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Eng. 2 Hon Lists 1-4

English 2 Honors Lists 1-4

voracious desiring or consuming great quantities
matron an older married woman
indiscriminate choosing at random without careful selection
abound to exist in great numbers
replete completely filled with or supplied with
technology branch of knowledge dealing with engineering, applied science, etc.
steeped soaked, drenched, saturated
automaton a robot; a mechanical “person”
eminent of high reputation, outstanding
prognosticate to predict or foretell a future event
annals historical records
realm special field of something or someone; kingdom
compound to increase or add to
paradox a statement that at first seems to be absurd or self-contradictory but which may in fact turn out to be true
tinge a trace, a smattering, or slight degree
badger to pester, nag, annoy persistently
implore to plead urgently for aid or mercy
drudgery unpleasant, dull, or hard work
interminable unending
perceive to understand, know, become aware of
hapless unfortunate
furtive secret; stealthy
intrepid brave
reticent silent
plethora excess
laconic expressing much in few words
felon a person guilty of a major crime
throng crowd
accost to approach and speak to [someone]
irate angry, incensed
pretext an excuse
nuance slight variation in meaning, tone, etc.
fabricate to lie; to construct
enhance intensify, heighten
adroit skillful
rudimentary elementary
gesticulate move arms energetically
cajole coax
vigilant watchful
avid eager
loathe to hate
reprimand to show sharp disapproval
lackluster dull
caustic sarcastic, biting
wrest take by force
infamous having a bad reputation
jostle to shove hard
dupe a person easily tricked
incipient just beginning to exist
inadvertent heedless, not attentive
ominous threatening
tremulous quivering
repudiate to reject, decline
cessation a stopping
bristle stiffen with fear or anger
euphemism a less offensive term
mundane worldly
incongruous inappropriate
condolence pity
stipulate to specify a condition
tangible having actual form
solace easing for grief
laceration jagged wound
aspirant candidate for high position
castigate to correct by punishing
dregs most worthless part
sordid dirty, unethical or dishonest, foul language
frenzy wild fit
octogenarian person in his or her eighties
scurrilous given to vulgar verbal abuse; foul-mouthed; coarse, vulgar, abusive, or slanderous
alacrity briskness, lively action
pugnacious Eager or quick to argue or fight.
disdain(n) contempt or hatred
promulgate to make known officially
belligerent warlike
brash offensively bold or impudent
intimidate to overawe or make fearful
scoff to sneer at
feint a false attack
belittle to make seem less important
Created by: adam.seipel
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