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gov exam

powers of the gov controlled by single agency unitary system
the institution which makes laws government
james madison father of constitution; federalist; 4th president
alexander hamilton federalist; supports national bank; secretary of state
voting district precint
has 100 members & must be 30 yrs old to be in senate
how many members does the texas senate and H.O.R have? senate-31 H.O.R - 150
this set permanent size, the house at 435 make rules for growing population reapportionment act of 1929
politcal party election to decide between party candidates? primary
this case established implied powers & supremacy of national law McCulloch v Maryland
the great comprimise which solved representation problem CT comprimise
thomas jefferson declaration of independance, influenced by john locke, social contract
Gov divided between state & national gov federalism
Organization that wishes to influence public party intrest group
who works for intrest groups? lobbiest
powers stated by constitution expressed powers
location of reserved powers for the states 10th amendment
philosper who created checks & balances montesque
checks & balances seperation of powers
powers held by each other concurrent powers
examples of concurrent powers national can collect taxes state can collect taxes
liberal democracy = ? representation democracy = ?
court hears case for the 1st time it can use jury original jurisdiction
formal amendments written words changed in the constition
formal amendments need what approval 3/4 of states approval 2/3 of congress approval
comptroller collects taxes and over sees budget
veto power govenor has line item veto
line item veto govenor can only reject part & approve part
due process cant divide rights
the 4 concepts of democracy 1free elections 2individ rights 3majority rules w/minority rights 4competing political parties
father of communism who advocated violent revolution karl marx
all key powers are givent to the national/central gov unitary gov
god chose certain people to rule divine right theroy
plan=unicameral legislative body & multiple executors new jersey plan
comprimise which allowed african americans to be counted in representation 3/5 comprimise
plan=favored large states & called for represenaions to be based on population virginia plan
plan=any teritory that entered the US after 1787 &considered = to the original 13 states north west ordinance
most common method of amending the constitution 2/3 of congress 3/4 of states
Created by: amyz7
Popular American Government sets




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