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HSK 03
New HSK Format Level 3 (source:
Question | Answer |
阿姨 | 1 a1yi2 maid, auntie noun |
啊 | 2 a5 ah int |
矮 | 3 ai3 short adjective |
爱好 | 4 ai4hao4 hobby noun |
安静 | 5 an1jing4 quiet adjective |
把 | 6 ba3 handle noun |
搬 | 7 ban1 to move verb |
班 | 8 ban1 class noun |
半 | 9 ban4 half noun |
办法 | 10 ban4 fa3 method noun |
办公室 | 11 ban4gong1shi4 office noun |
帮忙 | 12 bang1mang2 to help verb |
包 | 13 bao1 bag noun |
饱 | 14 bao3 full noun (adjective) |
报纸 | 15 bao4zhi3 newspaper noun |
北方 | 16 bei3fang1 north noun |
被 | 17 bei4 by preposition |
鼻子 | 18 bi2zi5 nose noun |
比较 | 19 bi3jiao4 to compare verb |
比赛 | 20 bi3sai4 match noun |
必须 | 21 bi4xu1 must verb |
变化 | 22 bian4hua4 change noun |
表示 | 23 biao3shi4 to express verb |
表演 | 24 biao3yan3 to perform verb |
别人 | 25 bie2ren2 others pronoun |
宾馆 | 26 bin1guan3 hotel noun |
冰箱 | 27 bing1xiang1 refrigerator noun |
才 | 28 cai2 just adverb |
菜单 | 29 cai4dan1 menu noun |
参加 | 30 can1jia1 to attend verb |
草 | 31 cao3 grass noun |
层 | 32 ceng2 story noun |
差 | 33 cha4 bad (quality) adjective |
超市 | 34 chao1shi4 supermarket noun |
衬衫 | 35 chen4shan1 shirt noun |
成绩 | 36 cheng2ji4 score noun |
城市 | 37 cheng2shi4 city noun |
迟到 | 38 chi2dao4 to be late verb |
出现 | 39 chu1xian4 to appear verb |
厨房 | 40 chu2fang2 kitchen noun |
除了 | 41 chu2le5 except for preposition |
春 | 42 chun1 spring noun |
词语 | 43 ci2yu3 word noun |
聪明 | 44 cong1ming5 clever noun |
打扫 | 45 da3sao3 to clean verb |
打算 | 46 da3suan4 plan noun |
带 | 47 dai4 to bring verb |
担心 | 48 dan1xin1 to worry verb |
蛋糕 | 49 dan4gao1 cake noun |
当然 | 50 dang1ran2 surely adverb |
灯 | 51 deng1 light noun |
低 | 52 di1 low adjective |
地方 | 53 di4fang1 local adjective |
地铁 | 54 di4tie3 subway noun |
地图 | 55 di4tu2 map noun |
电梯 | 56 dian4ti1 elevator noun |
电子邮件 | 57 dian4zi3you2jian4 email noun |
东 | 58 dong1 east noun |
冬 | 59 dong1 winter noun |
懂 | 60 dong3 to understand verb |
动物 | 61 dong4wu4 animal noun |
短 | 62 duan3 short adjective |
段 | 63 duan4 passage noun |
锻炼 | 64 duan4lian4 to work out verb |
多么 | 65 duo1me5 how adverb |
饿 | 68 e4 to be hungry verb |
而且 | 66 er2qie3 moreover conjunction |
耳朵 | 67 er3duo5 ear noun |
发烧 | 69 fa1shao1 fever noun |
发现 | 70 fa1xian4 to discover verb |
方便 | 71 fang1bian4 convenience noun |
放 | 72 fang4 to put verb |
放心 | 73 fang4xin1 to relax verb |
分 | 74 fen1 to divide verb |
附近 | 75 fu4jin4 neighborhood noun |
复习 | 76 fu4xi2 to review verb |
干净 | 77 gan1jing4 clean adjective |
敢 | 78 gan3 to dare verb |
感冒 | 79 gan3mao4 cold noun |
刚才 | 80 gang1cai2 just now adverb |
跟 | 81 gen1 to follow verb |
根据 | 82 gen1ju4 basis noun |
更 | 83 geng4 more adverb |
公园 | 84 gong1yuan2 park noun |
故事 | 85 gu4shi5 story noun |
刮风 | 86 gua1feng1 to blow verb |
关 | 87 guan1 to shut verb |
关系 | 88 guan1xi4 connection, relation noun |
关心 | 89 guan1xin1 to concern verb |
关于 | 90 guan1yu2 regarding preposition |
国家 | 91 guo2jia1 nation noun |
果汁 | 92 guo3zhi1 juice noun |
过去 | 93 guo4qu4 past adjective |
还是 | 94 hai2shi4 still adjective |
害怕 | 95 hai4pa4 to be scared verb |
河 | 96 he2 river noun |
黑板 | 97 hei1ban3 blackboard noun |
护照 | 98 hu4zhao4 passport noun |
花 | 99 hua1 flower noun |
花园 | 100 hua1yuan2 garden noun |
画 | 101 hua4 painting noun |
坏 | 102 huai4 bad adjective |
还 | 103 huan2 to return adverb |
环境 | 104 huan2jing4 environment noun |
换 | 105 huan4 to change verb |
黄 | 106 huang2 yellow adjective |
会议 | 107 hui4yi4 meeting noun |
或者 | 108 huo4zhe3 or adverb |
几乎 | 109 ji1hu1 nearly adverb |
机会 | 110 ji1hui4 chance noun |
极 | 111 ji2 badly adjective |
记得 | 112 ji4de5 to remember verb |
季节 | 113 ji4jie2 season noun |
检查 | 114 jian3cha2 to examine verb |
简单 | 115 jian3dan1 simple adjective |
健康 | 116 jian4kang1 health noun |
见面 | 117 jian4mian4 to meet verb |
讲 | 118 jiang3 to speak verb |
教 | 119 jiao1 to teach verb |
角 | 120 jiao3 corner noun |
脚 | 121 jiao3 foot noun |
接 | 122 jie1 to connect verb |
街道 | 123 jie1dao4 street noun |
结婚 | 124 jie2hun1 to marry verb |
节目 | 125 jie2mu4 program noun |
节日 | 126 jie2ri4 festival noun |
结束 | 127 jie2shu4 to finish verb |
解决 | 128 jie3jue2 to solve verb |
借 | 129 jie4 to borrow verb |
经常 | 130 jing1chang2 often adverb |
经过 | 131 jing1guo4 to pass verb |
经理 | 132 jing1li3 manager noun |
久 | 133 jiu3 long (time) adjective |
旧 | 134 jiu4 old adjective |
举行 | 135 ju3xing2 to hold verb |
句子 | 136 ju4zi3 sentence noun |
决定 | 137 jue2ding4 to decide verb |
渴 | 138 ke3 thirsty adjective |
可爱 | 139 ke3ai4 lovely adjective |
刻 | 140 ke4 to carve verb |
客人 | 141 ke4ren2 guest noun |
空调 | 142 kong1tiao2 air conditioning noun |
口 | 143 kou3 mouth noun |
哭 | 144 ku1 to cry verb |
裤子 | 145 ku4zi5 trousers noun |
块 | 146 kuai4 piece noun |
筷子 | 147 kuai4zi5 chopsticks noun |
蓝 | 148 lan2 blue adjective |
老 | 149 lao3 old adjective |
离开 | 150 li2kai1 to leave verb |
礼物 | 151 li3wu4 gift noun |
历史 | 152 li4shi3 history noun |
脸 | 153 lian3 face noun |
练习 | 154 lian4xi2 to practice verb |
辆 | 155 liang4 measure word for cars noun (measure word) |
了解 | 156 liao2jie3 to know verb |
邻居 | 157 lin2ju1 neighbor noun |
楼 | 158 lou2 building noun |
绿 | 159 lv4 green adjective |
马 | 160 ma3 horse noun |
马上 | 161 ma3shang4 at once adverb |
卖 | 162 mai4 to sell verb |
满意 | 163 man3yi4 satisfied adjective |
帽子 | 164 mao4zi3 hat noun |
门 | 165 men2 door noun |
米 | 166 mi3 rice noun |
面包 | 167 mian4bao1 bread noun |
面条 | 168 mian4tiao2 noodle noun |
明白 | 169 mig2bai5 clear adjective |
奶奶 | 170 nai3nai3 grandmother noun |
南 | 171 nan2 south noun |
难 | 172 nan2 difficult adjective |
难过 | 173 nan2guo4 to be sad verb |
音乐 | 174 neng2yin1yue4 music noun |
年级 | 175 nian2ji2 grade noun |
年轻 | 176 nian2qing1 youth noun |
鸟 | 177 niao3 bird noun |
努力 | 178 nu3li4 to put effort in verb |
爬上 | 179 pa2shang1 to climb up verb |
盘子 | 180 pan2zi5 plate noun |
胖 | 181 pang4 fat adjective |
啤酒 | 182 pi2jiu3 beer noun |
葡萄 | 183 pu2tao5 grape noun |
普通话 | 184 pu3tong1hua4 Mandarin noun |
骑 | 185 qi1 to ride verb |
奇怪 | 186 qi2guai4 strange adjective |
其实 | 187 qi2shi2 actually adverb |
其他 | 188 qi2ta1 else adverb |
铅笔 | 189 qian1bi3 pencil noun |
清楚 | 190 qing1chu3 clear adjective |
秋 | 191 qiu1 autumn noun |
裙子 | 192 qun2zi5 skirt noun |
然后 | 193 ran2hou4 afterwards conjunction |
热情 | 194 re4qing2 enthusiasm noun |
认真 | 195 ren4zhen1 serious adjective |
容易 | 196 rong2yi5 easy adjective |
如果 | 197 ru2guo3 if conjunction |
伞 | 198 san3 umbrella noun |
上网 | 199 shang4wang3 to get online noun (verb) |
生气 | 200 sheng1qi4 to be angry verb |
声音 | 201 sheng1yin1 voice noun |
使 | 202 shi3 to make verb |
世界 | 203 shi4jie4 world noun |
手机 | 204 shou3ji1 mobile phone noun |
瘦 | 205 shou4 thin adjective |
舒服 | 206 shu1fu5 comfortable adjective |
叔叔 | 207 shu1shu5 uncle noun |
树 | 208 shu4 tree noun |
数学 | 209 shu4xue2 math noun |
刷牙 | 210 shua1ya2 to brush teeth verb |
双 | 211 shuang1 pair noun |
水平 | 212 shui3ping2 level noun |
司机 | 213 si1ji1 driver noun |
认为 | 214 ren4wei2 to think verb |
虽然 | 215 sui1ran2 despite preposition |
太阳 | 216 tai4yang5 sun noun |
糖 | 217 tang2 sugar noun |
特别 | 218 te4bie2 special adjective |
疼 | 219 teng2 pain noun |
提高 | 220 ti2gao1 to improve verb |
体育 | 221 ti3yu4 PE noun |
同事 | 222 tong2shi4 colleague noun |
头发 | 223 tou2fa4 hair noun |
突然 | 224 tu1ran2 all of a sudden adverb |
图书馆 | 225 tu2shu1guan2 library noun |
腿 | 226 tui3 leg noun |
完成 | 227 wan2cheng2 to finish verb |
碗 | 228 wan3 bowl noun |
万 | 229 wan4 ten thousand noun |
忘记 | 230 wang4ji4 to forget verb |
为 | 232 wei4 for preposition |
位 | 233 wei4 measure word for people noun (measure word) |
为了 | 231 wei4 le5 for preposition |
文化 | 234 wen2hua4 culture noun |
西 | 235 xi1 west noun |
习惯 | 236 xi2guan4 custom noun |
洗手间 | 237 xi3shou3jian1 washroom noun |
洗澡 | 238 xi3zao3 to bathe verb |
夏 | 239 xia4 summer noun |
先 | 240 xian1 first adverb |
香蕉 | 241 xiang1jiao1 banana noun |
相同 | 242 xiang1tong2 same noun (adjective) |
相信 | 243 xiang1xin4 to believe verb |
像 | 244 xiang4 as preposition |
小心 | 245 xiao3 xin1 to be careful adjective |
校长 | 246 xiao4zhang3 headmaster noun |
鞋 | 247 xie2 shoe noun |
新闻 | 248 xin1wen2 news noun |
新鲜 | 249 xin1xian1 fresh adjective |
信 | 250 xin4 letter noun |
行李箱 | 251 xing2li5xiang1 suitcase noun |
兴趣 | 252 xing4qu3 interest noun |
熊猫 | 253 xiong2mao1 panda noun |
需要 | 254 xu1yao4 to need verb |
选择 | 255 xuan3ze2 to choose verb |
眼镜 | 256 yan3jing4 glasses noun |
要求 | 257 yao1qiu2 to require verb |
爷爷 | 259 ye2ye5 grandfather noun |
一般 | 267 yi1ban1 general adjective |
一边 | 268 yi1bian1 at the same time adverb |
一定 | 260 yi1ding4 definitely adverb |
一共 | 261 yi1gong4 altogether adverb |
一会儿 | 262 yi1hui4r5 a short period of time noun |
一样 | 263 yi1yang4 same adjective |
一直 | 269 yi1zhi2 constantly adverb |
以后 | 264 yi3hou4 after adverb |
以前 | 265 yi3qian2 before adverb |
以为 | 266 yi3wei2 to think (wrongly) verb |
银行 | 270 yin2hang2 bank noun |
应该 | 271 ying1gai1 should auxiliary |
影响 | 272 ying3xiang3 affection noun |
用 | 273 yong4 to use verb |
游戏 | 274 you2xi4 game noun |
有名 | 275 you3ming2 famous adjective |
又 | 276 you4 again conjunction |
遇到 | 277 yu4dao4 to meet verb |
愿意 | 278 yuan4yi4 would like to auxiliary |
越 | 279 yue4 to get over verb |
月亮 | 280 yue4liang4 moon noun |
云 | 281 yun2 cloud noun |
站 | 282 zhan4 to stand verb |
长 | 283 zhang3 to grow verb |
着急 | 284 zhao2ji2 to worry verb |
照顾 | 285 zhao4gu4 to look after verb |
照片 | 286 zhao4pian4 photo noun |
照相机 | 287 zhao4xiang4ji1 camera noun |
只 | 288 zhi3 only adverb |
中间 | 289 zhong1jian1 middle noun |
终于 | 290 zhong1yu2 finally adverb |
种 | 291 zhong3 kind noun |
重要 | 292 zhong4yao4 important adjective |
周末 | 293 zhou1mo4 weekend noun |
主要 | 294 zhu3yao4 mainly adverb |
祝 | 295 zhu4 to wish verb |
注意 | 296 zhu4yi4 attention noun |
字典 | 297 zi4dian3 dictionary noun |
自己 | 298 zi4ji3 oneself noun |
总是 | 299 zong3shi4 always adverb |
最近 | 300 zui4jin4 recently adverb |
作业 | 301 zuo44ye homework noun |
作用 | 302 zuo4yong4 action noun |