60) + 32) / 100 = 2.72 CCS |
What would 9min and 20 seconds be in CCS? | ((9 * 60) + 20) / 100 = 5.6 CCS |
How do you convert from erlangs to CCS? | erlangs * 36 = CCS |
How do you convert from CCS to erlangs? | CCS/36 = erlangs |
In a Erlang C Table "A" indicates what? | A = Offered load in erlangs |
In a Erlang C Table "N" indicates what? | N = Number of servers required |
In a Erlang C Table "Pd" indicates what? | Pd = Probability that a call will be delayed |
In a Erlang C Table "D1" indicates what? | D1= Average delay of all calls |
In a Erlang C Table "D2" indicates what? | D2= Average delay of delayed calls |
When using a Erlang C Table you choose a column that states 4 servers will put you under 15% of delays. You know your Average Hold Time is 240 seconds column D1 is 0.03. What is the average delay for all calls? | Average Delay for all Call = (240 * 0.03) = 7.2 seconds |
When using a Erlang C Table you choose a column that states 4 servers will put you under 15% of delays. You know your Average Hold Time is 240 seconds column D2 is 0.4. What is the length of delayed calls? | Length of Delayed Calls = (240 * 0.4) = 96 seconds |
The sampling method recommended by ITU-T for measuring daily traffic intensity is: A. B. C. D. Fixed Daily Measurement Interval (FDMI) Daily Peak Period (DPP) Erlang Poisson | B. Daily Peak Period (DPP) |
What is NOT true about Grade of Service (GoS)? A. It refers to percentage of calls that encounter blockage on the voice network B. It includes percentage of calls that is not completed because the called number is busy | B. It includes percentage of calls that is not completed because the called number is busy. |
On a network where users keep hitting the redial button until they get a free trunk, what traffic model should you use? A. Erlang B B. Erlang C C. Extended Erlang B D. Poisson | D. Poisson |
On a network where callers are transferred to another trunk when they encounter blockage, what traffic model should you use? A. Erlang B B. Erlang C C. Extended Erlang B D. Poisson | A. Erlang B |
The average hold time (AHT) for calls in a traffic study is 1 minute 40 seconds. How many erlangs is this? A. 1 B. 60 C. 0.0277 D. 0.60 | C. 0.0277 |
The average hold time (AHT) for calls in a traffic study is 1 minute 40 seconds. How many CCS is this? A. 1 B. 60 C. 0.0277 D. 0.60 | A. 1 |
From the CDR report, you determined that busy hour traffic is 12.9 erlangs. How many CCS is this? A. 0.3583 B. 0.0036 C. 464.4 D. 4.644 | C. 464.4 |
From the traffic summary, you determined that usage during normal traffic load is 44 CCS. How many erlangs is this? A. 1.222 B. 12.22 C. 1584 D. 15.84 | A. 1.222 |
The trunk group summary indicates that busy hour traffic in a traffic study is 4.99 CCS. How many erlangs is this? A. 7.215 B. 0.1386 C. 299.4 D. 0.0499 | B. 0.1386 |
On a voice network, the normal load traffic intensity is 2.9 erlangs. When the trunk is busy, users will keep trying until they get through. The desired GoS for the normal traffic load intensity busy hour is P.05. How many trunks are needed? | 7 |
On a voice network, the normal load traffic intensity is 2.9 erlangs. When the trunk is busy, users will keep trying until they get through. The desired GoS for the high traffic load intensity busy hour is P.01. How many trunks are needed? | 8 |
On a voice network, the normal load traffic intensity is 2.9 erlangs. When the trunk is busy, user’s calls are transferred to another trunk group. The desired GoS for the normal traffic load intensity busy hour is P.05. How many trunks are needed? | 6 |
On a voice network, the normal load traffic intensity is 2.9 erlangs. When the trunk is busy, wait for some time before redialing. The desired GoS for the high traffic load intensity busy hour is P.01. How many trunks are needed? | 8 |
What frequency routine should you use to monitor network status on the CGONE Network Status page? A. Weekly, at different times and on different days of the week B. Daily, during lunch C. Weekly, at the same time every week | A. Weekly, at different times and on different days of the week. |
RX had a reading of 8%. Yesterday you checked it and it was at 20%. You checked it again this morning and it is around 18%. What should you do? A. Wait 24 hours and check it again B. Notify your supervisor immediately | B. Notify your supervisor immediately. |
When you checked the CGONE Network Status web page, your unit had the following reading? Errors=3029, Discards=443, PktsIn/Out= 303126/301430 What action should you take? A. No action. B. Review it again in 24 hours. C. Notify your supervisor | C. Notify your supervisor. |
When should switch performance be monitored more than weekly? A. When there are changes to the network B. You noticed high error rate, but haven’t isolated it C. You noticed high collision rate, but haven’t isolated it D. All of the above | D. All of the above. |
On an individual switch, which average utilization rate indicates there is a problem? Exercise Instructions, continued A. 40% B. 10% C. 5% D. 1% | A. 40%. |
On an individual switch, which error rate indicates there is a problem? A. 40% B. 10% C. 5% D. 1% | D. 1%. |
When viewing your network using the, ""CGONE Network Status" web page. You notice RX/TX levels are above 60% should you notify supervisor? | If levels remain above 60% within 48 hours consistently then notify supervisor. |
When viewing your network using the, ""CGONE Network Status" web page. You notice RX/TX utilization has doubled since last time. Do you notify supervisor? | Not yet. Check levels again and if it remains double the normal usage then inform supervisor. |
When Monitoring the LAN Bandwidth on the CGOne Network Status page you see the following report: Errors=2257, Discards=443, PktsIn/Out= 503541/500694. Should you be concerned and alert supervisor? | 2257/500694= 0.0045 = 0.45% Nope you are safe packets are below 1%. |
When Monitoring the LAN Bandwidth on the CGOne Network Status page you see the following report: Errors=9257, Discards=443, PktsIn/Out= 503541/500694. Should you be concerned and alert your supervisor? | 9257/500694 = 0.0184883382 = 2% Notify your supervisor you are above 1% something is jacked. |
What Switch Monitoring Software might this be: Hardware and software package that includes network discovery, statistical analysis, and packet capture of your WAN or LAN. Can look at all switches on network at the same time. | Fluke OptiView |
What frequency routine should you use to monitor network status on the CGONE Network Status page? A. Weekly, at different times and on different days of the week B. Daily, during lunch C. Weekly, at the same time every week D. Weekly, during peak usag | A. Weekly, at different times and on different days of the week. |
Last week when you checked the CGONE Network Status web page, RX had a reading of 8%. Yesterday you checked it and it was at 20%. You checked it again this morning and it is around 18%. What should you do? | Notify your supervisor immediately. |
When you checked the CGONE Network Status web page, your unit had the following reading? Errors=3029, Discards=443, PktsIn/Out= 303126/301430 | Notify Supervisor: 3029 / 303 126 = 0.00999254435 = 1% |
When should switch performance be monitored more than weekly? A. When there are changes to the network B. You noticed high error rate, but haven’t isolated it C. You noticed high collision rate, but haven’t isolated it D. All of the above | D. All of the above. |
On an individual switch, which average utilization rate indicates there is a problem? A. 40% B. 10% C. 5% D. 1% A. 40% B. 10% C. 5% D. 1% | A. 40%. |
On an individual switch, which error rate indicates there is a problem? A. 40% B. 10% C. 5% D. 1% | D. 1%. |
When using the Fluke OptiView Console you notice the average utilization of the top 10 ports is around 30%. Should you alert your supervisor? | Yes anything above 20% you need to alert your supervisor. Above 40% it may be necessary to isolate segment with other switches and install switches or routers. |
Average utilization is: | percent of total available bandwidth over 24 hours based on segment utilization seen at that interface. |
Console you notice the error rate of the top 10 ports is around 7%. Should you alert your supervisor? | Yes with any error rate above 1% you should notify your supervisor. Any error rate above 5% notify your supervisor immediately. |
Console you notice the collision rate of the top 10 ports is around 1%. Should you alert your supervisor? | No unless the collision rate rises above 1% your safe. If rate ever goes above alert supervisor. Above 5% alert supervisor immediately. |
Where would you look for Errors, Warnings and Information to identify problematic issues with Fluke OptiView Console. | The Problem log |
Typically, a UPS can provide two types of system protection: | • Surge Suppression • Voltage Regulation |
Surge suppression protects equipment from electrical surges and spikes. Voltage Regulation provides uniform voltage during brownouts. There are three main types of UPS: | Standby, Line Interactive, Online |
What kind of UPS is this: also called an “offline UPS” draws AC current from the outlet and switches to the battery after detecting a loss of power. This switch only takes milliseconds, and is often unnoticed. | Standby |
What kind of UPS is this: interacts with the AC power to smooth out the waveforms and correct the rise and fall of voltage. | Line Interactive |
The inverter rectifies incoming AC power to DC current, which charges the battery, and then changes the DC current back to AC to provide clean power. In this case, the protected equipment never receives power directly from the AC source | Online |
The Coast Guard primarily uses a UPS in one of three ways: | Provide emergency power, Provide clean power, Unattended Shutdown. |
Prior to installing a UPS, IT personnel must first determine the power capacity of the IT system, and then calculate UPS power requirements. There are two common methods for determining power needs based on the measurement used: | • Amperage (amps) – multiply the number of amps by the nominal line voltage. (Nominal line voltage for North America is 120) • Wattage (watts) – multiply the number of watts by 1.4. |
What is one type of system protection that can be provided by a UPS? A. Indefinite power during an outage B. Surge Suppression C. Data Backup D. System Shutdown | B. Surge Suppression |
What type of UPS interacts with the AC power to smooth out the waveforms and correct the rise and fall of voltage? A. Inline B. Online C. Standby D. Line Interactive | D. Line Interactive |
What type of measurement can be used when assessing UPS power requirements? A. Watts B. Volts C. Ohms D. Erlangs | A. Watts |
What is the one purpose of a UPS? A. Stop electrical power outages from occurring B. Provide clean power C. Protection from lightening D. All of the above | B. Provide clean power |