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Pharm - Gastrointest

Antacids, Laxatives, Antiemetics and Emetics

Antacid mechanism of action low doses stimulate gastric mucosal defense mechanisms; also thought to provide barrier between HCL and stomach
Drug effects of Antacids protect GI system
Therapeutic uses of Antacids treat symptoms associated with PUD
Routes for Antacids Oral - OTC, chewables, capsules, powders, tablets
Systemic drug ordered for antacids Sodium Bicarbonate
What can result from taking too much Sodium bicarbonate? System Alkalosis
Non-Systemic Drugs - Antacids Malox, Milk of Mg, Mylanta, Tums
Tums Calcium
Milk of Mg Mg
Mylanta Ca and aluminum
Malox Aluminum
H2 Antagonists mechanisms of action block H2 histamine receptors
OTC H2 Antagonist Tagamet
Drug effect of H2 Antagonist reduce acid secretion
Therapeutic uses of H2 Antagonist Gerd, PUD, control UGI bleeding
Routes of H2 Antagonists IV, IM, oral with meals, OTC in low doses
Nursing Implications for Antacids and H2 Antagonists Do not take with other meds, 1-2 hours before or after meals, chew thoroughly, shake liquids
General action of bulk forming laxative 1-3 days to be effective; absorb water in the intestine to increase bulk and distend bowel. Initiates bowel reflux activity
General action of emollients 1-3 days to work; decreases surface tension of GI tract; more water and fat are absorbed in the stool.
General action of lubricant laxatives 6-8 hrs for effects; lubricates fecal matter and intestinal walls. Prevents reabsorption of water.
Mineral Oil Lubricant Laxative
Colace Emollient Laxative
Hyperosmotic Laxative Increases fecal water content
Saline (MOM) 1-3 hours; inhibits water reabsorption, causing the stool to stay soft
Stimulant Increases peristalsis waves via nerve stimulation in the colon
Nursing Implications for Laxatives/Cathartics Habit forming, look at dietary choices, increase fiber, increase water, exercise, do not take if N/V or abdominal pain occurs.
Antiemetic mechanism of action Block receptors that stimulate vommiting
Antiemetic Therapeutic uses May be used prior to onset of nausea (chemo pts)
Antiemetic Routes Transdermal, Suppository, Oral
Scopolamine TD patch needs to be on 3-4 hours before event; antiemetic
Antivert Antivertigo medication
Created by: lmmerecki
Popular Pharmacology sets




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