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YSU Rise & Fall

YSU Rise & Fall of Civilization Test 2

Ubaid Period dates and settlement 5500-4000BC 2-teired settlement hierarchy (big towns with villages around them)
Who saved the town of Eridu from the floods and what did he do first? Enki Patron god is Enki who saved humans from a great flood but first he put the cosmos in order.
Temples and priests Priests have power nature and crops go together Priests are like cheifs and Temples are the symbol of town
Ubaid Period had what kind of farming? simple village farming
Ubaid Period imports lead to... increased complexity
Ubaid Period sites were where? sites on the flood plain Eridu
Eridu is from this period Ubaid
A Zigarot is? Massive Temples called Zigarots Religion from Ubaid period
Enki is the patron god of whom? Eridu
How big was Eridu? 10 hectares or 25 acres with 2000-4000 people
Where were the first true temples? Eridu. Temple preceinct is center ring, then elite houses, artisans/spcialists, then farmers
Multiple centers & gods, competed but shared some cultural identity where & when? During Ubaid period (5500-4000) in Lower Mesopotamia
Uruk City Might be world's first city.
Uruk period 4000-3200 First cities with huge population growth // 3 & 4 tiered settlement hierarchy; pantheon of gods; priest-rulers "en"; central temples "Zigurats"; taxes' beginning of writing; mass production pottery
Created by: Nikadermis
Popular Anthropology sets




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