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Signa Abbreviations

Signa Code Abbreviations and various other med abbreviations

a or ā before
a.a. or aa of each
a.c. or ac before meals
a.d. right ear
a.s. left ear
a.u. both ears
ad to make
am morning
amp ampule
appl apply or application
aq water add water
bid twice a day
BP blood pressure
BSA body surface area
c with
caps capsule
comp compound
CV cardiovascular
CVA cardiovascular accident
d day or daily
D5W dextrose 5% in water
DAW dispense as written
dil. diluent or dilute
disp dispense
DR delayed release
DS double strength
dx diagnosis
EC enteric coated
elix. elixir
eMAR electronic medicine administration record
f or fl fluid
g or G or gm gram
GI gastrointestinal
gr grain
GT gastric tube
gtt drops
h or hr hour
h.s. or hs at bedtime
HA headache
HR heart rate
i.m. or IM intramuscular
i.v. or IV intravenous
i.v.p or IVP intravenous push
inj inject
IVPB intravenous piggyback
JC or TJC The Joint Commission
kg kilogram
KVO keep vein open
L liter
LA long acting
lb pound
liq liquid
lot lotion
LR lactated ringers
MAR medicine administration record
mcg microgram
MDI metered dose inhaler
mEq milliequivalent
mg milligram
MI myocardial infarction
min minute
mL milliliter
mm millimeter
neb nebulizer
ngt or NGT nasogastric tube
NKA no known allergies
NKDA no known drug allergies
NPO nothing by mouth
NS normal saline
NVD nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
o.d. right eye
o.s. left eye
o.u. both eyes
oint ointment
OTC over the counter
oz ounce
p after
p.c. or pc after meals
PM night time
po by mouth
PR per rectum
prn as needed
q every or each
q.d. each day
q.s. or qs sufficient quantity
q ___ h every ___ hours
qid four times a day
qsad sufficient quantity to make
s without
SC or SQ subcutaneous
sig signa- to write
SL sublingual
SOB shortness of breath
SR sustained release
stat immediately
supp suppository
susp suspension
sx symptoms
syr syrup
tbsp tablespoon
tid three times a day
tinc tincture
TKO to keep open
top topical
TPN or CPN total (or complete) parenteral nutrition
tsp teaspoon
tx treatment
u.d. as directed
UD unit dose
ung ointment
UTI urinary tract infection
vag vaginal
XR extended release
y.o. or yo years old
Created by: ali.j.rix
Popular Pharmacology sets




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