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GA2 Test #2 Anatomy

Name the vessels with which the descending branch of the occipital artery has anastomoses Thyrocervical trunk, costocervical trunk, vertebral a.
Muscle that forms the arch posterior to palatine tonsil. Palatopharyngeus
part of pylorus next to body of stomach. Pyloric Antrum
What is/are the action(s) of the: a)      longitudinal mm. of the pharynx a.       elevated pharynx and larynx during swallowing
____________ branch of maxillary a. that supplies teeth via the mandibular foramen Inferior alveolar
____________ branch of maxillary artery which supplies molars and premolars of maxilla, gums, and maxillary sinus Posterior superior alveolar
____________ different named artery with which the obturator artery has an anastamosis for collateral circulation Medial femoral circumflex
____________ pelvic vessel that supplies iliacus, quadratus lumborum, and psoas major Iliolumbar a.
artery of which the inferior vesicle is a branch. Anterior Trunk of Internal Illiac
Assume 1 or both of the internal carotid aa. Are partially occluded. Name the specific artery that would allow: a)      blood to flow from the basilar system into the internal carotid system a.       posterior communicating
Assume 1 or both of the internal carotid aa. Are partially occluded. Name the specific artery that would allow: b)      retrograde blood flow directly into the cerebral part of the internal carotid system from the external carotid system b.      ophthalmic
Assume a partial occlusion of 1 internal carotid artery. Besides the posterior communicating artery. Name 2 different collateral arteries of importance. Anterior communicating a. & Ophthalmic
Assume a partial occlusion of one internal carotid a. Besides the posterior communicating artery, name 2 different collateral arteries of importance. Anterior communicating a. & Ophthalmic a.
Assume a partial occlusion of the femoral v. at the level of the inguinal ligament. Give a collateral route (in correct sequence) of venous return to the heart. Great saphenous -> superficial epigastric -> thoracoepigastric -> lateral thoracic -> axillary -> subclavian -> brachiocephalic -> SVC -> heart
Assume a partial occlusion of the femoral VEIN at the level of the inguinal ligament. Give a collateral route (in correct sequence) of the VENOUS return to the heart. femoral -> great saphaneous -> superficial epigastric -> thoracoepigastric -> lateral thoracic -> axillary -> subclavian -> brachiocephalic -> SVC -> heart
Assume a partial occlusion of the right common carotid. Give correct sequence by which a drop of blood would travel to reach an area distal to the occlusion. Begin with the common carotid artery and end with the maxillary. 1
Beginning with the aorta, show 2 different routes by which a drop of blood could reach both the head of the pancreas and duodenum Route 1: Aorta -> celiac trunk -> common hepatic a. -> gastroduodenal a. -> ant./post. superior pancreaticoduodenal aa. -> pancreas and duodenum (next card #2)
Beginning with the aorta, show 2 different routes by which a drop of blood could reach both the head of the pancreas and duodenum Route 2: Aorta -> superior mesenteric a. -> ant./post. inferior pancreaticoduodenal aa. -> pancreas and duodenum
Besides impressions for the stomach and gallbladder, the liver has impressions for (give 4) the following: NO FISSURES! Right colic flexure, right kidney, right suprarenal gland, IVC
Besides the carotid a., give the structures in the carotid sheath Internal jugular v., vagus n.
Besides the ileum being longer, having Peyer’s patches, and narrower lumen, compare the jejunum with the ileum. Give 4 STRUCTURAL differences mentioned in lecture. Jejunum has more plicae circulares, more villi, less complex arterial arcades, larger, longer, less numerous vasa rectae
Besides the marginal a., give 2 ANASTOMOSES which would provide collateral flow in the event of a partial occlusion of the abdominal aorta. Lumbar -> iliolumbar, deep circumflex ilac & Superior rectal -> middle and inferior rectal
Besides the sigmoid sinus, name two tributaries to the internal jugular v. that do NOT have the EXACT same name as branches of the external carotid artery Inferior petrosal sinus, Middle thyroid
Besides the transverse sinus, a sinus that is a tributary to the sigmoid sinus Superior petrosal
Besides those of the lesser omentum, name 4 differently named peritoneal ligaments and give their ATTACHMENTS. Both name and attachment must be correct to receive any credit. Splenorenal – spleen and just anterior to kidney, Gastrolienal – stomach to spleen, Falciform lig. – liver to anterior abdominal wall, Coronary ligs. (ant./post.) – bare area of liver to diaphragm
Branch of internal carotid a. which travels in the longitudinal cerebral fissure. Anterior cerebral
Branch of maxillary a. that supplies teeth via the mandibular foramen Inferior alveolar
Branch of maxillary a. that supplies the nasal septum and paranasal sinuses Sphenopalatine
Branch of maxillary a. which passes through the foramen spinosum Middle meningeal
branch of maxillary artery which supplies molars and premolars of maxilla, gums, and maxillary sinus. Posterior superior alveolar
branch of maxillary artery which supplies ROOF of mouth Greater palatine a.
branch of the external carotid which supplies the dura, tympanic cavity, palatine tonsil, longus capitus and colli, etc. Ascending pharyngeal
collective term for vein formed by gastric veins Coronary Veiv
Concerning the 3rd part of the duodenum, give the boundaries and any associated structures as mentioned in lecture. Inferior duodenal flexure ascending portion (left edge of aorta) , Superior mesenteric a. and v. pass anterior
Covers the root of a tooth and attaches it to the surrounding tissues of the alveolar socket; it resembles bone Cement
Cranial nerve that CROSSES the lower lateral part of both the internal and external carotid arteries Hypoglossal
Define the following terms: a)      retroperitoneal a.       organs that lie deep to partietal peritoneum
Define the following terms: b)      coronary ligament b.      Surrounding bare area of liver, extending from liver to diaphragm
Define the following terms: c)      peritoneal cavity c.       potential space between parietal and visceral peritoneum
Define the following: Be SPECIFIC and COMPLETE! b)      triangular ligaments where the ant. and post. coronary ligs. of liver meet at the lateral edges of the bare area of liver
Define the following: Be SPECIFIC and COMPLETE! c)      mesentery double layer of serous membranes
Define the following: Be SPECIFIC and COMPLETE! a)      omental bursa greater peritoneal sac diverticulum located behind the stomach containing both a superior and inferior recess
Define the limits of the clinical anal canal. Pectinate line -> anus
Define the specific boundaries of the 2nd part of the duodenum. also name any structures specifically associated with these part as mentioned in class. Superior and inferior duodenal flexures & Contains hepatopancreatic ampulla with sphincter or Oddi and major duodenal papilla (may also have minor pancreatic duct and minor dudodenal papilla)
Describe an emissary vein Vein penetrating the skull through various foramen and communicating with the sinuses of dura and veins of outside of skull
Describe medial and lateral boundaries of the quadrate lobe of the liver Lat = gallbladder, Med = fissure for ligamentum teres hepatis
Describe the course of an emissary vein. Why are they clinically important? Run through foramina and openings in skull forming anastomoses between dural venous sinuses and vv. of scalp (may carry infections from scalp to dural venous sinuses)
Describe the difference between an anatomical and physiological sphincter. Anatomical sphincter – contains area of thickened smooth circular muscle over area; Physiological sphincter – contains area of normal smooth circular muscle over area
Dilation at proximal beginning of internal carotid artery. Carotid sinus
Directly receives the drainage of the superior sagittal sinus Confluence of sinuses
Draw a simple diagram showing the connections of the retromandibular posterior auricular, external jugular, facial, and common facial veins with each other. Now label the diagram correctly. Draw Diagram
Draw a X-SECTION at the level of the epiploic foramen and label all associated ligaments. Draw Diagram
Draw the circulus arteriosis (circle of Willis) and label all component vessels. The two circles below represent the internal carotids. Begin the drawing from them. Be accurate and neat! Draw diagram
duct that runs anteriorly to open into the floor of the mouth as a small caruncle just lateral to the lingual frenulum. Submandibular duct
during degulutition, area through which food is diverted by the epiglottis (BE SPECIFIC). Piriform recess
Forms an important anastomosis with dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic a. Angular a. of facial a.
Forms posterior border of carotid triangle SCM
Forms the anteroinferior border of the carotid triangle. Superior belly of omohyoid m.
forms the anterosuperior border of the carotid angle. Posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid mm.
From lecture, the internal carotid artery supplies _________ (%) percent of the ___________ (be very specific) 80-90%; Cerebral hemispheres
Give ADULT derivatives of the following: a)      distal umbilical arteries a.       medial umbilical lig.
Give ADULT derivatives of the following: b)      umbilical vein b.      lig. teres hepatis
Give the data asked for with the following muscles: a)styloglossus (action)b)inferior constrictor (origin) c)salpingopharyngeus (origin) a) elevates and retracts tongue b) laryngeal cartilage c) auditory tube
Give the data asked for with the following muscles: d)      palatopharyngeus (innervation) e)      stylopharyngeus (innervation) d.      pharyngeal plexus (CN XI via X) e.       glossopharyngeal n.
Give the data asked for with the following: a)      genioglossus (origin) – a.       superior mental spines (genial tubercles)
Give the data asked for with the following: b)      retracts and elevates the tongue (muscle) b.      styloglossus
Give the data asked for with the following: c)      origin is horns of hyoid, insertion is posterior median raphe (muscle) c.       middle constrictor
Give the data asked for with the following: d)      salpingopharyngeus (insertion) d.      palatopharyngeus m.
Give the data asked for with the following: e)      palatopharyngeus (innervation) e.       pharyngeal plexus
Give the data asked for with the following: f)       palatoglossus (innervation) f.       pharyngeal plexus
Give the specific upper and lower boundaries of the sigmoid colon. Do NOT five certain viscera as your answer Upper pelvic brim -> Anus S3
Give the upper and lower boundries of the laryngopharynx C3-6
How does one anatomically separate the pylorus from the body of stomach? Draw a vertical line through the angular notch of the stomach
IMMEDIATE structure formed by union of the common bile and main pancreatic ducts Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Largest branch of the internal carotid a., runs in the lateral cerebral fissure to supply certain lobes Middle cerebral
Largest branch of the internal carotid artery : it curves around corpus callosum and supplies the medial surface of the hemispheres Middle cerebral
Level at which the common carotid bifurcates into internal and external branches C3/4 (upper border of thyroid cartilage)
ligament into which the tail of the pancreas extends Splenorenal ligament
List 2 anastomoses that are of the portal-caval variety Superior rectal with inferior and middle rectal vv. & Esophageal plexus
List two areas where the esophagus (NOT the gastroesophageal junction) is constricted Left primary bronchi, aortic arch, cricoid cartilage
List two different arteries located on and supplying the MEDIAL forehead. Supratrochlear & Supraorbital
located in rectum and made of mucosa, submucosa, and muscularis externa. Valves of Houston (transverse rectal folds)
Name given to center of tooth; contains vessels, nerves, etc Pulp cavity
name given to fetal shunt (by-pass) through the liver (give fetal name, not adult) Ductus venosus
name given to the horizontal fold of mucosa under tongue; it also has numerous small ducts opening along its surface. Sublingual fold
Name given to the vessels which run BETWEEN the outer and inner tables of the flat bones of the skull Diploic vv.
Name in correct sequence (from front to back) the DECIDUOUS (baby) teeth. Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, 1st molar, 2nd molar
Name in correct sequence (from front to back) the permanent teeth. (Name each individual tooth) Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, 1st premolar, 2nd premolar, 1st molar, 2nd molar, 3rd molar
Name the abdominal vessel which: b)      arises from aorta at L3 level (NOT lumbar aa.)- b.      inferior mesenteric
Name the abdominal vessel which: c)      arises from aorta about 1-2 inches below renal (NOT lumbar)- c.       gonadal
Name the abdominal vessel which: d)      supplies cecum, appendix, distal ileum, etc.- d.      ileocolic
Name the abdominal vessel which: a)      is tortuous a.       splenic
Name the arteries which supply the urinary bladder Superior, middle, and inferior vesicle, inferior gluteal, obturator
Name the ARTERY of which the given vessel is a direct branch: a)      superior suprarenal a. a.       inferior phrenic
Name the ARTERY of which the given vessel is a direct branch: b)      left colic a. b.      inferior mesenteric
Name the BRANCHES of the cavernous part of the internal carotid a. Cavernous a., hypophyseal, meningeal
Name the branches of the ophthalmic a. Cilliary, lacrimal, suparorital, supratrochlear, central a. of retina, dorsal nasal, palpebral
Name the branches of the petrous part of the internal carotid a. Caroticotympanic & Artery to pterygoid canal
Name the branches of the splenic a. Proper splenic, pancreatic, left gastroepiploic, short gastric,
Name the direct branches of the cerebral part of the internal carotid a. Ophthalmic, anterior cerebral, posterior communicating, middle cerebral, choroidal
Name the tributaries to the external jugular vein. Do NOT include the ones that give rise to (form) the vessel. Anterior jugular v., transverse cervical v., suprascapular v.
Name the tributaries to the straight sinus Great cerebral v., inferior sagital sinus
Name the tributaries to the EXTERNAL jugular vein. Do NOT include the ones that give rise to (form) the vessel. Transverse cervical, suprascapular, anterior jugular
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: a)      abdominal esophageal aa. a.       left gastric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: a)      left gastroepiploic a. a.       splenic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: b)      sup. pandreaticoduodenal a. b.      common hepatic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: c)      left gonadal a. c.       Left Renal Artery
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: c)      superior suprarenal a. c.       inferior phrenic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: d)      inferior suprarenal a. d.      renal artery
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: d)      left colic a. d.      inferior mesenteric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: a)      right gastric a. a.       proper hepatic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: b)      inferior pancreaticoduodenal a. b.      superior mesenteric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: b)      short gastric a. b.      splenic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: c)      middle colic a. c.       superior mesenteric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: d)      right gastroepiploic a. d.      gastroduodenal
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). a)      left gonadal v. a.       left renal
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). b)      deep circumflex iliac v. b.      external iliac
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). c)      cystic v. c.       right hepatic
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). d)      superficial epigastric v. d.      great saphenous
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. a)      upper left ascending lumbar v. a.       hemiazygos
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. b)      portal v. b.      hepatic portal
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. c)      left superior epigastric v. c.       internal thoracic
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. d)      thoracoepigastric v. d.      lateral thoracic
Name the vessels with which the descending branch of the occipital artery has anastomoses Vertebral, costocervical trunk, thyrocervical trunk
nerve that travels with the external jugular vein Great Auricular N
often times a branch of superior vesical artery a. to ductus deferens
Openings through which blood vessels and nerves enter the pulp cavity of a tooth Apical foramina
pelvic vessel supplying psoas major, quadratus lumborum mm. Lumbar br. of iliolumbar a.
pelvic vessel that exits pelvis through greater sciatic foramen above the piriformis. Superior gluteal a.
Pelvic vessel which enters the anterior sacral foramina Lateral sacral
portion of mucosa specifically around teeth Gingiva
Right common carotid a. arises deep to this surface landmark. Sternoclavicular joint
sinus that is a tributary to the straight sinus Inferior sagittal sinus & Great Cerebral Sinus
Specific artery that supplies the scalp above and behind the ear, tympanic cavity, mastoid air cells, etc. Posterior auricular
SPECIFIC artery which supplies fundus of stomach Short gastric
specific structure which contains the occipital sinus Falx cerebelli
SPECIFIC structure which contains the superior petrosal sinus Tentorium cerebelli
Structure located directly in the bifurcation of the common carotid a. Carotid body
Structure that covers most of surface of root of tongue Lingual tonsils
structure which helps hold duodenojejunal flexure in place. Ligament of Treitz
supplies pectineus, gracilis, adductors of hip and hip joint, etc. with arterial blood Obturator a. (outside pelvis)
The ______ part of the internal carotid artery passes in close association with ______ (nerves). They may be affected by an aneurysm of the vessel. Cavernous, III, IV, V1, VI
The _______ opens into the mouth via a small papilla near the upper 2nd molar. Partotid duct
The median sulcus of the tongue ends just anterior to the root of the tongue in a small depression termed the _________ Foramen cecum
The permanent _________ replace the deciduous molars Premolars
The PETROUS part of the internal carotid a. is separated from what two SPECIFIC structures by a thin piece of bone Cochlea of inner ear and trigeminal ganglia
The superior sagittal and transverse sinuses connect to the confluence of sinuses. Name two others which also connect here. Occipital sinus, straight sinus
Third branch of the external carotid a. Lingual Artery
To where does the retromandibular vein drain? Common facial and EJV
Type of roots (morphology) usually present on mandibular molars bifurcated
Vasa recta of the jejunum when compared with the ileum are (circle one) a) shorter or longer and b) less numerous or more numerous? Larger, Longer & Less numerous
Vein that is a tributary to both the external jugular and the common facial veins. Retromandibular v.
Vertebral level of the superior mesenteric a. LOWER border of L1
Vertical fold of mucosa in median plane of mouth extending between lips and gums Labial frenulum
Vertical fold of mucosa in median plane of mouth; extends between the inferior surface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth Lingual frenulum
Vessel that supplies levator ani, piriformis, coccygeus, gluteus maximus, ect. Internal pudendal
vessel which directly supplies floor of mouth and tongue Lingual Artr
Vessel which passes through foramen lacerum (be complete!) Meningeal br. of ascending pharyngeal a.
What branches of the external carotid a. supply the palatine tonsils? Ascending pharyngeal, lingual, facial
What is the function of the following: a)      carotid body a.       monitors O2 and CO2 levels in blood
What is the function of the following: b)      carotid sinus b.      regulates systemic BP
What is/are the action(s) of the: b)      circular mm. of the pharynx b.      constrict pharynx
What SPECIFICALLY differentiates a portal from a normal system? Do NOT just list sequence. 2nd capillary bed between arterial-venous bed and heart
When is the carotid tubercle? Be specific and complete!! Anterior tubercle of transverse process of C6 vertebra
Write the DENTAL FORMULA. You must use the formula to receive credit. I 2/2 + C 1/1 + B 2/2 + M 3/3 = 16
Created by: brookert81
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