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AQA Leisure 1

AQA Leisure 1 General Sports and Instruments

Aerobik aerobics
Angeln fishing
Badminton badminton
Basketball basketball
Federball badminton
Fussball football
Gymnastik gymnastics
Hockey hockey
Joggen jogging
Kegeln bowling
Klettern climbing
Radfahren cycling
Reiten horseriding
Rollschuhlaufen rollerblading
Rugby rugby
Schlittschuhlaufen ice-skating
Schwimmen swimming
Segeln sailing
Skifahren skiing
Sport treiben to play sport
Tanzen dancing
Tennis tennis
Tischtennis tabletennis
trainieren to train
Volleyball volleyball
Wandern hiking
Windsurfen windsurfing
sich amüsieren to enjoy (o.s)
anrufen to telephone
der Ausflug excursion
ausgehen to go out
begleiten to accompany
besuchen to visit
das Buch book
der Computer computer
die Disko disco
einkaufen to go shopping
fernsehen to watch TV
der Film film
das Fitnesszentrum gym
Fotografieren photography
die Freizeit freetime
gefallen (+dat) to please
gewinnen to win
herumlaufen to run/go around
hören to listen to
das Interesse interest
Karten cards
das Kino cinema
das Konzert concert
lesen reading
die Lust desire
die Mannschaft team
das Mitglied member
die Musik music
Programmieren IT
quatschen to chat
der Roman novel
sammeln to collect
der Spaβ fun
spielen to play
das Spiel game
das Theaterstück play
treffen to meet
üben to practice
(sich) unterhalten to talk
unternehmen to do/undertake
der Verein club
das Videospiel videogame
der Wettkampf competition
die Zeitschrift magazine
die Band band/group
die Blockflöte recorder
die Flöte flute
die Geige violin
die Gitarre guitar
das Instrument instrument
das Klavier piano
das Orchester orchestra
der Schlagzeug drums
die Trompete trumpet
Created by: fwalters
Popular German sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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