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Pharm. Abbrevs.

Many of the most common abbreviations used in pharmacies.

1◦ 1 hour
5-FU 5-fluorouracil
6-MP 6-mercaptopurine
6-TG 6-thioguanine
a before
a.d. right ear
aa of each
aa qs ad a sufficient quantity of each up to
ac before meals
ACQ acquisition cost
ad up to
ad lib as much as desired
ADD attention deficient disorder
ADHD attention deficient hyperactive disorder
ADI American Drug Index
adm admission
ADR adverse drug reaction
Ag silver
agit shake
AIDs Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Al aluminum
al(OH)3 aluminum hydroxide
am before noon; morning
AMP Average Manufacturer Price
AMI Acute myocardial infarction
amp ampule
ANS autonomic nervous system
APAP acetaminophen
appl applicator; apply
aq;aqua water;drinking water
aq;dist distilled water
aq;pur purified water
Ara-C cytarabine
as left ear
ASA aspirin (acetylsalicyclic acid)
ASHD arteriosclerosis heart disease
atc around the clock
AU both ears
Au gold
AV atrial ventricular
AWP average wholesale price
AZT zidovudine
B&O belladonna and opium
bid two times a day
BM bowel movement
BP blood pressure
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia
BPM beats per minute
BS blood sugar
BSA blood surface area
BUN Blood, Urea, and Nitrogen
BW body weight
c with
C centigrade
C Carbon
CA cancer
CA cardiac arrest
Ca calcium
CAD coronary artery disease
cap capsule
cardio heart
CBC complete blood count
cc cubic centimeter;same as milliliter
CDC center for disease control
CHD coronary heart disease
CHF congestive heart failure
cid 5 times a day
Cl- chloride
CNS central nervous system
CO castor oil
conc concentration
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cpd compound
CR controlled release
cr;crm cream
CSA controlled substance act of 1970
CV cardiovascular
CVA cerebral vascular accident; stroke
d give
d.t.d. # give such doses
d/c or DC discontinue
D10W 10% dextrose in water
D5W 5% dextrose in water
DAW dispense as written
DEA Drug Enforcement Administration
DI diabetes insipidus
DIC Drug Information Center
dict as directed
dil dilute
disp dispense
div# divide
DM diabetes mellitus
DME durable medical equipment
DOB date of birth
DUR drug utilization review
DW distilled water
DX diagnosis
EC enteric coated
ED erectile dysfunction
EENT eyes, ears, nose, throat
EKG electrocardiogram
elix elixir
emp ut in the manner prescribed
emul emulsion
ER Emergency Room
ERD End Stage Renal Disease
et and
ETOH alcohol
ex aqua in water
ext extract
f, ft make; prepare
FBS fasting blood sugar
FDA Food and Drug Administration
Fe iron
FeGluc ferrous gluconate
FeSO4 ferrous sulfate
fl fluid
g or gm gram
GERD gastro esophageal reflux disease
GI stomach; gastrointestinal
gr grain
gtt(s) drop or drops
GYN gynecology
h hour
H2O water
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
HA headache
HBP high blood pressure
HC hydrocortisone
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
HCL hydrochloric acid
HCO3 bicarbonate
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
HDL high density lipoprotein
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HMO health maintenance organization
HR heart rate
hs bedtime; hour of sleep
HTN hypertension
I iodine
IA injection into artery
ID injection into skin
IDD insulin dependent diabetic
IM injection into muscle
IMP; IV bolus intravenous push; a rapid injection
INH isoniazid
inj injection
IO, I/O fluid intake and output
ISDN isosorbide dinitrate
IV injection into vein
IVPB intravenous piggy back
JCAHO Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
JCO Joint Commission Organization
K Potassium
KCL Potassium Chloride
kg kilogram
KVO keep vein open
L left
LA long acting
LAS long acting
LDL low density lipoprotein
legend prescription only drug
liq liquid
lot lotion
LR Lactated Ringer's solution
M mix the contents of the formula
m ft mix and make
M2 meter squared
MAC maximum allowable cost
mag magnesium
mcg microgram
MDI metered dose inhaler
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
MgO magnesium oxide
MgSO4 magnesium sulfate
MI myocardial infarction
mL milliliter
MOA mechanism of action
MOM milk of magnesium
MS morphine sulfate; multiple sclerosis
MTM Medication Therapy Management
MTX methotrexate
MV multiple vitamins
1/2 N.S. 0.45% sodium chloride for injection
N.B. note well; pay attention to this
N.R. no refill
N/V nausea and vomiting
Na sodium
NaCL sodium chloride
NaHCO3 sodium bicarbonate
NDC national drug code
neph relates to kidneys
NF National Formulary
NIDD non insulin dependent diabetic
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
NMT Nebulized mist treatment
no number of units
NO nitrous oxide
noct night
NPO nothing by mouth
NPSG National Patient Safety Goal
NS or N.S. normal saline; 0.9% NaCL
NSAID non steroidal anti inflammatory drug
NTG nitroglycerin
NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
ø none
O2 Oxygen
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
OC Oral Contraceptive
ocul relates to the eye
OD right eye
OD overdose
ophthalmic relates to the eye
OS left eye
OTC over the counter; doesn't require RX
otic relates to the ear
OU both eyes
oz ounce
p after
pb piggyback
pc after meals
PCN penicillin
PDR Physicians Desk Reference
ped pediatric
per by
pm after noon
po by mouth
post op after surgery
PPI patient package insert; Proton Pump Inhibitor
pr rectally
pre op before surgery
prn as needed
PUD peptic ulcer disease
pulmonary relates to lung
pulv a bulk powder
q every
q2 h every 2 hours
q4-6 h every 4-6 hours
qd every day
qid 4 times a day
qod every other day
qs up to (a sufficient quantity)
qs ad add to the amount
R rectally
RBC red blood count
rep repeat
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
RX you take
s without
sig directions
SL sublingual
SOB shortness of breath
sol solution
SOS if there is a need
SR sustained release
ss 1/2 (one half)
STAT now; at once
SWFI Sterile Water for injection
subq or SC subcutaneously
supp suppository
susp suspension
syr syrup
SZ seizure
T3 triiodothyroxine, liothyronine
T4 Levothyroxine
tab tablet
tal dos such doses
TB tuberculosis
tbs;tbsp tablespoon; 15 ml
TCN tetracycline
temp body temperature
TID three times a day
tin; tr tincture
tiw 3 times a week
top topical
TPN total parenteral nutrition
tsp teaspoon; 5 ml
TX treatment
U; IU units; international units
UA urinalysis
ud as directed
ung ointment
URI upper respiratory infection
USP United States Pharmacopoeia
UTI urinary tract infection
v/v volume in volume solution
vag vaginally
vit vitamin
VS vital signs
w/v weight in blood volume solution
WBC white blood count
WFI water for injection
xx female chromosome
xy male chromosome
Popular Pharmacology sets




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