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bkhs 11/F unit 10

sadlier-oxford vocab workshop level f unit 10

accrue to grow or accumulate over time
annotation a critical or explanatary note or comment, especially for a literary work
bedlam a state or scene of uproar and confusion
covert hidden, disguised, purposely kept secret
debonair pleasant, courteous, smooth and polished
dun to demand insistently; a creditor; dark, dull, drab
efficacious effective, producing results
equanimity calmness, composure, refusal to panic
fortuitous accidental, occurring by happy chance
gist the essential part, main point, or essence
gratuitous freely given, not called for by circumstances
imperious overbearing; arrogant
invective a strong denunciation, abusive language
motley showing great variety, composed of many colors; a jester
munificent extremely generous, lavish
procrastinate to dealy, put off until later
provocative tending to produce a strong feeling or response, annoying
recondite exceeding ordinary knowlege and understanding
reprobate a depraved, vicious or unprincipled person, a scoungral
sedentary characterized by or calling for continued sitting; remaining in one place
Created by: mrsgluszak
Popular Stadlier Oxford Voca sets




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