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Regular "-er" Verbs (C)
Question | Answer |
calculer | to calculate |
caresser | to caress |
casser | to break |
causer | to chat; to cause |
cerner | to encircle, surround |
certifier | to certify |
cesser | to cease, stop |
chanter | to sing |
chauffer | to heat |
chercher | to look for |
chômer | to be idle, unemployed |
chuchoter | to whisper |
citer | to quote, cite |
clarifier | to clarify |
coiffer | to do s.o.'s hair |
collaborer | to collaborate |
coller | to glue, stick, paste |
combiner | to combine |
commander | to order |
commenter | to comment |
communiquer | to communicate |
comparer | to compare |
complimenter | to compliment, congratulate |
compliquer | to complicate |
concentrer | to concentrate |
conjuger | to conjugate |
conserver | to conserve |
consister | to consist |
consoler | to console, soothe |
consulter | to consult |
contenter | to satisfy, please |
continuer | to continue |
contribuer | to contribute |
coordonner | to coordinate |
copier | to copy |
coucher | to put to bed |
coûter | to cost |
cracher | to spit |
créer | to create |
critiquer | to criticize |
cuisiner | to cook |
changer | to change |
charger | to load |
coincer | to wedge, jam; to catch s.o. out |
commencer | to begin, start, commence |
corriger | to correct |