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PhTech Vocab 1

BRC Module 1 Vocab

the process by which the body adjusts muscles near the eye to maintain clear vision during distance changes Accommodation
a small quantity of chemicals which produce a desired effect in the body Active Ingredients
active ingredients are combined with inactive ingredients to make convenient? dosage forms
patient compliance to drug regimens Adherence
Third-party insurance approval process Adjudication
side effects of medications (beyond the regular ones that everyone experiences) Adverse Effect
sprayable product most commonly used for topical application to the skin or for inhalation into the lungs and nasal passages Aerosol
stimulating or increasing the effect of a process; inducer; a drug that has an affinity for and stimulates physiologic activity at cell receptors normally stimulated by naturally occurring substances. Agonist
amount removed after diluting a product when the amount of an ingredient is less than the least weighable quantity for a Class A Balance; a sample that is representative of the whole. Aliquot
process of mixing stronger- and weaker-concentrated portions of a product to obtain the desired concentration of a product Alligation
medications used for treating irritating and itchy rashes, insect bites, stings and sunburns Anesthetic creams and ointments
swelling of the mouth, tongue and face due to adverse effects of ACE inhibitors or ARBs Angioedema
medication used to reduce stomach acid; useful in treating heart burn or upset stomach Antacid
inhibiting or decreasing the effect of a process; inhibitor Antagonist
a substance derived from a mold, bacterium, or synthetic process, that inhibits the growth of other microorganisms Antibiotic
medication used to reduce or stop diarrhea Anti-diarrheal
medication used to reduce discomfort of gas in the stomach or intestines Antiflatulent
a container that has a slender glass or plastic rod attached to the inside of its cap. The rod has a bulb-like end that acts as an applicator for liquids. Applicator bottle
a substance which prevents or stops vomitting Anti-emetic
a series of steps and precautions that are used to decrease the chance of contamination during preparation of a sterile product Aseptic Technique
common provision in a participating pharmacy agreement that specifes that the pharmacy, rather than the patient, will send claims to a third party payer Assignment of Claims
a formal examination of an organizatio to verify their accounts Audit
ability to make one's own decisions Autonomy
supplemental label, other than the prescription label, that conveys instructions to the patient Auxiliary Label
the published list price of a particular drug product. most pharmacies are able to purchase at discounts below this. Average Wholesale Price (AWP)
destroying or killing bacteria Bactericidal
inhibiting the growth of bacteria Bacteriostastic
storage area that is usually a U-shaped shelving unit in which medications are kept Bay
acting in the best interest of the patient Beneficence
functional group found on penicillin antibiotics (ABx) that resistant bacteria target Beta-lactam ring
expiration date, in which a compounded sterile preparation may not be stored or transported Beyond-use date
measure of how much of the drug actually gets into the blood to be distributed in the body Bioavailability
device used to measure the concentration of sugar in the blood. people with diabetes use this device to measure their blood sugar levels. Blood Glucose Meter
the trademark name given to products by their manufacturers Brand Name
branches of the lungs Bronchi
closing of lungs resulting in difficulty breathing Bronchoconstriction
opening of lungs resulting in easier breathing Bronchodilation
tablet that is placed in the buccal pouch (inbetween the cheek and gums) to allow the active ingredients to be absorbed directly into the blood stream Buccal Tablet
hormone released by the posterior pituitary that tells the kidney (the collecting ducts) to resorb water - released in response to exteme fluid loss/dehydration ADH - anti-diuretic hormone (vasopressin (Pitressin) is a med that mimics it)
enzyme released by the lungs that works in the to convert ANG I (from liver) into ANG II which works on the kidney (activates aldosterone) and is a potent vasoconstrictor ACE - angiotensin converting enzyme
enzyme released in response to a decrease in blood pressure that stimulates the liver to produce ANG I Renin
in response to low BP (or extreme fluid loss) - meds work against it - renin tells liver to make ANG I, lungs make ACE and ANG I is converted to ANG II which works in the kidney. BP increases, normally. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
medication class that depresses the CNS, resulting in calmness or sleep Barbituate
Created by: tmbstnphotos
Popular Pharmacology sets




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