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Words I will know 02

SAT-level vocabulary

meretricious attracting attention in a vulgar manner
cynosure center of attention
slatternly untidy
unwonted unusual
perpetual lasting forever
heckling mocking, taunts, derision
muster gather or bring together
rift disagreement; gap or break
scathing severely critical and scornful
subdue restrain; hold back
incumbent somebody already in office or position
asinine stupid
chide censure severely or angrily
ebbing in decline
allure tempt; dispose or incline or entice to
unnerving inspiring fear
sober serious
levity humor, lightness
gravity importance, seriousness
depredation plundering; destruction
stipend pay for services
Elysium place or condition of bliss
propitiate appease; conciliate; make peaceful
sundry miscellaneous; various; several; (n): small miscellaneous items
simper smirk; smile in a silly way
elopes run away secretly with one's beloved
ingratiate gain favor with somebody by deliberate efforts
pseudo mark something false, fraudulent
macabre shockingly repellent
tantalizing teasing, tempting, but beyond reach
retaliate repay in kind (usually for bad treatment)
lamented mourned or grieved for
perverse marked by a disposition to oppose and contradict
execrate abhor; find repugnant
inveigh speak or write about something with great hostility
feuilleton a part of a newspaper or magazine devoted to fiction, criticism, or light literature
approbation approval or praise
spurn to reject somebody or something with disdain
dote be foolish or senile due to old age; shower with love, show excessive affection for
nous common sense
pungle (v) to make a payment or contribution of money, usually used up
ululate (v) howl; wail
vagary (n) an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
fossick (v) to search about; rummage
ineluctable (adj) not to be avoided, changed, or resisted; inevitable
Created by: xbaby_bananax
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