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Week 4 Vocab

jaded tired; worn out
jargon vocabulary of a particular group of people
jaundiced yellowed skin or prejudiced
jaunt short trip
jaunty carefree
jeer to sneer; to mock
jeopardy danger
jilt to reject
jingoist extreme patriotism, favoring warlike actions
jocose happy; lively
jocular humorous
jostle to bump
judicious wise; sound judgment
juggernaut a destructive force
jugular pertaining to the throat or neck
juncture a point of time
junket a pleasure trip
junta a small group ruling a country
jurisprudence study of law
jut to stick out
juxtapose to place side by side
labyrinth complicated
lacerate to tear roughly
lachrymose tearful
lackadaisical uninterested
lackey slavish follower
lackluster lacking brilliance; dull
laconic concise
lactic pertaining to milk
laggard a slow person
laity religious followers
lambent radiant; to move lightly over a surface
lament to mourn
laminated covered with thin sheets of plastic
lampoon sharp satire
languid sluggish
lanky tall and slender
lapidary a dealer in precious stones
larceny theft
largess a generous gift
lascivious lustful
lassitude weakness and weariness
latent present, but not visible
lateral sideways
latitude freedom
laudable praiseworthy
laureate worthy of honor
lave to wash
lax negligent; careless
leeway room for action
legerdemain deception
lenient permissive
leonine fierce
lesion a wound
lethargic dull or sluggish; weak
leviathan anything huge
levity lack of seriousness; humor
levy to impose taxes
lexicon dictionary or vocabulary of a special group
liaison a bond or connection
libation to drink
libel a false, written statement
liberal generous
libertine immoral person
licentious lawless or immoral
liege lord; master
lieu (in lieu of) in place of; instead of
Lilliputian very small
limber easily bent
limpid transparent
lineage ancestry
lineaments facial features
linguist skilled in languages
lionize to treat as important
liquidate to get rid of
lissome moving gracefully
listless indifferent
literal word for word
lithe graceful
litigation lawsuit
livid discolored from anger or embarrassment
loath unwilling
loathe to hate or feel disgust for
locus place
logistics the supply, movement, and maintenance of equipment
loiter to hang around
loll to lounge about or to droop
loquacious very talkative
lot fate
lout an awkward, stupid person
lowly humbly or ordinary
lucent shining
lucid easy to understand
lucrative profitable
ludicrous ridiculous
lugubrious mournful
luminous bright
lupine fierce
lurch sudden, forward movement
lurid shocking
lurk to lie concealed or to stay hidden
lush abundant
oaf a dunce
obdurate stubborn
obeisance gesture expressing deep respect
obfuscate to confuse
objective unbiased
oblation an offering
obligatory required
oblique indirect
oblivious unmindful; unaware
obloquy bad reputation resulting from public disgrace
obscure not clear; partially hidden
obsequious submissive or overly attentive
obsequy a funeral rite
obsess to control the thoughts or feelings of a person
obstinate stubborn
obstreperous loud and unruly
obtrude to push something toward or upon a person
obtuse slow to understand
obviate to prevent
occidental western
occlude to close; to block out
ocular pertaining to sight
odious disgusting
odoriferous giving off a pleasant smell
odyssey a long journey
offal garbage
officious interfering
ogle to look at with desire
ogre monster
olfactory pertaining to smell
oligarchy government by only a few
omen a sign which indicates the future
ominous threatening
omnifarious of all kinds
omnipotent all-powerful
omniscient all-knowing
omnivorous eating anything; absorbing everything
onerous burdensome
onslaught a furious attack
onus a burden
opaque not transparent; not letting light pass through
opiate narcotic; causing sleep
opprobrious shameful
opt to choose
optimist one who sees the good side of things
optimum the best; most favorable
opulent rich; luxurious
oracular mysterious
oration a speech
orbit a path around an object
ordain to order or establish
ordinance a law
organic fundamental or essential
orient an area of the Far East; to adjust
orifice opening
ornate showy
ornithology study of birds
orthodox accepting traditional beliefs; conventional
oscillate to swing or move back and forth
ossify to charge into bone or become rigid
ostensible apparent
ostentatious showing off
ostracize to banish
overt open; not hidden
ovine like a sheep
ovoid egg-shaped
pacify to calm down
pact an agreement
paean song of joy
palatable pleasant to taste
palatial magnificent
paleontology study of prehistoric life
pall something that covers or to be unpleasant
palliate to lessen
pallid pale; dull
palpable capable of being touched
palpitate to beat rapidly
palsy muscle paralysis
paltry worthless; small
panacea an answer for all problems
panache a showy manner
pandemonium confusion
panegyric an expression of praise
pang a sharp pain
panoply suit of armor; any protective covering
panorama unlimited view; comprehensive survey
parable a simple story giving a moral or religious lesson
paradigm a model; an example
paradox a statement that is contradictory, but probably true
paragon a model of perfection
paramount supreme
paraphernalia equipment
parched extremely thirsty
pariah an outcast
parley a conference
parochial limited or related to a church
parody a work which imitates another in a satirical way
paroxysm a sudden outburst
parrot to repeat or imitate
parry to avoid something such as a blow; to evade
parsimonious stingy
partisan a strong supporter
passe' out of date
passive submissive
pastoral pertaining to the country
patent government protection for an invention; obvious
paternal fatherly
pathogenic causing disease
pathos deep feeling of pity
patriarch a person regarded as a founder or father
patrician aristocratic
patrimony inherited right
patronage the power to make appointments to government jobs
patronize to be a customer ro to talk down to
paucity scarcity; lack of
peccadillo a minor offense
pectoral pertaining tot he chest
peculate to steal
pecuniary pertaining to money
pedagogue a school teacher
pedantic to show off one's knowledge
pedestrian ordinary; common; banal
pedigree a record of ancestors
peer an equal or to look at closely
peerless without equal
peevish hard to please
pejorative insulting
pellucid transparent
pelt skin of an animal; to throw
penal pertaining to punishment
penchant a strong liking for
penitent expressing sorrow for a wrongdoing
pensive thoughtful
penury extreme poverty
peon common worker
perceive to observe or understand
perceptible recognizable
perceptive quick witted; keen
perdition damnation
peregrinate to travel; journey
peremptory decisive or final
perennial lasting for a long time; perpetual
perfidious deceitful; unfaithful
perforce of necessity
perfunctory routine
perigee point nearest to the earth
periphery outside boundary; unimportant area of a subject
permeate to spread throughout
pernicious destructive
peroration the concluding part of a speech
perpetrate to be guilty of
perpetuate cause to continue
perplex confuse
perquisite something additional to regular pay
persevere to endure
personification giving human qualities to a non-human being or to abstract ideas
perspicacity sharp insight
perspicuity clearness
pert bold; lively
pertinent to the point
perturb to disturb
peruse to read carefully
pervade to spread throughout
perverse contrary; stubborn
pervert to corrupt
pessimist tone who sees the worst
petrify to paralyze with fear
petrology study of rocks
petty unimportant
petulant irritable
phalanx compact group of people
phenomenon extraordinary (fact or occurrence)
philander to engage in many love affairs
philanthropy generosity to mankind
philately stamp collecting
philippic a verbal attack
philistine uncultured
phlegmatic unemotional
phobia intense fear
phoenix a bird symbolizing immortality
picaresque adventurous scoundrel
piddling petty
pied many-colored; variegated
piety devotion
pigment dye
pilgrimage a journey to a holy place
pillage to loot
pillory to expose to public ridicule
pinnacle highest point
pious religious; deeply devoted to religion
piquant stimulating to the taste; exciting
pique to irritate
piscine of or like a fish
pithy to the point
pittance small amount
pivotal crucial; critical; important
placard small poster
placate to calm
placebo harmless, phony medicine
placid calm
plague a contagious disease; to trouble
plaintive sorrowful
platitude a dull or trite remark
platonic spiritual; free from sensual desire
plaudit applause; any expression of approval
plausible apparently true; reasonable
plebeian pertaining to the lower classes
plenary complete or absolute
plethora abundance
pliant easily bent
plight a sad situation
ploy a trick
pluck to pull at; courage
plumb to measure
plutocracy rule by the wealthy class
poach hunt or fish illegally
podium a platform
poignant distressing; affecting the emotions
polarize to separate into opposing groups
polemic a controversy
politic diplomatic
poltroon a coward
polychromatic many-colored
polyglot speaking or writing several languages
polymorphic having many forms
polytheism belief in many gods
pomp show or display
ponder to think deeply
ponderous heavy
porcine like a pig
portable capable of being carried
portal door or entrance
portentous warning
portly large
posterity future generations
posthumous after death
postulate to assume
potable drinkable
potent powerful
potentate ruler
potential capacity or ability
potion a drink
potpourri a mixture
pragmatic practical
prate to talk long and pointlessly
precarious uncertain or risky
precedent an act used as an example
precept a rule of conduct
precipice cliff
precipitate to bring about an action
precipitous extremely steep
précis brief summary
preclude to shut out; prevent
precocious prematurely developed
precursor a forerunner
predecessor one who comes before another
predicate to declare
predilection a liking; preference; inclination
predispose inclined in advance
preeminent standing out above all others
preen to dress
prehensile adapted for grasping something
premeditate to plan beforehand
premier first in importance
premise statement made as a basis of an argument
premonition forewarning
preponderance superiority in quantity; dominance
preposterous ridiculous
prerogative privilege
presage to indicate or warn in advance
prescience knowledge of things before they happen
presentiment anticipation, especially of something evil
prestige importance
presumptuous boldly assuming
pretentious showy; self-important; pompous
preternatural abnormal
pretext a false reason
prevail to succeed
prevaricate to lie
prim formal; proper
primeval of the earliest times
primogeniture state of being the first born
primordial original
primp to dress up in a fussy way
prismatic many-colored
pristine uncorrupted; in its original state
privation loss of something essential
privy having knowledge of something private
probe to investigate or examine
probity honesty
proclivity tendency
procrastinate to postpone
procreate to produce
procrustean to get conformity at any cost
procure to obtain
prodigal wasteful
prodigious enormous; great amount
profane showing disrespect
profess to acknowledge or admit
proffer to offer
proficiency skill; ability
profligate immoral or extremely wasteful
profound very deep; insightful
profuse abundant
progeny descendants
prognosticate to predict; to foretell
proletarian a member of the working class
proliferate to increase or expand
prolific productive
prolix tediously long and wordy
prologue introduction
promenade a stroll or a walk; an area used for walking
promiscuous sexually loose
promontory piece of land that juts out
promulgate to advocate
prone lying flat
propagate to multiply
propensity inclination
prophetic predicting
propinquity closeness
propitious favorable
propriety conformity; appropriateness
prosaic commonplace or dull
proscribe to denounce; exile
proselyte a convert
prospectus a report describing a new project
prostrate lying flat
protagonist main character
protean changeable
protege one who has been instructed by another
protocol etiquette observed by diplomats
prototype the original
protract to prolong
protrude to stick out
proverbial well-known
provident having foresight; prudent
provincial unsophisticated; narrow; limited
provisional temporary
proviso a condition
provoke to irritate; to excite
prowess skill or strength
proximity nearness
proxy one who acts in place of another
prudence good judgment; cautious; careful
prune to cut off or lop off such as twigs, branches, or roots
prurient lustful; obscene; lewd
pseudo false
pseudonym an assumed name
psyche the human spirit
puerile immature
pugilist a boxer
pugnacious eager to fight
puissant powerful
pulchritude beauty
pulmonary pertaining to the lungs
pulverize crush or grind; totally destroy
pummel to beat or thrash with the fists
pun the use of words that sound alike but differ in meaning
punctilious precise
pundit an expert
pungent having a sharp taste or smell; severely critical or sarcastic
punitive pertaining to punishment
puny weak
purge to purify
puritanical strict
purloin to steal
purport to claim
purvey to supply
pusillanimous cowardly
putative supposed; believed
putrefy to decay
pyre a funeral fire
pyretic pertaining to fever
pyromaniac one who likes to start fires
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