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pharm Med terms
Question | Answer |
exo | outside |
phagia | swallow |
crine | secrete within |
intra | inside |
ectomy | surgical removal |
cephal | head |
pelv | pelvis |
penia | deficiency |
opia | vision |
opsia | vision |
uria | urine |
toc | birth |
chlor | green |
prostat | prostate |
trans | across |
pod | foot |
para | half |
phobia | fear |
phasia | speech |
emia | blood |
stern | sternum |
spondy | spine |
col | colon |
carcin | cancer |
malacia | softening |
oid | similar |
pan | all |
peri | around |
ole | small |
post | after |
carp | wrist |
tri | three |
oma | tumor |
gynec | woman |
tachy | fast |
pre | before |
pro | before |
emesis | vomit |
oste | bone |
icle | small |
caud | tail |
osis | disease |
circum | around |
cirrh | yellow |
sub | under |
purpur | purple |
chol | bile |
py | pus |
poly | many |
card | heart |
itis | inflammation |
ot | ear |
otomy | incision |
cerebro | brain |
tropic | stimulate |
osmia | smell |
ultra | beyond |
phleb | vein |
pathy | disease |
pseudo | false |
uni | one |
vesic | bladder |
vagin | vagina |
ven | vein |
vas | vessicle |
buccal | cheek |
plasia | formation |
rrhea | discharge |
tympan | ear drum |
esophag | esophagus |
plasty | repair |
tocia | labor |
scopy | examination |
spasm | contraction |
stasis | stop |
xer | dry |
xanth | yellow |
tation | act of secretion |
algia | pain |
asthenia | without strength |
cele | swelling |
dema | swelling |
plegia | paralysis |
eu | normal |
sclerosis | hardening |
iatry | treatment |
pneum | lung |
pleur | pleural of the lung |
orexia | appetite |
philia | attraction |
mycosis | fungal infection |
capnia | carbon dioxide |
lysis | separation |
pyel | pelvis |
megaly | enlarged |
ped | foot |
part | labor |
epi | upon |
re | again |
logy | study of |
contra | against |
paresis | partial paralysis |
orchid | testes |
gram | record |
pulm | lung |
graphy | recording instrument |
bronch | bronchus |
brady | slow |
blephar | eyelid |
bi | two |
bin | two |
bar | weight |
audi | hearing |
arthr | joint |
arter | artery |
appendic | appendix |
anti | against |
ante | before |
ankyl | crooked |
angio | vessel |
andr | male |
an | without |
ambly | dull |
ambi | both |
aer | air |
aden | gland |
acous | hearing |
a | without |
ectasis | enlargement |
dynia | pain |
cyesis | pregnancy |
erythro | red |
gastr | stomach |
quadr | four |
lymph | fluid |
lith | stone |
lip | fat |
leuk | white |
laryng | larynx |
lapar | abdomen |
lact | milk |
lacrim | tear |
is | equal |
inter | between |
infra | below |
immun | safe |
hyster | uterus |
hypo | slow |
hyper | high |
hom | same |
heter | different |
hepat | liver |
hemi | half |
hemat | blood |
haem | blood |
hemo | blood |
crani | cranium |
myel | spinal cord |
my | muscle |
multi | many |
mono | one |
mid | middle |
micro | small |
metr | uterus |
meta | beyond |
meso | middle |
mening | meninges |
men | menstrual |
melan | black |
medi | middle |
mamm | breast |
mast | breast |
macro | large |
enter | intestines |
end | inside |
encephal | brain |
edem | swelling |
ecto | outside |
dys | painful |
somat | body |
semin | testes |
semi | half |
salping | fallopian tube |
rube | red |
rhin | nose |
retro | after |
ren | kidney |
ortho | straight |
ooph | ovary |
ovari | ovary |
onych | nail |
oligo | few |
ocul | eye |
neur | nerve |
nephr | kidney |
neo | new |
necr | death |
dis | apart |
dipl | double |
dia | across |
derma | skin |
cyt | cell |
cyst | bladder |
cyan | blue |
cutane | skin |