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Gluteal region
Nerves, Blood supply, origin, insertion
Muscle | Origin | Insertion | Blood Supply | Innervation |
Piriformis | Ant sacral surface between pelvic foramina & grooves from them; capsule of SI jt; upper pelvic surface of sacrotuberous lig; gluteal surface of ilium near posterior intferior iliac spine | Medial side of upper border of greater trochanter of femur | Pelvis - Lateral sacral Buttock - Superior gluteal a | N to piriformis L5-S2 |
Obturator externus | Medial 2/3 of external surface of obturator membrane and adjacent pubic and iscial rami | Trochanteric fossa of femur | Obturator a; medial circumflex femoral a | Post br of obturator n from L3,L4 |
Obturator internus | Pelvic surface of coxal bone from greater foramen; Medial part of pelvic surface of obturator membrane and obturator fascia; Inf ramus of pubis & ischial ramus | Ant impression on medial surface of greater trochanter anterosuperior to trachanteric fossa | (O,bip Gbip) Intrapelvic: Obturator a, br from internal pudendal Extrapelvic - Gemmellar br of internal pudendal | N to obturator internus from L5,S1 (same as gemellus sup) |
Gemellus superior | Dorsal surface of ischial spine | Medial surface of greater trochanter with obturator internus | Internal pudendal and gemellar br | N to obturator internus L5,S1 |
Gemellus inferior | Upper part of ischial tuberosity immediately below lesser sciatic notch | Medial surface of greater trochanter with obturator internus | Medial circumflex femoral a | N to quadratus femoris L5,S1 |
Quadratus femoris | Upper part of external aspect of ischial tuberosity | Quadrate tubercle above middle trochanteric crest of femur | Medial circumflex femoral a; inferior gluteal a | N to quadratus femoris fromL5,S1 |
Gluteus Maximus | Aponeurosis of erector spinae; Dorsal surface of lower part of sacrum & side of coccyx, sacrotuberous lig; post gluteal line of ilium and crest below and behind it; gluteal aponeurosis over gluteus medius | Ilitibial tract Gluteal tuberosity of femur | (ML,LS,SI,IP,1PP)Superior & inferior gluteal aa; medial and lateral circumflex fem, 1st profunda perforator, lateral sacral, and internal pudendal | inferior gluteal n L5-S2 |
Gluteus medius | Outer surface of ileum between iliac crest and posterior and ant gluteal lines | Lateral surface of greater trochanter | Deep br of superior gluteal a; trochanteric anastomosis | Superior gluteal n L4-S1 |
Gluteus minimus | OUter surface of ileum between anterior and inferior gluteal lines; margin of greater sciatic notch | Aponeurosis to anterolateral surface of greater trochanter | Superior gluteal a and deep br; trochanteric anastomosis | Superior gluteal n L4-S1 |
Tensor fasciae latae | Anterior outer lip of iliac creest; lat surface of ant superior iliac spine and border of notch below; deep surface of fascia lata | 2 layers of iliotibial tract 1/3 way down thigh | Ascending br of lateral circumflex femoral a, superfical circumflex iliac, and superior gluteal aa | Superior gluteal n L4-S1 |