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Med Term Chapt 2 voc


Aphonia without voice/sound
anaerobic without air
anticoagulant aqainst clotting
contraception opposed to becoming pregnant
decapitate seperation of the head [caput] from the body
abnormal pertaining to away from normal
adhesion to stick to
circumvascular pertaining to around a vessel
periosteum pertaining to around a bone
dialysis dissolution across or through a membrane
transmission to send across or through
eccentric pertaining to away from center
excise to cut out [cis/o=to cut]
ectopic pertaining to a place outside
exocrine denoting secretion outside
extravascular pertaining to outside a vessel
encapsulate within a little box
endoscope instrument for examination within
intradermal pertaining to within the skin
epidermal pertaining to upon the skin
intercostal pertaining to between te ribs [cost/o=rib]
mesomorphic pertaining to the middle form
metastatsis beyond stopping or standing [the spread of disease from one part of the body to another]
metamorphosis condition of change in form
paramedic pertaining to alongside of medicine
paranoia condition of abnormal thinking
retrograde going backward
infraumbilical pertaining to below the navel [umbilic/o=navel]
sublingual pertaining to under the tongue [lingu/o=tongue]
bilateral pertaining to two or both sides
hemisephalic pertaining to half of the head
hyperlipemia excessive fat in the blood
hypothermia condition of below normal temperatures
macrocyte large cell
microlith small stone
monochromatic pertaining to one color
unilateral pertaining to one side
oliguria condition of deficient urine
panacea a cure-all
polyphobia condition of many fears
multicellular pertaining to many cells
quadriplegia paralysis of all four limbs
suprarenal pertaining to above the kidney
supranumary excessive numbers- too many to count
triangle three angles
ultrasonic pertaining to beyond sound
antepartium before labor
premature before ripe
prognosis before knowing [prediction of course and outcome of a disease]
bradycardia condition of a slow heart
tachycardia condition of a fast heart
postoperative after an operation/surgery
reactivate to make active again
syndactylism webbing together of toes or fingers [dactyl/o=finger or toe]
symbiosis presence of life together
congenital pertaining to being born with
dysphonia condition of difficult voice or sound [hoarseness]
eugenic pertaining to good production
neoplasia a new [abnormal] formation
Adenoma gland tumor
Aerobic pertaining to air
Angioplasty surgical repair of a blood vessel
Vasectomy excision of a vessel
Vascular pertaining to a vessel
Carcinogenic pertaining to the production of cancer
Cardiologist one who specializes in treatment of the heart
Cephalic Pertaining to the heart
Cyanotic pertaining to blue
Cytology Study of cells
Dermal pertaining to the skin
Dermatology study of the skin
Cutaneous pertaining to the skin
Dextrocardia Condition of the heart on the right side
Erythrocyte red cell
Fibroma fiber tumor
Gastric pertaining to the stomach
Osteogenic pertaining to the origin or production in bone
Sclerosis a condition of hardness
Sinistropedal pertaining to the left foot
Sonometer an instrument to measure sound
Stenosis a condition of narrow
Thermometer used for measuring heat
Toxemia poison in the blood
Toxicology study of poison
Trophocyte a cell that provides nourishment
hypertrophy condition of excessive development
Urology study or urine Urinary
black tumor
Morphology study of form
Nasal pertaining to the nose
Rhinitis inflammation of the nose
Necrocytosis condition or increase of cell death
Oral pertaining to the mouth
Orthostatic pertaining to standing straight
Osteal pertaining to bone
Pathology study of disease
Pediatrics treatment of a child
pedal pertaining to the foot
Hydrophobia exaggerated fear of water
photophobia sensitivity to light
Phonic pertaining to voice or sound
Dysplasia condition of faulty formation
Podiatry treatment of the foot
Psychology study of the mind
Pyopoiesis formation of pus
Renal pertaining to the kidney
Nephrosis condition of the kidney
Cephalalgia pain in the head- headache
Cephalodynia pain in the head- headache
Pathogenesis origin or production of disease
Hemolysis breakdown of blood
Hepatomegaly enlargement of the liver Lipoid
Leucopenia abnormal reduction of white blood cells
Rhinorrhea runny discharge from the nose
Vasospasm involuntary contraction of a blood vessel
Gastrocele pouching of the stomach
Angiectasis expansion or dilation of a blood vessel
Hyperlipemia blood condition of excessive fat
Lithiasis formation or presence of a stone or stones
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
Osteomalacia softening of the bone
Carcinoma cancer tumor
Sclerosis condition of hard
leukosytosis increase of white cells
Basophil cell with an attraction for basic dyes
Pneumophilia condition that has an attraction for the lungs
Gastroptosis downward displacement of the stomach
Hemorrhage to burst forth blood
Hepatorrhexis rupture of the liver
Abdominocentesis puncture for aspiration of the abdomen
Arthrodesis binding together of a joint
Nephrectomy excision or removal of a kidney
Gastropexy fixation of the stomach to the abdominal wall
Rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose
Osteorrhaphy suture of bone
Laparotomy incision into the abdomen
Gastrostomy creation of an opening in the stomach
Lithotripsy crushing of stone
Erythrocyte a red blood cell
Phobia condition of an exaggerated fear or sensitivity
Alcoholism condition of alcohol abuse
Epigastrium structure upon the stomach-region in the abdomen
, pericardium tissue around the heart/sac enclosing the heart
Starvation condition or process of starving
Adenopathy condition or process of gland disease
Cardiac pertaining to the heart
Pedal pertaining to the foot
Glandular pertaining to a gland
Pulmonary pertaining to the lung
Esophageal pertaining to the esophagus Toxic
Fibrous pertaining to fiber
Cyanotic pertaining to blue
Ventricle small belly or pouch
Bronchiole small airway
Macula small spot
Pustule small pimple
Sonogram record of sound
Sonograph instrument for recording sound
Sonography process of recording sound
Pediactrics treatment of children
Psychiatry treatment of the mind
Cytology study of cells
Psychologist one who specializes in the study or the treatment of the mind
Pharmacist one who specializes in drugs
Spirometer instrument for measuring breathing [spir/o=breathing]
Spirometry process of measuring breathing
Hemopoiesis formation of blood
Endoscope instrument for examination within
Endoscopy examination of within
Hemostasis stop blood
Orthostasis stand straight
Created by: Kachmiel
Popular Pharmacology sets




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