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Pharmacology from Davis's Drug Guide

CARVEDILOL BETA BLOCKER;nonselective (antiHTN) Blocks stimulation of beta1(myocardial) and beta2(pulmonary,vascular,uterine) adrenergic receptors. Also has alpha1 blocking activity which may = orthostatic hypotension HTN. CHF(ischemic or cardiomyopathic) with digoxin, diuretics&ACE's. Left ventricular dysfunction after MI. Pulmonary edema. Uncompensated CHF with IVinotropic agents. Cardiogenic shock. Brady, heart block, or sick sinus syndrome without pacemaker. Severe hepatic impairment. Asthma or bronchospastic disorder. Fatigue, weakness, bradycardia, chf, pulmonary edema, impotence,hyperglycemia drug induced lupus
ATENOLOL BETA BLOCKER;selective (antianginal, antiHTN) Blocks stimulation of beta1(myocardial) adrenergic receptors. HTN. Angina Pectoris. MI prophylaxis Uncompensated CHF. Pulmonary edema. Cardiogenic shock. Bradycardia or heart block. Fatigue, weakness, bradycardia, chf, pulmonary edema, impotence, drug induced lupus
LABETALOL BETA BLOCKER;nonselective (antianginal, antiHTN) Blocks stimulation of beta1(myocardial) and beta2(pulmonary,vascular,uterine) adrenergic receptors. Also has alpha1 blocking activity which may = orthostatic hypotension HTN Uncompensated CHF. Pulmonary edema. Cardiogenic shock. Bradycardia or heart block. Fatigue, weakness, bradycardia, chf, pulmonary edema, impotence, drug induced lupus, arrhythmias, orthostatic hypotension
PROPRANALOL BETA BLOCKER;nonselective (antianginal, antiHTN, antiarrhythmic(classII) vascular HA supressant) Blocks stimulation of beta1(myocardial) and beta2(pulmonary,vascular,uterine) adrenergic receptors. HTN. Angina Pectoris. Arrhythmias. MI prevention and management. Thyrotoxicosis and pheochromocytoma management. Essential tremors. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy management. Uncompensated CHF. Pulmonary edema. Cardiogenic shock. Bradycardia or heart block. Fatigue, weakness, bradycardia, chf, pulmonary edema, impotence, drug induced lupus, arrhythmias
AMLODIPINE CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER (antiHTN) Inhibits transport of calcium into myocrdial and vascular smooth muscle cells resulting in inhibition of contraction HTN. Angina Pectoris. Vasospastic Angina. BP <90 mmHh. Severe hepatic impairment. Geri's. Aortic stenosis. CHF Hx. Preg/lac/chil HA, Peripheral edema, brady, nausea, flushing
DILTIAZEM CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER (antianginal,antiarrhythmi(classIV)antiHTN) Inhibits transport of calcium into myocrdial and vascular smooth muscle cells resulting in inhibition of contraction HTN. Angina Pectoris. Vasospastic Angina. SVT and rapid ventricular rates in A fib or flutter. Management of Raynauds. Sick sinus syndrome. 2nd/3rd AV block without pacemaker. BP <90mmHg. Recent MI or pulmonary congestion. Abnormal dreams, arrhythmias,, CHF, peripheral edema, dry mouth, flushing, Stevens-johnson syndrome*
VERAPAMIL CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKER (antianginal, antiHTN, antiarrhythmic(classIV) vascular HA supressant) Inhibits transport of calcium into myocrdial and vascular smooth muscle cells resulting in inhibition of contraction HTN. Angina Pectoris. Vasospastic Angina.SVT and rapid ventricular rates in A fib or flutter. Sick sinus syndrome. 2nd/3rd AV block without pacemaker. BP <90mmHg. CHF. Concurrent IV BB's arrhythmias,, CHF, Stevens-johnson syndrome*
Amikacin, Gentamicin, Neomycin, Streptomycin, Tobramycin AMINOGLYCOSIDES(anti-infectives) Inhibits protein synthesis. Bactericidal. Ami,gent,tobra-serious gram(-) infections and staph infections when less toxic drugs are contraindicated. Strepto-Management of TB Bisulfite intolerance. Benzyl alcohol in neonates. Cross sensitivity Ototoxicity, nephrotoxicity, hypomagnesemia, muscle paralysis
EPINEPHRINE BRONCHODILATOR (antiasthmatic, adrenergic, vasopressor) cAMP accumulates at beta-adrenergic sites affecting beta1&beta2 producing bronchodilation Management of reversible airway dusease, severe allergic reaction, cardiac arrest(unlabeled) Arrhythmias, bisulfite or fluorocarbons sensitivity Restlessness,angina, arrhythmias, HTN, tachycardia
TERBUTALINE BRONCHODILATOR (adrenergic) cAMP accumulates at beta-adrenergic sites affecting mostly beta2 producing bronchodilation Management of reversible airway disease; inh/sq for short term control Oral for long term control Hypersensitivity to adrenergics or fluorocarbons Restlessness, paradoxical bronchospasm*
ALBUTEROL BRONCHODILATOR (adrenergic) Binds to beta2 -->increased cAMP-->decreased cellular calcium-->relaxes smooth airway muscle Management of reversible airway disease. Acute bronchospasm. Hypersens to adrenergics or fluorocarbons, HTN, DM, Cardiac disease Reestlessness, Cx pain, palpitations
CLONIDINE ANTI-HTN (adrenergic) Stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors in CNS-->inhibited cardioacceleration&vasoconstriction cntrs. Prevents pain signal transmission to CNS Mild/Mod HTN. Cancer pain. Opioid withdrawal. Bleeding problems or anticoag therapy,serious cardiac or cerebrovascular disease, Geri's drowsiness, dry mouth, withdrawal phenomenon*
Losartan, Valsartan, Telmisartan ANGIOTENSIN II RECEPTOR ANTAGONISTS (antiHTN) Blocks vasoconstrictor&aldosterone producing effects of angiotensinII @ receptor sites HTN. TypeII diabetic neuropathy, CHF if ACE's not tolerated Hypersensitivity. Preg/lac,blacks(may be Dizziness, hypotension, renal failure*
ALPRAZOLAM BENZODIAZEPINE (antianxiety) Acts at many levels of CNS to produce anxiolytic effect. Anxiety. Panic attacks. Pre-exisiting CNS depression. Severe uncontrolled pain. Narrow-angle glaucoma. Concurrent itraconazole or ketoconazole. Dizziness, lethargy, blurred vision, N/V/D
BUSPIRONE (buspar) ANTIANXIETY Binds to serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain and increases norepinephrine metabolism Anxiety Severe hepatic or renal impairment. Concurrent use of MAO inhibitors. Ingestion of lg amts of grapefruit juice. Fatigue, excitement, insomnia, tinnitus, blurred vision, cx pain, palpitations, N/V/D, numbeness etc
DIAZEPAM (antianx, anticonvulsant, sedative/hypnotic, skeletal muscle relaxant Depresses CNS probably by potentiating GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Skeletal muscle relaxation by inhibiting polysynaptic afferent paths. Mngmt of anxiety, pre-op sedation, conscious sedation. Light anesthesia and anterograde amnesia. Skeletal muscle relaxant. Alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Comatose. Pre-existing CNS depression. Uncontrolled severe pain. narrow-angle glaucoma. Lethargy, blurred vision, N/V/D etc
LORAZEPAM BENZODIAZEPINE (anesthetic adjunct, antianxiety, sedative/hypnotic) Depresses CNS probably by potentiating GABA, an inhibitory neurotransmitter. Adjunct management of anxiety or insomnia. Pre-op sedation and provides amnesia Pre-existing CNS depression. Uncontrolled severe pain. narrow-angle glaucoma. Severe hypotension. Lethargy, N/V/D, rhythmic myoclonic jerking in preterm infants, with rapid IV use apnea or cardiac arrest
Benzapril, Captopril, analapril/enalaprilat, fosinopril, lisinopril, moexipril, perindopril, quinapril, ramipril, trandolopril ACE INHIBITOR Block the conversion of angiotensin I to the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. Net result is systemic vasodilation. HTN management Hypersensitivity. Pregnancy. Angioedema. Dizziness, fatigue, cough, hypotension, taste disturbances, diarrhea
METOPROLOL BETA BLOCKER;selective (antianginal, antiHTN) Blocks stimulation of beta1(myocardial) adrenergic receptors. HTN. Angina Pectoris. Pre/post MI Uncompensated CHF. Pulmonary edema. Cardiogenic shock. Bradycardia or heart block. Fatigue, weakness, bradycardia, chf, pulmonary edema, impotence, drug induced lupus
Created by: Shaundra11
Popular Pharmacology sets




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