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Chp 2-5 Intro to Pharm, Legislation/standards, Drug dosage/administration

a broad term that includes the study of drugs & their actions in the body. pharmacology
any substance used as medicine drug
what are 4 different types of drugs chemical substances, plant parts or products, animal products, & certain food substances
an action, usually negative, that is different from the planned effect adverse or untoward effect
an untoward reaction that develops after the indicidual has taken a drug allergic reaction
the combined effect of 2 drugs that is less than the effect of either drug taken alone antagonism
an agent or measure that relieves symptoms palliative
an agent or measure used to prevent disease prophylactic
pertaining to treatment of disease therapeutic
increasing resistance to the usual effects of an established dosage of drug as a result of continued use tolerance
ac before meals
bid twice a day
DC discontinue, discharge
gtt a drop
hs at bedtime
IU international unit
pc after meals
PO by mouth
prn as needed
q2h every 2 hours
qid 4 times a day
the proper amount of medicine or agent prescribed for a given patient or condition dosage
what factors influence dosage (know 4) age, sex, condition of patient, psychological factors, environmental factors, temperature, method of administration, genetic factors, body weight
this is obtained when the drugs applied in the immediate are where its effect is desired local effect
what are 2 kinds of local effects application to the skin & application to the mucous membranes
what are exampled of application to the mucous membranes suppositories, enemas, intranasal preparations, opthalmic preparations & ear preparations
what ways can a drug be administered to obtain systemic effects orally, sublingually, rectally, parenterally, by inhalation, or sometimes topically
swallowing of a drug oral administration
placing a drug under the tongue sublingual administration
what is an example of a drug given as sublingual administration nitroglycerin
what are the most common inhaled drugs used for respiratory tract such as asthma
administration of a drug by a needle parenteral administration
needle is inserted at an angle almost parallel to the skin surface, placing the drug within the dermis intradermal injection (used for skin testing)
solution is placed beneath the skin to the fat or connective tissue subcutaneous injection
administration directly into the muscle intramuscular injection
placing a drug directly into a vein inrtavenous administration
placing a drug directly into an artert intra-arterial administration
a drug must first be absorbed into blood & carried to the tissue or organ systemic effects
5 ways to administer drug parenterallly intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, or intra-arterial
powdered or liquid drugs within a gelatin container capsules
aqueous preparations containing suspended materails intended for soothing, using local application lotions
mixtures of drugs with a fatty base for external application, usually by rubbing ointments
mixtures of drugs with some firm base such as cocoa butter, which can be molded into shape for insertion into a body orifice suppositories
aqueous solutions of a sugar syrups
alcoholic or hydroalcoholic solutions prepared from drugs tinctures
flat, round, or rectangular preparations that are held in the mouth until dissolved troches or lozengers
states the name & quantities of ingredients inscription
gives directions to the patient signatura
a new order is required for the drug to be continued after a specified time automatic stop policy
Created by: YTIMBC
Popular Pharmacology sets




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