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Vocab "A"
Stack #63100
Question | Answer |
aback | unexpected |
abash | humiliate, embarass |
abdicate | relinquish pwer or position |
aberrant | abnormal |
abeyance | postponement |
ablution | cleansing |
abrogate | cancel |
abscond | to run away(secretly) |
abstruse | difficult to understand |
acclivity | ascent, incline |
acerbic | caustic of speach |
acrid | pungent, caustic |
adroit | skillful |
adumbration | overshadow |
aegis | that which protects |
affectation | pretense |
afffray | brawl |
afoul | entangled |
agape | wonder |
amorphous | shapeless |
akimbo | with hands on hips |
alacrity | swiftness |
allay | to reasure |
allegro | fast |
alliteration | repetition of the same sound |
ameliorate | improve |
amity | friendship |
anachronistic | out of historical order |
anathema | curse |
animadversion | critical remark |
animus | hate |
annotate | to add explanatory notes |
anodyne | pain soothing |
anomalous | abnormal |
antipodal | exactly opposite |
aphasia | speechless |
aphorism | maxim |
aplomb | poise |
apocryphal | of doubtful authenticity |
apoplexy | stroke |
apostate | one who abandons faith |
apothesis | deification |
appellation | phantom |
apposite | apt |
approbation | approval |
arbitrary | tyrannical, capricious |
ardent | passion |
arduous | hard |
argonauts | gold seekers, adventurers |
array | arrangement |
arrogate | seize without right |
arroyo | gully |
artifice | trick |
aseptic | sterile |
aspersion | slander |
assiduous | hard working |
assonance | partial rhyme |
asunder | apart |
atavistic | exhibiting the characterisics of ones forebears |
atelier | workshop |
attentuate | weaken |
attrition | deterioration |
au courant | well informed |
auspices | patronage, protection |
austere | harsh, Spartan |
avarice | greed |
avatar | incarnation |
avid | enthusiastic |
avuncular | like an uncle |