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Qs classifications

Drug classifications & generics we learned in class

Corticosteroids Reduce swelling, heat, tenderness, used for allergic reactions and as an adjuct to chemotherapy
Prednisone Deltasone - Corticosteroid
Methylpredisolone Medrol - Corticosteroid
Nasalide Flunisolide - Corticosteroid
Flonase Fluticasone - Corticosteroid
Flovent Fluticasone - Corticosteroid
Narcotic Analgesics Bind to opiate receptors in the CNS, cause drowsiness, avoid alcohol, needs federal control sticker
Codine Schedule II - Narcotic Analgesic
Fentanyl Schedule II - Narcotic Analgesic
Dilaudid Hydromorphone - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
Dolophine Methadone - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
Demerol Meperidine - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
MS Contin Morphine - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
Percodan Oxycodone & ASA - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
Percocet, Tylox Oxycodone & APAP - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
Oxycontin Oxycodone - Schedule II Narcotic Analgesic
Tylenol w/ Codine Schedule III Narcotic Analgesic
Empirin w/ Codine ASA w/ Codine - Schedule III Narcotic Analgesic
Loratab, Vicodin Hydrocodone & APAP - Schedule III Narcotic Analgesic
Hycodan Hydrocodone - Schedule III Narcotic Analgesic
Darvon Propoxyphene - Schedule IV Narcotic Analgesic
Darvocet Propoxyphene Napsylate & APAP
Non-Narcotic Analgesics Inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins - can have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic properties
Tylenol APAP, acetaminophen - Non-narcotic Analgesic
Acetylsalicylic Acid ASA, aspirin - Non-narcotic Analgesic
Diflunisal Dolobid - Non-narcotic Analgesic
Pyridium Phenazopyridine - Non-narcotic Analgesic
NSAID Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents
Ibuprofen Motrin, Advil - NSAID
Naproxen Naprosyn, Anaprox - NSAID
Sulindac Clinoril - NSAID
Indomethacin Indocin - NSAID
Celecoxib Celebrex - COX-2 Inhibitor NSAID
Rofecoxib Vioxx - COX-2 Inhibitor NSAID
Antianginals Used for chest pain caused by not enough blood flow to the coronary arteries
Nitroglycerin - NTG Nitro-Dur - Organic Nitrate
Isordil Isosorbide Dinitrate - Organic Nitrate
Imdur Isosorbide Mononitrate - Organic Nitrage
Calcium Channel Blockers Used for angina as well as blood pressure and antiarrythmias; blocks entrance of calcium ions into cardiac muscles, causes blood vessels to open (vasodilate)
Amlodipine Norvasc - Calcium Channel Blocker
Amlodipine Norvasc - Calcium Channel Blocker
Diltiazem Cardizem, Dilacor - Calcium Channel Blocker
Nifedipine Procardia, Adalat - Calcium Channel Blocker
Verapamil Calan, Isoptin - Calcium Channel Blocker
Beta-Blockers Used for angina, blood pressure and arrhythmias; blocks Beta-1 receptors
Atenelol Tenormin - Beta-Blocker
Labetelol Normodyne, Trandate - Beta-Blocker
Metoprolol Lopressor, Toprol XL - Beta-Blocker
Propanolol Inderal - Beta-Blocker
Anti-arrhythmias Regulate heart rate slow HR - bradycardia fast HR - tachycardia
Disopyramide Norpace - Sodium-Channel Blocker
Lidocaine Xylocaine -Sodium-Channel Blocker
Procainamide Pronestyl - Sodium-Channel Blocker
Quinidine Sodium-Channel Blocker
Amiodarone Cordarone - Potassium-Channel Blocker
Digoxin Lanoxin - Cardiac Glycoside
Digitoxin Cardiac Glycoside
Anti-Infectives can be bactericidal (kills bacteria) or bacteriostatic (inhibits the growth of bacteria)
Anti-Malarials Should be started 2 weeks before traveling to malaria prone areas
Chloroquine Aralen - Anti-Malarial
Hydroxy-Chloroquine Plaquenil - Anti-Malarial
Mefloquine Lariam - Anti-Malarial
Quinine Anti-Malarial
Aminoglycosides Nephrotoxic - should monitor CrCl - can increase toxicity if given together with cephalosporins; kills mostly gram negative organisms
Amikacin Amikin - Aminoglycoside
Gentamicin Garamycin - Aminoglycoside
Neomycin Aminoglycoside
Streptomycin Used for TB - Aminoglycoside
Tobramycin Nebcin - Aminoglycoside
Antifungal Many are hepatotoxic (liver) - therapy often lasts several months
Amphotericin Fungizone - Antifungal
Fluconazole Diflucan - Antifungal
Ketoconazole Nizoral - Antifungal
Miconazole Monistat - OTC Antifungal
Nystatin Mycostatin - OTC Antifungal
Clotrimazole Lotrimin, Mycelex - OTC Antifungal
Cephalosporins Cross sensitivity to PCN allergies
Cephalexin Keflex - Cephalosporin
Cefaclor Ceclor - Cephalosporin
Cefotaxime Claforan - Cephalosporin
Cefuroxime Ceftin - Cephalosporin
Ceftiaxone Rocephin - Cephalosporin
Lorecarbef Lorabid - Cephalosporin
Cefixime Suprax - Cephalosporin
Macrolide Antibiotics Often given to patients allergic to PCN
Azithromycin Zithromax - Erythromycin
Clarithromycin Biaxin - Erythromycin
Erythromycin Estolate, Ethylsuccinate - Erythromycin
Erythromycin/Sulfasoxizole Pediazole - Erythromycin
Penicillin Derivatives Can cause severe allergic reactions, all suspensions should be refrigerated
Amoxicillin Penicillin Derivative
Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Augmentin - Penicillin Derivative
Ampicillin Penicillin Derivative
Piperacillin Piperacil - Penicillin Derivative
Penicillin G Procaine Penicillin Derivative
Penicillin G Benzathine Penicillin Derivative
Penicillin VK Penicillin Derivative
Fluoroquinolones Good for infections that are resistant to other antibiotics, people that are allergic to penicillin
Ciprofloxacin Cipro - Fluoroquinolone
Ofloxacin Floxin - Fluoroquinolone
Levofloxacin Levaquin - Fluoroquinolone
Tetracyclines Avoid antacids and iron containing products, expired drugs can cause kidney damage
Tetracycline Tetracycline
Doxycycline Vibramycin - Tetracycline
Minocycline Minocin - Tetracycline
Antivirals Inhibits multiplication of viruses
Acyclovir Zovirax - Antiviral
Valacyclovir Valtrex - Antiviral
Famcyclovir Famvir - Antiviral
Amantadine Symmetrel - Antiviral
Didanosine Videx, DDI - Antiviral - HIV
Lamivudine Epivir - Antiviral - HIV
Saquinavir Inverase - Antiviral - HIV
Zalcitabine (DDC) Hivid - Antiviral - taken with AZT for HIV
Zidovidine AZT, Retrovir - Antiviral - HIV
Relenza Inhaled Antiviral (neuraminidse inhibitor)
Antituberculars Inhibit mycrobacterium - infective organism that causes tuberculosis (TB)
Isoniazid INH - Antitubercular
Pyrazinamide PZA - Antitubercular
Ethambutol Myambutol - Antitubercular
Rifampin Rifadin, Rimactane - Antitubercular
Sulfonamides "sulfa" drugs
Sulfamethoxazole/Trimethoprim (SMZ/TMP) Bactrim, Septra (ss-single strengh) (ds-double strenght)- Sulfonamide
Sulfasalazine Azulfidine - Sulfonamide
Triple Sulfa Sultrin - Sulfonamide
Sulfasoxizole Gantrisin - Sulfonamide
Clindamycin Cleocin - Misc Antibiotic
Metronidazole Flagyl - Misc Antibiotic
Vancomycin Cancocin - Misc Antibiotic
Anticholinergic Agents Used to decrease GI secretions and spasms and to increase heart rate, also to dilate pupils
Atropine Atropisol - Anticholinergic Agent
Dicyclomine Bentyl - Anticholinergic Agent
Benzotropine Cogentin - Anticholinergic Agent
Scopolamine Transderm-Scop - Anticholinergic Agent
Neuromuscular Blocking Agent Used to relax or paralyze diaphram muscles during surgery
Pancuronium Pavulon - Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
Succinylcholine Anectine - Neuromuscular Blocking Agent
Anticoagulants Slows the clotting of blood, used in stroke and heart attack victims
Heparin Anticoagulant
Warfarin Coumadin - Anticoagulant
Enoxaparin Lovenox - Anticoagulant
Anticonvulsant Used to treat seizures
Carbamazepine Tegretol - Anticonvulsant
Divalproex Depakote - Anticonvulsant
Diazepam Valium - Benzodiazepine CIV Anticonvulsant
Phenobarbital Anticonvulsant
Phenytoin Dilantin - Anticonvulsant
Gabapentin Neurontin - Anticonvulsant
Lorazepam Ativan - Benzodiazepine Anticonvulsant
Antidiabetic Agents Type I requires insulin, Type II - oral agents
Chlorpropamide Diabenese - Antidiabetic Agent
Glipizide Glucotrol - Antidiabetic Agent
Glyburide Micronase, Diabeta - Antidiabetic Agent
Metformin Glucophage - Antidiabetic Agent
Insulin Antidiabetic Agent
Cholesterol Lowering Agents The "statins" HMG-CO enzyme A reductase inhibitors
Atorvastatin Lipitor - Cholesterol Lowering Agent
Simvastatin Zocor - Cholesterol Lowering Agent
Pravastatin Pravachol - Cholesterol Lowering Agent
Lovastatin Mevacor - Cholesterol Lowering Agent
Gemfibrozil Lopid - Cholesterol Lowering Agent
Antidiarrheals Used to treat diarrhea
Kaolin/Pectin Pepto-Bismol - Antidiarrheal
Diphenoxylate/Atropine Lomotil - Schedule V - Antidiarrheal
Loperamide Immodium - Antidiarrheal
Kaolin/Pectin Kaopectate - OTC Antidiarrheal
Opium Tincture Paregoric - Schedule III Antidiarrheal
Antiemetics Control nausea and vomiting
Meclizine Antivert - Antiemetic
Dronabinol Marrinol - Antiemetic
Metoclopramide Zofran - Antiemetic
Ondansetron Zofran - Antiemetic
Prochloperazine Compazine - Antiemetic
Antineoplastic Agents Chemotherapy or Anticancer drugs
Cisplatin Platinol - Antineoplastic Agent
Cyclophospamide Cytoxan (CTX) - Antineoplastic Agent
Doxorubicin Adriamycin - Antineoplastic Agent
Etoposide Vepesid (VP-16) - Antineoplastic Agent
Fluorouacil Efudex (5FU) - Antineoplastic Agent
Dactinomycin Cosmegen - Antineoplastic Agent
Mitomycin Mitocin C - Antineoplastic Agent
Paclitaxel Taxol - Antineoplastic Agent
Vinblastine Velban - Antineoplastic Agent
Vincristine Oncovin (VCR) - Antineoplastic Agent
Methotrexate MTX - Antineoplastic Agent - always given with Calcium Leucovorin Rescue
Taxatere Docetaxel - Antineoplastic Agent
Antihypertensive Agents Used to lower blood pressure
Bumetanide Bumex - Antihypertensive Agent - need K or KCL
Chlorthiazide Diuril - Antihypertensive Agent - need K
Furosemide Lasix - Antihypertensive Agent - "loop diuretic" need K
Hydrochlothiazide HCTZ - Antihypertensive Agent - need K
Metalozone Zaroxylin - Antihypertensive Agent - need K
HCTZ/Triamterene Dyazide - Antihypertensive Agent - K sparing
HCTZ/Spironolactone Aldactazide - Antihypertensive Agent - K sparing
Spironolactone Aldactone - Antihypertensive Agent
Triamterene Dyrenium - Antihypertensice Agent
ACE Inhibitors Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor
Lisinopril Zestril, Prinivil - ACE Inhibitor
Enalapril Vasotec - ACE Inhibitor
Quinapril Accupril - ACE Inhibitor
Benazepril Lotensin - ACE Inhibitor
Fosinopril Monopril - ACE Inhibitor
Captopril Capoten - ACE Inhibitor
Doxazosin Cardura - Antihypertensive Agent
Terazosin Hytrin - Antihypertensive Agent
Prazosin Minipres - Antihypertensive Agent
Losarten Cozaar - Antihypertensive Agent
Losarten/HCTZ Hyzaar - Antihypertensive Agent
Nitroprusside Nipride - Antihypertensive Agent
Clonidine Catapres - Antihypertensive Agent
Antiparkinson Agent Used to treat the symptoms of parkinsons disease
Amantadine Symmetrel - Antiparkinson Agent
Benztropine Cogentin - Antiparkinson Agent
Carbidopa/Levodopa Sinemet - Antiparkinson Agent
Thyroid Hormones Used for both hyper and hypo thyroidism
Levothyroxine Synthroid, Levoxyl, Levoxine - Thyroid Hormone
Antiulcer Drugs H2 Antagonists - Blocks H2 receptors
Ranitidine Zantac - Antiulcer Drug
Cimetidine Tagamet - Antiulcer Drug
Famotidine Pepcid - Antiulcer Drug
Nizatidine Axic - Antiulcer Drug
Omeprazole Prilosec - Proton pump inhibitor
Lansoprazole Prevacid - Proton pump inhibitor
Bronchodilators Used to treat asthma
Albuterol Proventil, Ventolin - Bronchodilator
Aminophylline Bronchodilator
Theophylline Thur-Dur - Bronchodilator
Ipatropium Atrovent - Bronchodilator
Metaproterenol Alupent - Bronchodilator
Salmeterol Serevent - Bronchodilator
Isoproterenol Isuprel - Bronchodilator
Dobutamine Dobutrex - used for shock
Levoalbuterol Xopenex - Bronchodilator
Laxatives Used to relieve constipation
Bisacodyl Dulcolax - Laxative
Psyllium Metamucil - Laxative
Docusate Sodium Colace (DSS) - Laxative
Mineral Oil Kindremul - Laxative
Psychotherapeutic Agents Used to treat anxiety, depression, and mental disorders
Alprozolam Xanax - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antianxiety Schedule IV benzodiazepine
Diazepam Valium - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antianxiety Schedule IV benzodiazepine
Lorazepam Atavan - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antianxiety Schedule IV benzodiazepine
Clonazepam Klonopin - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antianxiety Schedule IV benzodiazepine
Amitryptiline Elavil - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antidepressant
Fluxetine Prozac - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antidepressant SSRI - serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor
Paroxetine Paxil - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antidepressant SSRI - serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor
Sertraline Zoloft - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antidepressant SSRI - serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor
Venlafaxine Effexor Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antidepressant SSRI - serotonin selective reuptake inhibitor -
Clozapine Clozaril - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antipsychotic
Haloperidol Haldol - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antipsychotic
Chlorpromazine Thorazine - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antipsychotic
Thiothixene Navane - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antipsychotic
Olanzepine Zyprexa - Psychotherapeutic Agent - Antipsychotic
Chlordiazepoxide Librium - Psychotherapeutic Agent
Quetiapine Seroquel - Psychotherapeutic Agent
Fosamax Alendronate - Biophosphonate
Ibandronate Boniva - Biophosphonate
Risendronate Actonel - Biophosphonate
Antitussive Cough supressant
Codine Antitussive
Hydrocodone Antitussive
Dextromethorphan Antitussive
Diphenhydramine Benadryl - Antihistamine
Expectorant Thins out mucous discharge
Guafenesin Robitussin - Expectorant
Musinex Expectorant
Decongestant Decreases nasal swelling and congestion
Pseudoephedrine Sudafed - Decongestant
Antihistamines Block histamine, reduces sneezing, coughing and wheezing, itchy eyes
Loratadine Claritin - Antihistamine
Fexofenadine Allegra - Antihistamine
Cetirizine Zertec - Antihistamine
Hemopoetic Agents For the blood
Erythropoietin Alfa Epogen, Procrit - Hemopoetic Agent - increases RBC
Filgrastim Neupogen - Hemopoetic Agent - Increases WBC
Finasteride Proscar - Benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH- enlarged prostate
Tetanus Toxoid Immunization
Mannitol used for brain trama and as a volume expander
Norethindrone Oral Contraceptive
Norgestimate Oral Contraceptive
Mestronol Oral Contraceptive
Ethinyl Estradiol Oral Contraceptive - mini pill
Created by: 1541771832
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