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Drugs: CNS

Drugs for CNS/Mental Conditions

Inter: Valium and Vicodin CNS depressant synergy
Inter: Dilantin (muscle relaxant) and Coumadin Dilantin decreases Coumadin levels by speeding up liver metab. of coumadin
Inter: Diflucan and Abilify Diflucan increases Abilify levels
Inter: Zantac and Antacids/Decongestants/Laxatives Ant/Dec/Lax interfere with Zantac absorption
Inter: MAOIs and Tyramine; Transdermal MAOIs and Tegrotol"T-drugs" HTN Crisis: H/A, N, increased BP/HR; give Regatin or Procardia
Decongestants interfere with 2 drugs... Zantac and MAOIs
SEDATIVE HYPNOTIC ANXIOLYTICS: 3 names, use, imp, OD antidote name Valium, Lithium, "-ams"; anxiety, alcohol withdrawl; highly dependent, Paradox. Rxn (rage, excit) = STOP!; Ramozicon
ATYPICAL/NONBARBITUATE ANXIOLYTICS: 1 N,U,I buspar; anxiety, broxism/sex.dysf. r/t SSRIs; INTERACTIONS: grapefruit juice, erythromycin, MAOIs, X-zole; BE PATIENT! + SE are self limiting, no dependence! :-)
SSRIs: 4NUI Paxil, Prozac, Lexopro, "-ams", "-ines"; anxiety, depression; Take in AM w/ food, tremors/N/sweat --> insomnia, sexdysf, hyponatremia, weightGAIN; interacts w/ MAOIs, TCAs = serotonin syndrome!; takes a while to see effects
TCAs:1+ 5 names Elavil, SAAST: sinequan, Aventil, Ascendin, Surmontil, Trofavil; take at H.S., increase fluids (2-3L/day+) r/t anticholinergic effects, watch for SEIZURES!
4 drugs that treat Depression are... TCA,SSRI,MAOI, AtAD
3 drugs that treat Anxiety are... SHA:Benzos (valium, lithium, "ams"), Atyp/NBA: Buspar, SSRIs: Paxil, "ines", "ams", Lexapro
antidote for Opiod OD is... NALOXINE
antidote for Benzo OD is... RAMAZICON
TCAs are contraindicated in these 5 situations: 1) CAD 2) BPH 3) DM 4)A-C Gloucoma 5)hyperthyroidism
2 paths to SEROTONIN SYNDROME 1) SSRIs + MAOI, TCA, St Johns Wart 2) TCAs + MAOI, St Johns Wart
3 drug interactions of Prozac/Fluoxitine 1)increases Coumadin/ PT 2) increase TCA 3)increase Lithium
2 SSRIs that increase birth defect risk Prozac and Paxil
MAOIs: 4nui Nardil, Morplant,Parnate, Emsam (TD-not with "Tdrugs"; Atyp Depression, Bulimia Inter: demerol, decong., cold meds, tyramine; OH, HTN crisis(HA/N/BP&HR up)
2 drugs that treat BULIMIA SSRI Prozac; MAOIs
ATYPICAL ANTIDEPRESSANTS: 6 NUI Wellbutrin + CERED: cymbalta(skinny, with low NA and high DBP), effexor, Remeron(SSRI replacer),edronax,desyrel(desires a friend: w/ SSRI for insomnia)
Inter: Valium and Vicodin CNS depressant synergy
Inter: Dilantin (muscle relaxant) and Coumadin Dilantin decreases Coumadin levels by speeding up liver metab. of coumadin
Inter: Diflucan and Abilify Diflucan increases Abilify levels
Inter: Zantac and Antacids/Decongestants/Laxatives Ant/Dec/Lax interfere with Zantac absorption
Inter: MAOIs and Tyramine; Transdermal MAOIs and Tegrotol"T-drugs" HTN Crisis: H/A, N, increased BP/HR; give Regatin or Procardia
Decongestants interfere with 2 drugs... Zantac and MAOIs
SEDATIVE HYPNOTIC ANXIOLYTICS: 3 names, use, imp, OD antidote name Valium, Lithium, "-ams"; anxiety, alcohol withdrawl; highly dependent, Paradox. Rxn (rage, excit) = STOP!; Ramozicon
ATYPICAL/NONBARBITUATE ANXIOLYTICS: 1 N,U,I buspar; anxiety, broxism/sex.dysf. r/t SSRIs; INTERACTIONS: grapefruit juice, erythromycin, MAOIs, X-zole; BE PATIENT! + SE are self limiting, no dependence! :-)
SSRIs: 4NUI Paxil, Prozac, Lexopro, "-ams", "-ines"; anxiety, depression; Take in AM w/ food, tremors/N/sweat --> insomnia, sexdysf, hyponatremia, weightGAIN; interacts w/ MAOIs, TCAs = serotonin syndrome!; takes a while to see effects
TCAs:1+ 5 names Elavil, SAAST: sinequan, Aventil, Ascendin, Surmontil, Trofavil; take at H.S., increase fluids (2-3L/day+) r/t anticholinergic effects, watch for SEIZURES!
4 drugs that treat Depression are... TCA,SSRI,MAOI, AtAD
3 drugs that treat Anxiety are... SHA:Benzos (valium, lithium, "ams"), Atyp/NBA: Buspar, SSRIs: Paxil, "ines", "ams", Lexapro
antidote for Opiod OD is... NALOXINE
antidote for Benzo OD is... RAMAZICON
TCAs are contraindicated in these 5 situations: 1) CAD 2) BPH 3) DM 4)A-C Gloucoma 5)hyperthyroidism
2 paths to SEROTONIN SYNDROME 1) SSRIs + MAOI, TCA, St Johns Wart 2) TCAs + MAOI, St Johns Wart
3 drug interactions of Prozac/Fluoxitine 1)increases Coumadin/ PT 2) increase TCA 3)increase Lithium
2 SSRIs that increase birth defect risk Prozac and Paxil
MAOIs: 4nui Nardil, Morplant,Parnate, Emsam (TD-not with "Tdrugs"; Atyp Depression, Bulimia Inter: demerol, decong., cold meds, tyramine; OH, HTN crisis(HA/N/BP&HR up)
2 drugs that treat BULIMIA SSRI Prozac; MAOIs
ATYPICAL ANTIDEPRESSANTS: 6 NUI Wellbutrin + CERED: cymbalta(skinny, with low NA and high DBP), effexor, Remeron(SSRI replacer),edronax,desyrel(desires a friend: w/ SSRI for insomnia)
ATYPICAL ANTIDEPRESSANTS: Wellbutrin smoking cessation; SE: HA, GI/constipated, insomnia, WEIGHTLOSS/LESS APPETITE;
2 Nervous system drugs that cause constipation TCAs, AtAD
AtAD:Remeron SSRI replacer: faster working, less sexual SEs, well tolerated BUT sleepiness, WEIGHTGAIN, HIGH CHOLESTEROL; DON'T DRINK ALCOHOL!
AtAD: Desyrel "desires a friend": TX SSRI insomnia, if PRIAPISM, get help ASAP!
SSRI summary facts in am w/ food to decrease sleep disturbances; causes WEIGHTGAIN and SEX SEs.
MAOI summary facts causes OH, list of tyramine rich foods to avoid HTN crisis; interact with vasopressors/caffiene;chromo....(adrenal tumor)
Which Nervous system drugs helps treat enuresis and chronic pain? TCAs! :-)
Buproprion HCL/Wellbutrin (AtAD) summary facts meds autumn - spring and taper off
TCA summary facts take at HS; Anticholinergic SEs;extra fluids!; constipation and seizures watch!
CNS drugs that decrease seizure threshold TCAs
Wellbutrin _______s weight, while Remeron ____s weight decreases; increases
3 CNS drugs w/o sexual SEs MAOIs (nardil), TCAs (elavil), AtAD (Remeron- "sleepy and fat, but having good sex")
2 CNS drugs that cause OH TCAs, MAOIs
Sxs of SEROTONIN SYNDROME agitated, confused, disorient., cant concentrate, anxious. HYPEREFLEXIA, TREMORS, hallucinations,FEVER, sweating; onset is 2-72 hrs, treatment is to DIC therapy!
Prozac is for______, Paxil is for________ anxiety; depression
2 meds contraindicated for diabetics AtypAntiPsych: Risperdol/abilify/seroquel/clozapine TCAs: Elavil
CNS Meds that cause HYPOnatremia SSRIs, Cymbalta (AtAD)
increase fluids with these 2 CNS meds TCAs, Conventional Antipsychs (Thorazine, Haldol)
CNS Meds that increase cholesterol Remeron (AtAD) and Risperdol (AtAP)
Meds used to treat Schizophrenia Conventional APs (+): Thorazine, Haldol; AtypAPs (+ & -): Risperdol (and Sero/Abil/Clozapine/Zeprexa)
Conv APs: uses and schedule of 4 SEs to watch for everything + dimentia, tourettes, N/V stopper!; 1)AD-head spasms @ hrs-days-CRISIS = cogentin, benadryl 2)Parks- shuffle @ 1mo 3) pacing @ 2 mo 4) LATE EPS: lipsmack @ 1 yr(s)
Increase fluids and take at H.S. when on these 2 CNS meds: TCAs and Conventional APs :-)
Emergency SE of ConvAPs and Tx NeuroMaligSyndrome: (highgrd fever, rigmuscles, BP??, Dysrhyth; to tx, STOP MED! and give VALIUM and DANTRIUM
The long list of ConvAP SEs AGRANULOCYTISIS, sleepiness, SexDysf (ssri), temp. OH (tca, maoi), cholinergic effects, big boobs, menstrual screwups
ConvAPs fact summary BID--> H.S.; increase fluids, watch for ADVERSE effects, significant improvement may take 2-4 wks.
ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCH DRUGS: 5 N,u Risperdol, seroquel, abilify, clozapine (YES antichol SEs), zeprexa; + and - sxs of schizo!!, psychosis r/t levadopa or anything else too!
AtypAPs: contras, SE Contraindicated in dimentia, DM (like TCA); SE: weightgain (like SSRI, Remeron), increased cholesterol (like Remeron), EPS, Diabetes (can cause it!), CATARACTS, "torsades-d-pointes" = VT-> VF
AtypAPs: 3 drug interactions Interacts with: immuno-supressor drugs, TCAs (and others that lengthen the QT interval), Barbituates
Clovapine: the "wierd" AtypAP PO only; causes AGRANULOCYTOSIS like Coventional APs, no longer the first line drug for Schizo
Drug interactions for Thorazine/Haldol Levadopa!,alcohol, opiods, antihistamines (like w/ MAOIs)
Neurontin_____ migraines, while Depakote______s migraines. "NO"/prevents; "Diminishes"/treats
AGRANULOSYTOSIS is a SE of these 2 CNS meds: ALL Conventional APs, Clozapine
Tegretol (seizure med)3 characteristic SEs are: blood dyscrasias, fluid overload in CHF pts, skin disorders
Valproic Acid (Depakote)'s 5 main SEs (also increases Dilantin levels!) THROMBOCYTOPENIA,N/V, indigestion, hepatotoxicity, pancreatitis
Dilantin (and Tegretol) DECREASES effects of (3), and is DECREASED by (3) DECREASES: (PO CONTRAS., COUMADIN!); is DECREASED by: chronic alcoholism, phenobarbital, carbamazipine (weird AtypAP)
ER Adverse Reaction to General Anesthetics: MALIGNANT HYPERTHERMIA:rigid muscles+ HOT body (up to 109 F!); ADMIN. DANTROLINE! (antidote)
Created by: ajkrudy
Popular Pharmacology sets




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