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Antiviral Chemo

Fundamentals II

Amantidine used for Influenza A & B, prophylaxis, blocks viral replication at uncoating & inhibits M2 proton channel in the viral envelope, oral administration (rapid absorption), excreted in urine, can cross BBB & release dopamine, has atropine-like effects
Rimantidine used for Influenza A & B, prophylaxis, blocks viral replication at uncoating & inhibits M2 proton channel in the viral envelope, oral administration (rapid absorption), extensively metabolized, does not cross BBB, atropine-like effects
Oseltamivir (oral) Influenza A & B, neuraminidase inhibitor, ethyl ester prodrug well absorbed in GI tract, 80% availability after de-esterification, side effects include nausea, vomiting, headaches, is the drug of choice for bird flu
Zanamivir (nasal) Influenza A & B, neuraminidase inhibitor, <20% is absorbed systemically & 90% of absorbed material is excreted unchanged in urine, can cause bronchospasms in pts w/asthma
Acyclovir/Valacyclovir acts as a nucleoside analogue, used for HSV, keratitis, ecephalitis, varicella zoster, mucocutaneous infections in immunocompromised pts, side effects include encephalopathy, lethargy, confusion, tremor, coma, some nephrotoxicity
Ganciclovir CMV retinitis, low oral bioavailability (used for maintenance), common adverse side effect is bone marrow suppression & CNS effects in 5-15% of pts, w/anti-cytomegalovirusantibody is used to treat pneumonia
Foscarnet inhibits DNA polymerase & reverse transcriptase by interacting w/the pyrophosphate binding site, side effects include renal function, ganciclovir alternative
Cidofovir alternative for CMV retinitis, considered nucleoside analogue b/c mimics deoxycytidine monophosphate, can be used against HSV, nephrotoxicity is major side effect, IV administration
Ribavirin (Virazole) used against Influenza A & B + respiratory syncytial virus, multiple actions and so few drugs are resistant, can cause upper airway irritation & hemolytic anemia
Fomivirsen CMV retinitis, anti-sense mRNA for a protein necessary for viral replication, IV administration
Interferon glycoproteins, administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, used for chonic hep B & C, side effects include neutropenia and flu-like symptoms, used for hairy cell leukemia, Kaposi's sarcoma, & genital warts, herpes zoster, herpes keratoconjuctivits
Created by: ppatel122
Popular Pharmacology sets




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