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pharmacology exam 4

what do we do before giving pain meds? assess pain, let patient decide what pain scale/face
A toxic side effect of aspirin is? GI bleeding
The antidote of opioids is? narcan
migraine meds should not be given to patients with? MI, HTN, diabetics
contraindications for migraine meds? hypertension, MI, CAD, dysrhthmia, heart failure, and diabetes
what can not be delegated to a nurse? observing/assessing
do not suddenly stop centrally acting antispasmodics becasue risk of seizure and tongue swelling
where does centrally acting muscle relaxants effect? entire CNS
where does direct acting muscle relaxants effect? level of neuromuscular junction and skeletal muscle
tylenol effects the liver, so do liver labs
what is dantrolene? a skeletal muscle relaxant
side effects of dantrolene? drowsiness, dizziness, weakness, diarrhea
nursing considerations with dantrolene? obtain base level liver tests, avoid tasks that require alertness, report any bloody, tarry stool and rash
contraindications with dantrolene? active hepatic disease
drug interactions with dantrolene? CNS depressants
What is diflunisal? an nsaid, produces analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect
side effect of diflunisal? nausea, GI disturbances, headache, rash
nursing considerations with diflunisal? swallow tablet whole, take with food if GI upset occurs, report GI distress, rash, monitor for nausea
contraindications with diflunisal? active gi bleed, hypersensitivities to aspirin
drug interactions with diflunisal? antihypertensives and diuretics
what is baclofen? relieves muscle spasticity
what is side effect of baclofen? dizziness, lightheadedness, N/V, headache
nursing considerations with baclofen check for immobility, stiffness, swelling, monitor liver/renal tests, avoid tasks that require alertness, avoid alcohol, do NOT stop suddenly
contraindications with baclofen CVA, skeletal muscle spasm due to CP, parkinsons disease, hiccups
drug interactions with baclofen alcohol and CNS depressants
what is allopurinol? reduces uric acid in serum and urine
side effects of allopurinol? unusual hair loss, rash, N/V
nursing considerations with allopurinol? drink 10-12 8oz glasses of water per day, if rash appears stop immediately, monitor I&O, assess CBC, assess urine for cloudiness, may take 1 week or longer to be effective, avoid tasks
drug interactions with allopurinol? amoxicillin
what is tylenol? non-opiod analgesic
how is tylenol used? inhibits pain mediators at nociceptor levels (tissue)
what are common side effects with tylenol? hypersensitivity reaction
nursing measures with tylenol? obtain vitals first, assess for signs of improvement, check serum levels, not to be used on pts under 2 yrs old, do not take if longer than 10 days or fever is present for more than 3 days, liver is affected so check levels
contraindications to tylenol? active alcoholism, liver disease, viral hepatitis
drug interactions with tylenol? alcohol, liver enzymes
what is morphine? opioid, alters the perception and emotional response to pain, produces general CNS depression
side effects of morphine? sedation, decreased BP, facial flushing, constipation, dizziness, N/V
nursing measures with morphine? obtain vitals, if BR is lower than 12 hold dose, change position slowly, avoid tasks, avoid alcohol
contraindications to morphine? acute severe asthma, GI obstructions, renal impairment, respiratory depression
drug interactions with morphine? alcohol, CNS depressants
what is narcan? opioid antagonist, displaces opioids at opioid-occupied receptor site in CNS, reverses morphine
side effects of narcan none
nursing considerations for narcan maintain clear airway, monitor vitals, assess for increased pain, obtain weight one children to get appropriate dose
contraindications for narcan respiratory depression
what is fosamax? biphosphonate, bone resorption inhibitor, calcium regulator, reverses progression of osteoperosis
side effects of fosamax? back pain, abd pain, nausea, diarrhea, flatulence
nursing considerations with fosamax hypocalcemia and vit d to be in check first, check electrolytes before dose, take with 6-8oz of water for benefit, take first thing in morning, do not lie down 30 minutes afterward
contraindications with fosamax gi disease, hiatial hernia, renal impairment
drug interactions with fosamax antacids and calcium supplements
what is compazine anorexiant, relieves N/V and improves psychotic conditions
side effects of compazine? hypotension, dizziness, fainting
nursing measures with compazine assess for dehydration, monitor BP, limit caffeine, avoid alcohol, may cause drowsiness
contraindications with compazine angle-closure glaucoma, CNS depression, coma, myleosupression, cardiac and hepatic impairment
drug interactions with compazine alcohol and CNS depressants
Created by: bkgrota
Popular Pharmacology sets




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