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Endocrine Pharm Test

Pharm Test #2 (ch.46)

Which Classification of medications aids in the development and maintenance of secondary sex characteristics? Androgens
Which classification of medications stimulates growth in size of accessory sex organs? Androgens
Which classification of medications promote tissue-building processes? Androgens
What are the adverse reactions for MEN taking androgens? *gynecomastia (breast enlargement) *testicular atrophy *inhibition of testicular function *Impotence *Enlargement of penis *Male pattern baldness *Acne *Fluid & Electrolyte imbalances (sodium, calcium)
What are the adverse reactions for WOMEN taking androgens? *Amenorrhea, menstrual irregularities *Virilization (deepening of voice, facial hair, clitoral enlargement) *Male pattern baldness *Acne
Contraindications for Adrogens include: *Known hypersensitivity *Liver disorders *Cardiac disease *PROSTATE DISORDERS (BPH OR CA) *Pregnancy Category X
Uses for Androgens include: *Testosterone deficiency *Hypogonadism *Delayed puberty *Development of testosterone deficiency after puberty *Female patients: treatment of metastatic breast cancer
Androgen interactions include: *Increased effect of anticoagulants *Increased risk of paranoid behavior when taken with imipramine *may increase action of oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin
Nursing interventions for a patient taking Androgens would include: *Obtain baseline fluid and electrolyte lab work *Monitor intake and output *Weigh patient twice weekly *Notify Md if weight change +/- 5lb *Assess patient for edema *Monitor serum calcium (hypercalcemia: n/v/constipation/weakness)
Patient teaching for a patient taking Androgens would include: *Report signs and symptoms promptly: difficulty urinating, breast enlargement, virilization) *Apply patch to clean, dry, hairless skin on back, abdomen, upper arms or thigh, rotate sites *Monitor changes in blood sugar *Notify MD immediately if pregnan
Which Classification of medications stimulates erytropoietin production? Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens)
Which classification of medications promote tissue-building processes? Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens)
Uses for Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens) include: *Management of anemia of renal insufficiency *Promotion of weight gain after surgery, trauma, or infection *Female patients: treatment of metastatic breast cancer
What are the adverse reactions for patients taking Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens)? *Virilization in women (deepening of the voice, facial hair, clitoral enlargement) *Mental changes (rage, severe depression, suicidal tendencies) *Testicular atrophy *Sexual dysfunction *Gynecomastia *Jaundice *Anorexia *Liver tumors *Atherosclero
List more adverse reactions for patients taking Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens)? *Acne *Fluid & electrolyte imbalances (sodium, calcium)
Contraindications for Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens) include: *Known hypersensitivity *Liver disorders *Cardiac disease *PROSTATE DISORDERS (BPH, PROSTATE CA) *PREGNANCY CATEGORY X *Enhance physical appearance
Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens) intereactions include: *Can increase effect of anticoagulants *May increase action of oral hypoglycemic agents and insulin
Nursing interventions for a patient taking Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens) would include: *Obtain baseline physical and nutritional status *CBC, hepatic function, and electrolyte lab work *Daily or weekly weights *Dietary consult for weight gain
Patient teaching for a patient taking Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens)would include: *Report signs & symptoms promptly: (difficulty urinating, virilization, breast enlargement) *Monitor changes in blood sugar *Notify MD immediately if pregnant
Which classification of medications are the drugs Nandrolon & Oxandrolone in? Anabolic Steroid (synthetic androgens)
Which classification of medications are the drugs Testosterone & Androgel in? Androgens
Which classification of medications are the drugs Avodart & Propecia in? Androgens Hormone Inhibitors
Which classification of medications inhibit conversion of testosterone to DHT (5-alpha dihydrotesterone)? Androgens Hormone Inhibitors
Development of prostate gland is dependent on DHT Androgens Hormone Inhibitors
What are the adverse reactions for a patient taking androgens hormone inhibitors? *Impotence *Decreased libido *Ejaculation disorders
What are the nursing interventions for a patient taking androgens hormone inhibitors? *Assess the following symptoms of BPH: *frequency *urgency *nocturia *incomplete bladder emptying
What are the uses for Androgens Hormone Inhibitors? *prevention of male pattern baldness *symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH)
What are the contraindications for a patient taking Androgens Hormone Inhibitors? *Known hypersensitivity *Liver disorders *Cardiac disease *Pregnancy category X
What would be the patient teaching for a patient taking Androgens Hormone Inhibitors? *Several months of therapy before symptoms will improve *Notify MD immediately if sexual partner becomes pregnant *Pregnant woman should not handle medication *Avoid donating blood for at least 6 months after last dose
Which classification of medications are the drugs Premarin, Estrogel, Estrace, and Estradiol in? Estrogen
Which classification of medications are the drugs Progesterone & Provera in? Progestin
Which classification of drugs transform proliferative endometrium into secretory endometrium? Progestin
Which classification of drugs aids in the development of placenta? Progestin
Which classification of drugs inhibit secretion of pituitary gonadotropins (prevents maturation of ovarian follicle and ovulation)? Progestin
What are the adverse reactions of Progestin? *Edema *Menstrual irregularities *Breast tenderness *Skin changes *Acne
What are the nursing interventions for a patient taking Progestin? *History of thrombophlebitis, vascular disorders or smoking *Monitor weight, signs of edema *Monitor for breakthrough bleeding *Monitor for signs of thromboembolic effects *
What are the uses for Progestin? *Amenorrhea *Endometriosis *Functional uterine bleeding *Oral contraceptive *Support of embryo implantation and early pregnancy
What are the contraindications for a patient taking Progestin? *Known hypersensitivity *Estrogen dependent neoplasms *THROMBOEMBOLIC DISORDERS *History of migraines *Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding *Pregnancy category X
Progestin interactions include: *Penicillins & tetracyclines can decrease effectiveness *Barbituates or rifampin can decrease effectiveness *Smoking increases risk of CV reactions
What patient teaching should you give for a patient taking Progestin? *Take with food to decrease GI upset *Take at the same time every day
What are the nursing interventions for a patient taking Estrogen? *History of thrombophlebitis, vascular disorders or smoking *Monitor weight, signs of edema *Monitor for breakthrough bleeding *Monitor for blood sugar changes *Monitor for signs of thromboembolic effects
What patient teaching should you give for a patient taking Estrogen? *Take with food to decrease GI upset *When treating menopausal symptoms in patients with an intact uterus, concurrent use of progestin is recommended to decrease risk of endometrial cancer *Take at the same time every day
Estrogen interactions include: *Can decrease the effect of anticoagulants *Can decrease the effect of insulin, hypoglycemics *Barbituates or rifampin can decrease effectiveness *Smoking increases risk of CV reactions
Adverse reactions of Estrogen include: *Headache *Hypertension *MI *THROMBOEMBOLISM *Edema *N/V *Menstrual irregularities *Breast tenderness *Gynecomastia *Acne
Contraindications for a patient taking Estrogen include: *Known hypersensitivity *Estrogen dependent neoplasms *THROMBOEMBOLIC DISORDERS *Cardiac disease *Hypercalcemia *History of migraines *SMOKERS *Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding *Pregnancy category X
Uses of Estrogen include: *Relief of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms of menopause (flushing, sweating) *Tx of female hypogonadism *Tx of atrophic vaginitis *Tx of osteoporosis after menopause *Advanced metastatic breast and prostate cancer
Aids in the development & maintenance of female sex organs and secondary sex characteristics Estrogen
Which classification of medications has actions that include: Fluid retention, thinking of cervical mucous, inhibition or facilitation of ovulation, stimulates contraction of fallopian tube, & restores endometrium afer menstruation? Estrogen
Which classification of medications concerves calcium and phosphorus? Estrogen
Created by: ashley/michelle
Popular Pharmacology sets




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