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Marino Mission CHP 4

SAT vocab from chapter four

stifling to withhold from circulation or expression; repressing
uplifting improving the spiritual, social, or intellectual condition of; inspiring, enrichign
sensibilities sensitivities; awareness of and responsiveness to something
explicitly clearly, unambiguously
prophetic foretelling events; predictive
surreptitiously done, made, or acquired by stealth; secretly, slyly
fervently exhibited or marked by great intensity of feeling; zealously
universal worldwide, genearl, common
anemic lackluster, insipid (can also refer to the medical condition caused by the disease anemia)
gourmand one who is heartily interested in good food and drink
affront to insult especially to the face by behavior or language
envision to picture to oneself
affectation mannerisms, especially pretentious ones
frugal characterized by economy in the expediture of resources
ensemble a complete costume of harmonizing or complementary clothing and accessories
vitiate to make faulty or defective, often by the addition of something that impairs
bourgeois marked by a concern for material interests and respectability and a tendency toward mediocrity; usually used disparagingly
parsimony the quality of being careful with money or resources; thrift
eclectic composed of elements drawn from different sources
fantasize to indulge in fantasy or reverie; daydream
maxim a saying of a proverbial nature; adage
pigeonhole a neat category that usually fails to reflect actual complexities
dimension one of the elements or factors making up a complete personality orentity
querulous argumentative
confrontation the clashing of forces or ideas; conflict
mechanisms a process or technique for achieving a result
coherently logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated
livid very angry; enraged
indecorous not decorous; conflicting with accepted standards of good conduct or good taste
dissipated to cause to spread thin or scatter and gradually vanish
digress to turn aside, especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument
toady one who flatters in hope of gaining favors
untenable not able to be defended or occupied
unalterable not capable of being altered or changed
Created by: ktlarge18
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