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Method of Action

What each med class does

Calcium Channel Blocker Blocks Ca from entering the heart and speeding up heart rate
Beta Blocker Blocks beta enzymes from meeting their receptor cells, which helps slow down heart beat (these meds are bad for people with diabetes and asthma)
Cox-2 Inhibitors Prevents the Cox-2 enzyme from being released; good for people with Peptic Ulcer Disease
NSAID Inhibits prostaglandin from being released
Narcotic Analgesics Numbs the brain and spinal cord so they won't release prostaglandin or COX-2 enxyme
Non-Narcotic Analgesics Stops the synthesizing of prostaglandin
Corticosteroids Relieves inflammation; we have a natural steroid in our body (cortisol), which is released from our adrenal gland
-Cidals Kills bacteria
-Statics Inhibits bacterial growth
Cephalosporins Related to PCN, but 6x stronger
Macrolides Used if allergic to PCN, enteric coated because it will cause GI discomfort
Aminoglycosides Used for bacteremia, bacterial endocarditis prevention; only used in hospitals
Fluroquinocides Interferes with DNA reproduction, no used in pregnant women; strongest antibiotics available; max to be taken in 30 days
Tetracycline Causes tooth discoloration and sun sensitivity; outdated TCN with cause kidney damage; do not take with milk or antacids
Sulfa Drugs Take with lots of water; causes sun sensitivity, with Vit C it causes crystaluria
Anti-Coagulant Thins blood to prevent stroke, heart attack, thrombuphlebitis
Sulfonylureas Squeeze pancreas to make more insulin
Biguanides Makes own insulin, very sensitive to increase of glucose
Thiazolindindiones Decrease glucose production,increase insulin sensitivity and glucose uptakes in the muscles
Gliptins Increase release of insulin, decrease glucogon levels
ACE Inhibitors Stops Angiotensin I from becoming Angiotensin II.
ARB Blocks Angiotensin II from meeting with its receptor cell. When they meet it increases BP.
Loop Diuretic Works in kidneys, loop of henle, and bladder to excrete sodium and water to decrease BP
Thiazide Diuretic Works in kidneys to excrete water and sodium to decrease BP
Tricyclic Anti-Depressants Inhibits Norepinephrine from getting picked up by another nerve in the synapse
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Inhibits Serotonin from being picked up in the synapse
Benzos/Anti-Anxiety Decreases GABA
Saline Lax Pulls water into colon, acts quickly
Bulk Lax Forms artificial stool
Irritants/Stimulants to Bowels Causes peristalsis of colon
Anti-Diarrheals Slows peristalsis
Created by: ABPharmTech2
Popular Pharmacology sets




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