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Government Politics Unit

The process of getting your political views as you grow up from your family, community and society.. Political Socialization.
You develop your age and political opinion at this age. Between 12 and 14.
Your political points of view. (Liberal, Conservative, Moderate). Political Ideology.
Less supportive of tradition. They like progress. More reliance on diplomacy. Pro-Choice.. Liberals.
Want less Government. Traditional. Smaller Changes. Pro-life. Conservatives.
Mixture of views. Because of this view, candidates will so.und more in between with opinions the closer to election day. Moderate.
Government in charge of everything. Very little freedom. Not religious encouraging. . Totalitarian Radicals.
Government allows private owning but the government is in charge of what they do. very little freedom on religion and government .criticism. Totalitarian Reactionaries.
Freedom-very little government. Domestic National Security should be able to use taxes. TOTAL FREEDOM. Libertarian.
Pro-choice. Favor of same sex. . Social Liberals.
Pro-life. Traditional. Social Conservatives.
Taxes are good. Healthcare, education, employment.. Fiscal Liberals.
Lower Taxes. Fiscal Conservatives.
Demographic differences based on gender. Males tend to be more conservative.
Demographic differences based on age.. Young are more liberal on social issues-gay marriage. Older are more fiscally conservative. Retired tend to support SS and Medicare.
Demographic differences based on income.. Rich more fiscally conservative. Poor more fiscally Liberal.
Demographic differences based on family status. Married with lots of kids are more conservative while singles are more liberal.
Demographic differences based on ethnicity. Black: For civil rights, sympathetic. Hispanic: Sympathetic on fiscal issues but so much on conservative. .
Demographic differences based on religion. LDS- conservative. Evangelical- conservative. Catholic- conservative. Protestant- less conservative. Jews- liberal on .average. Atheists- Liberal
Demographic differences based on region. Deep south-conservative. Mid-West- conservative. Big cities - liberal .
Republicans and Democrats Political Ideology. Red- more conservative. Blue- more liberal. But can depend on region.
Who and why are there sample polls? Politicians and Newspapers have them to see what the people think about certain issues. Can't be bias. More people is more expensive but more accurate
Focus Groups Groups of people that have a focus leader that discuss issues to get info for candidates
Opinion Leaders People that act upon their opinions. "Squeaky Wheels" Usually elderly people
15th amendment Right to vote regardless of race
19th Amendment Right to vote regardless of gender
Voting Rights Act No poll taxes
24th Amendment Got rid of literacy tests
26th Amendment Right to vote at age 18
Voter Registration Requirements Have to be U.S. citizen in most states. Residency in the state. At least 18. Cannot have a felony though if you have finished time, you can get your rights back.
Same Day Registration In ID you can register on the same day you vote. It encourages voting
Australian Ballots Australia was the first country to use a standard secret ballot.
absentee ballots If you know you will be out of town on election day, you can plan ahead and get a absentee ballot.
Voting by mail Oregon does all elections by mail
Recounts If vote is very close, there are auto recounts. Losers can pay for a recount and if they win, they don't have to pay
Initiative People voting on a proposed law
Coattails Helping other get elected
Ballot Fatigue When a voter only completes the first part of the ballot
Federalists v. Democrats Federalists were the first party of what is now Democrats. Mostly based on banking. merchants, small towners.
Whigs Party that came from British whigs. Dems are helped by more farmers > Andrew Jackson
Thomas Nast Cartoonist in 1800's.
Mascots democrats have donkey. Republicans have Elephant
States that vote in January 2012 Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada. Going early is better
Super Tuesday February 7, 2012, 14 states have their contests then. AL, AR, CA, CN, DE, GA, IL, MD, MT, NJ, NY, OK, TN, UT.
Interest Groups form together based on common interests. organized and follow politics very closely. they try to affect the outcome
PAC Political action committees. - give money to campaigns they agree with.
IACI Chamber of Commerce. Tend to support republicans, incumbents. Very powerful. Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry
AFL-CIO Support democrats mostly. American Federation of Labor- Congress of Industrial Organizations
NEA National Education Association
ATLA, AMA Support Incumbents. American Trial Lawyer's Association. American Medical Association
NAACP, ACLU National Association for the Advancement of Colored Persons. Americans Civil Liberties Union- pro-choice
AARP American Association of Retired Persons- SS and Medicare
NRA National Rifle Association
Buckley v. Valeo A case in which the supreme Court decided that there would be no limit to spending on campaigns.
Created by: ChloeGiselle
Popular Law sets




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