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Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion with Exterior Excess
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Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion with Exterior Deficiency
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Releasing Exterior

Formulas - Yu - Releasing Exterior

Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion with Exterior Excess Ma Huang Tang (Ephedra Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion with Exterior Deficiency Gui Zhi Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion with Interior Phlegm (acute cold) Xiao Qing Long Tang (Minor Bluegreen Dragon Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion but is best for Headaches Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang (Nine Herb Decoction with Notopterygium)
Formula for a Mild Exterior Wind Cold Invasion Cong Chi Tang (Scallion and Prepared Soybean Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Cold Invasion with Qi Stagnation Jia Wei Xiang Su San (Augmented Cyperus and Perilla Leaf Powder)
Formula for Exterior Wind Heat Invasion with Wheezing Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang (Ephedra, Apricot Kernel, Gypsum, and Licorice Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Heat Invasion with Cough Sang Ju Yin (Mulberry Leaf and Chrysanthemum Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Heat Yin Qiao San (Honeysuckle and Forsythia Powder)
Formula for Exterior Wind Heat Invasion with Rashes Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang (Cimicifuga and Kudzu Decoction)
Formula for Exterior Wind Heat Invasion from Wind Cold Transformation Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang (Bupleurum and Kudzu Decoction to Release Muscle Layer)
Formula for Releasing Exterior and Tonifying Qi Ren Shen Bai Du San (Ginseng Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences)
Formula for Releasing Exterior and Tonifying Yang Zai Zao San (Renewal Powder)
Formula for Releasing Exterior and Nourishing Blood Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin (Scallion Decoction with Seven Ingredients)
Formula for Releasing Exterior and Nourishing Yin Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang (Modified Polygonatum Odoratum Decoction)
Formula for Releasing Exterior and Interior Excess Da Chai Hu Tang (Major Bupleurum Decoction)
What are the ingredients in Ma Huang Tang? Ma Huang (c), Gui Zhi (d), Xing Ren (a), Zhi Gan Cao (a/e)
What are the actions of Ma Huang Tang? release exterior by inducing sweating, facilitate lung qi, stops wheezing
What indications should you look for in a Ma Huang Tang syndrome? chills & fever (chills predominant), headache, body ache, no sweating, wheezing, thin, white coating, floating, tight pulse
What does Ma Huang in Ma Huang Tang? release exterior, induce sweating, treat wheezing
What does Gui Zhi do in Ma Huang Tang? release exterior especially if pathogen is in the muscle layer, warms & facilitate flow of lung qi, increases diaphoretic fx of MH - opens pores while GZ pushes pathogen out)
What does Xing Ren do in Ma Huang Tang? unblocks lung qi flow, helps MH arrest wheezing, expel pathogen
What does Zhi Gan Cao in Ma Huang Tang? harmonizes herbs, transforms phlegm, moderates diaphoretic fx of MH so it does not injure lung qi
What formula is associated with Ma Huang Tang? Da Qing Long Tang (Major Bluegreen Dragon Decoction) - release exterior, clears interior heat (severe fever/chills w/o sweating, body aches, irritability, thirst, floating, tight pulse)
What are the ingredients in Gui Zhi Tang? Gui Zhi (c), Bai Shao Yao (d), Sheng Jiang (a), Da Zao (a), Zhi Gan Cao (e)
What are actions of Gui Zhi Tang? release exterior from the muscle layer, harmonize ying and wei
What indications should you look for in a Gui Zhi Tang syndrome? fever, headache, aversion to wind, sweating, nasal congestion, dry heaves, no thirst, white coating, floating, moderate pulse
What does Gui Zhi do in Gui Zhi Tang? release exterior wind cold from the muscle layer
What does Bai Shao Yao do in Gui Zhi Tang? benefits Yin and contains weak Ying, assists Gui Zhi in enhancing Wei qi and strengthening Ying
What does Sheng Jiang do in Gui Zhi Tang? release exterior, treat nausea and vomiting, regulates spleen
What does Da Zao do in Gui Zhi Tang? helps Bai Shao Yao nourish Ying/Xue, regulates spleen
What does Zhi Gan Cao do in Gui Zhi Tang? harmonizes herbs, tonifies MJ
Which associated formula of Gui Zhi Tang also addresses wind cold lodges in TaiYang channel and Ying/Wei disharmony? Gui Zhi Jia Ge Gen Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Kudzu)
Which associated formula of Gui Zhi Tang also addresses TaiYang and YangMing disorder with diarrhea? Ge Gen Tang (Kudzu Decoction)
Which associated formula of Gui Zhi Tang also addresss descent of qi and stopping wheezing? Gui Zhi Jia Wei Hou Po Tang (Cinnamon Twig Decoction with Magnolia Bark and Apricot Kernel)
What are the chief herbs in Xiao Ching Long Tang? Ma Huang and Gui Zhi
what are the actions of Xiao Ching Long Tang? release exterior, transform congested fluids, warm the lungs, directs rebellious qi down
what indications should you look for in a Xiao Ching Long Tang syndrome? fever and chills, without sweating, coughing, wheezing, copious, white, stringy, difficult to expectorate sputum, stifling sensation in the chest, sensation of heaviness, body aches, no thirst, moist tongue coating, floating tight pulse
What does Ma Huang and Gui Zhi do in Xiao Ching Long Tang? both MH and GZ release exterior wind cold and transform congested fluids in the interior
What is the chief herb in Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang? Qiang Huo
What are the actions of Jiu Wei Qiang Huo Tang? release exterior dampness and clears interior heat (treats all meridians so good in treating headaches)
What indications should you look for in a Jie Wei Qiang Huo Tang syndrome? fever and chills, without sweating, headaches, stiff neck, aches, pain, slight thirst, bitter taste in mouth, white tongue coating and floating pulse
What is the chief herb in Cong Chi Tang? Cong Bai
what are the actions of Cong Chi Tang? release mild exterior condition by inducing sweating
what indications should you look for in a Cong Chi Tang syndrome? slight chills and fever, headaches, without sweating, stuffy with thin runny nose, sneezing, thin, white coating, floating pulse
What is the main herb in Jia Wei Xiang Su San? Zi Su Ye and Jing Jie
What are the actions of Jia Wei Xiang Su San? release exterior, move qi, induce sweating
what indications should one look for in a Jia Wei Xiang Su San syndrome? headaches, stiff neck, body aches, stuffy nose, fever and chills, aversion to wind, without sweating, thin, white coating, floating pulse
What are the ingredients in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang? Ma Huang (c), Shi Gao (c), Xing Ren (d), Zhi Gan Cao (a/e)
What are the actions of Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang? facilitates flow of lung qi, clears heat, calms wheezing by directing rebellious qi down
What indications should one look for in a Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang syndrome? fever with or without sweating, thirst, yellow coating, rapid pulse, wheezing, coughing, labored breathing
What does Ma Huang do in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang? facilitates flow of lung qi, control wheezing
What does Shi Gao do in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang? drains heat from lung, balances Ma Huang and reduces its diaphoretic quality
What does Xing Ren do in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang? assists Ma Huang facilitate flow of lung qi, wheezing
What does Zhi Gan Cao do in Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang? moistens lungs, stops cough, harmonizes other herbs
What are the chief herbs in Sang Ju Yin? Sang Ye and Ju Hua
What is the action of Sang Ju Yin? release exterior wind heat, stop coughing by facilitating flow of lung qi
What indications should you look for in a Sang Ju Yin syndrome? slight fever and thirst, cough, thin, white tongue coating, floating, rapid pulse
What does Sang Ye do in Sang Ju Yin? release exterior, clear lung heat, stop cough
What does Ju Hua do in Sang Ju Yin? release exterior, disperse upper jiao wid heat, clear eyes
What are the chief herbs in Yin Qiao San? Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao
What is the action of Yin Qiao San? disperse exterior, clear heat, relieve toxicity, formula for treating Wei qi warm febrile disease
What indications should you look for in a Yin Qiao San syndrome? fever with or without chills, headaches, thirst, cough, sore throat, red tipped tongue, thin, yellow coating, floating, rapid pulse
What do Jin Yin Hua and Lian Qiao do in Yin Qiao San? release exterior, clear heat, relieve toxicity
What is the chief herb in Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang? Sheng Ma
What is the action of Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang? clear exterior heat from the muscle layer, vents rashes caused by heat in the lungs, stomach, blood
What indications should you look for in a Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang syndrome? early stage measles and rashes, fever, headache, cough, red ees with watery eyes, thirst, red tongue, rapid pulse
What are the chief herbs in Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang? Chai Hu and Ge Gen
What is the action of Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang? release exterior from muscle layer and clear heat but symptoms are milder than a shaoyang syndrome
What indications should one look for in a Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang? wind cold transforming into heat signs, increasing fever, decreasing chills, headaches, stiffness of extremities, floating pulse but with irritability, insomnia, orbital eye pain, dry nasal passage & slightly flooding pulse (simultaneous taiyang/shaoyang)
What are the chief herbs in Ren Shen Bai Du San? Qiang Huo and Du Huo
What is the action of Ren Shen Bai Du San? release exterior, dispels wind and dampness, augments qi to expel pathogen
What indications should you look for in a Ren Shen Bai Du San syndrome? wind damp cold invasion w/ qi deficiency, severe chills & high fever, headache, pain & stifness of neck, body aches, without sweating, stuffy nose, productive cough, fullness & distension in chest & epigastrium, white greasy coating, floating, soggy puls
What do Qiang Huo and Du Huo do in Ren Shen Bai Du San? dispel wind, cold, dampness, alleviate pain
What is the chief herb in Zai Zao San? Huang Qi and Ren Shen
What is the action of Zai Zao San? tonify yang, strengthen qi, release exterior, disperse cold
What indications should you look for in a Zai Zao San syndrome? wind cold invasion w/ yang deficiency, more chills, light fever, headache, without sweating, cold extremities, fatigue, lethargy, pale complexion, weak voice, pale tongue coating, weak or floating big and forceless pulse
What are the chief herbs in Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin? Cogn Bai and Sheng Di
What is the action of Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin? nourish blood, release exterior
What indications should you look for in a Cong Bai Qi Wei Yin syndrome? wind cold invasion with blood deficiency or blood loss, headache, fever, slight chills, without sweating
What are the chief herbs in Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang? Yu Zhu and Bo He
What indications should you look fo in a Jia Jian Wei Rui Tang syndrome? wind heat invasion signs with yin deficiency, headache, fever, slight chills, w/ or w/o sweating, cough, restlessness, thirst, dry throat, red tongue, rapid pulse
What are the chief herbs in Da Chai Hu Tang? Chai Hu and Da Huang
What is the action of Da Chai Hu Tang? harmonize shaoyang, drai internal clumping heat
What indications should you look for in a Da Chai Hu Tang syndrome? concurrent shaoyang/yangming disease, alternating chills/fever, fullness & distension in chest/hypochondria, nausea, vomiting, slight irritability, distension or epigastric hard focal distension, const/diarrhea, yellow coating, wiry rapid & forceful pulse
What are the chief herbs in Fang Feng Tong Sheng San? Fang Feng, Ma Huang, Da Huang, and Mang Xiao
What are the actions of Fang Feng Tong Sheng San? disperse wind, release exterior, drain heat and unblock bowels
What indications should you look for in a Fang Feng Tong Sheng San syndrome? ext wind heat w/ int excess heat, severe chills & high fever, dizziness, red, painful eyes, dry mouth, bitter taste, fullness & distension in chest & epigastrium, coughing, wheezing, vomiting w/s sticky sputum, constipation, yellow urine, heat rash, sores
What is the chief herb in Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang? Ge Gen
What is the action of Ge Gen in Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang? releases exterior, clears heat, and treats dysenteric diarrhea by raising the clear yang of the spleen and stomach
What indications should you look for in a Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang syndrome? exterior that has not been completely released and evil heat already entering internally - fever, dysenteric diarrhea, foul smell stools, burning sensation around anus, irritability and heat in chest & epigastrium, dry mouth, thirst, wheezing, sweating
What are the actions of Ge Gen Huang Qin Huang Lian Tang? release exterior, clear internal heat (primarily more on clearing internal heat)
What is the chief herb in Shi Gao Tang? Shi Gao
What are the actions of Shi Gao Tang? clear heat, relieve toxicity, release exterior, induce swaeting
What indications should you look for in a Shi Gao Tang syndrome? interior SanJiao excess heat while exterior condition still lingering - high fever w/o sweating, generalized body aches and heaviness, dry nose, thirst, irritability, insomnia, delirium/coma, rapid slippery pulse, nosebleeding, coughing blood, skin rashes
What are the chief herbs in Wu Ji San? Ma Huang, Bai Zhi, Gan Jiang, Rou gui
What are the actions of Wu Ji San? release exterior, warm interior, smooth qi, transform phlegm, invigorate blood, reduce accumulation (disperses and focuses on qi)
What indications should you look for in a Wu Ji San syndrome? external wind cold and internal cold injury - fever & chill w/o sweating, headache, body aches, stiff neck/ back, fullness in chest, poor appetite, vomiting, abdominal pain, irregular menstruation w/ pain in abdomen & epigastrium d/t cold
Created by: dmgrace
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