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ELG Language

Communication The act of understanding and/or expressing wants, needs, feelings and thoughts with others. Forms of communication include crying, vocalizing, facial expressions, speech, gestures, sign language, and/or pictures
Communication Skills and Knowledge The developing ability to communicate nonverbally and verbally
Dual language learner Children who acquire two or more languages simultaneously, as well as learn a second language while continuing to develop their first language
Early literacy Describes the foundations of reading and writing which begins in infancy
ELL English language learner
Emergent literacy The view that literacy learning begins a birth and is encouraged through participation with adults in meaningful activities; these literacy behaviors change and eventually become conventional over time
Expressive language Children’s use and knowledge of words in spoken language
Extend (1) To make a longer sentence or add to a sentence a child has said; (2) to allow for more play by adding new ideas or materials to the setting
Interest in Print The developing interest in engaging with print in books and in the environment
Home language First language a child learns to speak
Label To attach a word to a picture, object, action, or event, either verbally or in writing
Language Words, signs and symbols used by a group of people to communicate
Parallel talk An educator talking to a child, describing what the child is doing
Phoneme The smallest units of sound that combine to form syllables and words, for example, b-i-g is three phonemes
Phonological awareness A range from beginning awareness of speech sounds and rhythms to rhyme awareness and sound similarities and finally the awareness of syllables and phonemes
Predictable books Books that use repetitive lines and familiar patterns that make it possible for the listener to know or guess what is coming next
Receptive language The process of gaining meaning from spoken words
Self-talk Words or dialogue adults use to describe what they are doing
Syntax words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences
Vocabulary The collection of words that a child understands or uses to communicate
Vocalizations Producing sounds with the voice
Created by: marylu



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