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mesial cusp ridge of the bucaal cusp is longer than the distal cusp ridge
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has a nonfunctioning lingual cusp
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quiz 2 morphology


mesial cusp ridge of the bucaal cusp is longer than the distal cusp ridge max first molar
has a nonfunctioning lingual cusp mandibular 1st premolar
two premolars that most frequently have a groove crossing the mesial marginal ridge max 1st premolar mandibular 1st premolar
has a depression in the cervial one third of the mesial side of the crown and root maxillary first premolar
maxillary premolar that has the longer sharper buccal cusp maxillary first premolar
largest maxillary premolar maxillary first premolar
maxillary premolar that is most symmetrical from occlusal view maxillary second premolar
two premolars without a central groove mandibular 1st premolar mandibular 2nd premolar (3 cusps)
crowns tipped lingually with respect to the root axis line (proximal view) mandibular 1st and 2nd premolars (both 2 and 3 cusp type)
from buccal view, crown is tipped distally from the root axis mandibular 1st and 2nd premolars (both 2 and 3 cusp type)
mesial marginal ridge is more cervically located than its distal marginal ridge mandibular 1st premolar
has no transverse ridge mandibula 2nd premolar (3 cusps)
has the longer central groove maxillary 1st premolar
has two major cusps almost the same size and length maxillary 2nd premolar
has a central fossa mandibular 2nd premolar (3 cusp)
premolars with only two fossae:both are trinagular fossae maxillary 1st and 2nd premolars
has a central fossa and two triangular fossae mandibular 2nd premolar (3 Cusp)
has a lingual groove mandibular 2nd premolar (3 cusp)
mandibular premolar with the longest and sharpest buccal cusp mandibular 1st premolar
mandibular molars *
what grooves radiate out from the central fossa in a mandibular second molar central, lingual, buccal
which cusp is the largest and longest on a mandibular 2nd mesiolingual
which cusp may be absent on a mandibular first distal
when the distal cusp is absent on the mandibular first, which grooves would not be present mesiobuccal and distobuccal
which fossae are found on a mandibular first molar mesial triangular, distal triangular, and central triangular
which developmental groove connects with the lingual groove running in the same direction on a mandibular sencond molar buccal
from which view is only one root visiable on a mandibular 1st molar mesial
which cusp triangular ridge does not meet to form a transverse ridge on a five-cusp molar distal
which ridges form the boundaries of the mesial triangular fossa of a mandibular molar triangular ridge of the mesiobuccal cusp triangular ridge of the mesiolingual cusp mesial marginal ridge
which two pairs of cusp triangular ridges make up or join to form the two transverse ridges on a mandibular 2nd molar mesiobuccal mesiolingual distobuccal distolingual
list in sequential order the longest to shortest cusps on the mandibular 1st molar mesiolingual distolingual mesiobuccal distobuccal distal
maxillary molars *
which three grooves radiate out from the central fossa in a maxillary first molar central, transverse groove of oblique ridge, buccal
which cusp on a maxillary first molar has two ridges: one that forms part of a transverse ridge and the other that forms part of an oblique ridge mesiolingual
which cusp is the largest and longest ona maxillary second molar mesiolingual
which cups is most likely to be absent on a maxillary second molar distolingual
when the distingual cusp is absent which groove would not be present distal oblique and lingual
of the four fossae on a maxillary first molar, which is the largest central
from which view are only two roots visible on a maxillary first molar mesial
which grooves are likely to radiate out of the mesial triangular fossa on the maxillary first molar mesiobuccal fossa groove mesiolingual fossa groove mesial marginal ridge groove
which two cusps have the ridges that make up or join to form the oblique ridge on a maxillary molar distobuccal mesiolingual
which two cusps have a triangular ridge that make up or join to form a transverse ridge on most maxillary molars mesiobuccal mesiolingual
list in order the largest to smallest cusp area on the manillary first molar (occlusal view) mesiolingual mesiobuccal distobuccal distolingual cusp of carabelli
Created by: bisonlea



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