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CNS & Sed C3

Class 3 CNS, Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs

Cerebral Cortex Lobes Frontal, Temporal, Occipital, Parietal
Cerebrum Controls higher brain functions 2 hemispheres: Cerebral Cortex-outer most layer, 4 lobes Cerebral medulla- inner-most layer
Cerebral Cortex Lobes Frontal: muscle movement, speech, abstract thinking, problem solving Parietal: Sensation (touch, pressure, pain, temperature, vibration) Temporal: memory & language Occipital: vision
Cerebral Medulla Conducts impulses to & from various areas of the nervous system Basal ganglia: involved in regulating motor activity, sometimes called extrapyramidal system or EPS, Degeneration cause of some diseases (Parkinson's Huntington's
Cereral Medulla General Functions Movement, Motor Control, Balance
Extrapyramidal System (EPS) Neurons that travel outside of the "pyramids" of the medulla
EPS mostly controls Tongue, lower jaw, muscles in neck
Brainstem parts Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, Pons, Medulla oblongata
Thalamus Functions Traffic director directs sensory info to appropriate area of cortes
Hypothalamus funtions control of funstions temp, water balance, appetite, sleep, ANS, some emotional/behavioral responses
Pituitary gland functions Master Gland regulates many other glands
Pons Functions regulates respiration relay station of nerve fibers
Medulla Oblongta functions 3 vital centers cardiac, vasomotor, respiratiory Reflexes: swallowing, coughing, vomiting, gagging
Cerebellum location and function behind brainstem & below cerebrum 2 hemispheres coordinates body movements and posture
Spinal Cord functions collection of axons traveling to & from brain axon to brain carry sensory info axon from brain carry motor impulses
Functional Components Recticula formation Limbic System
Reticula formation: 2 types of fibers excitatory inhibitory
Limbic System functions Emotional/behavioral responses reward/punishment anger/rage fear/anxiety
Define Sedation Drowsy
Define Hypnosis put to sleep
Define Anesthesia Beyond sleep, unconscience
Define Anti-epileptic PREVENT seizure or convulsion
Define Anti-Convulsant STOP convulsions
Stages of NREM sleep Stage 1- relax but aware (4-5% of sleep) Stage 2- unaware of surrounding but easy to wake up (50% of sleep) Stage 3 & 4- Rest and Restoration (20-25% of sleep)
Facts of REM sleep Essential for mental restoration Increased autonomic activity & dreaming 20-25% of sleep Sleep walking/talking occcurs in REM Take short term memories and turn into long term memories
Define NREM Non Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
Define REM Rapid Eye Movement Sleep
Barbiturates Facts Older sedative-hypnotics- largely replaced w/ newer agents Similar chemical structures- Barbuturic acid
Barbiturates uses Dose-dependent depression of CNS Used for sedation & hypnosis Also used as anticonvulsant & general anestheics
GABA slows nerve impulses down
Increased amount of GABA... decreased # of nerve impulses to brain
Barbiturates Mechanisms increase inhibitory actions of GABA General depression of entire CNS
Barbiturates Effects increase stage 2 sleep but decrease stage 3 & 4 sleep REM rebound effect
Barbiturates Kinetics Metabolized by liver enzyme induction w/ regular use lots of drug interactions
Barbiturates Pregnancy catagory category D & X
Barbiturates Adverse effects most an extension of therapeutic effects may be more pronounced in elderly
Barbiturates Cautions & Contraindications Suicidal patient
Barbiturates Addiction liability may produce tolerance & dependence Abstinence syndrome stopping abruptly may cause seizures
Barbiturates Poisoning overdose produces cardiovascular & CNS depression vital centers of medulla oblongata inhibited -vasodilation, hypotension, & shock -respiratory depression No antidote (supportive care)
Barbiturates Drugs Amobarbital Butibarbital Butilbital Mephobarbital Periotobarbital Phenobarbital Primidone Secobarbital
Benzodiazepines general fact not as addictive as Barbs
Benzo Mechanisms increase hibitory actions of GABA in CNS Sedation/hypnosis dependent on dose
Benzo effects increase stage 2 sleep but decrease stage 4 sleep Does Not usually cause REM rebound
Benzo Indications Muscle relaxant Anticonvulsant Antiepileptic Sedative Hypnotic Alcohol withdrawal
Benzo Kinetics metabolized enzymes some have active metabolites
Benzo Antidote Flumazenil (Romazicon)
Benzo Pregnancy Catagory Catagory D & X
Benzo adverse effects Hangover effect rebound insomnia, daytime anxiety
Benzo advantages don't usually interfere w/ REM sleep less tolerance than barbs, less physical dependence
Benzo Schedule ? Schedule IV
Benzo Drugs Alprazolam Chlorodiazepoxide Clonazepam Clorazepate Diazepam Estazolam Flurazepam Lorazepam Midazolam Oxazepam Quazepam Temazepam Triazolam
Antihistamines Generations 1st generation- block H1 & H2 receptors, Easily enters the CNS 2nd generation- block H1 & H2 receptors, Does Not enter CNS
Antihistamines ADR- 1st Generation Anticholingeric side effects Sedation
Antihistamines 1st generation Drugs Azelastin Brompheniramine Clorpheniramine Clemastine Cyproheptadine Dexbrompheniramine Dimenhydrinate Diphenhydramine Hydroxyzine Medzine Olopatadine
Define half Life Amount of time it takes to cut level of medication in blood in half (generaly takes 4 half lifes to set below level where it stops working
Antihistamine effects on GABA similar to Benzo's no anticonvulsant or muscle relaxant properties
Antihistimine half life Short half life
Misc Antihistimine properties Doesn't interfere w/ normal sleep cycle infrequent adverse effects (dizziness, headache, diarrhea, nausea)
Antihistimine Pregnancy Catagory Catagory C (except Ambien, Catagory B)
Miscellaneous Drugs Eszopiclone Zaleplen Zopidem Ramelteon
Romelteon (Razerem) Effect helps regulate sleep/ wake cycle
Trypithen (sp)? found in? Turkey (dark meat) OTC sleep meds
Main Parts of Brain Cerebrum (Cerebral cortex, cerebral medulla, basal ganglia) Brainstem (Thalamus, hypothalamus, pons, medulla oblongata) Cerebellum Spinal cord
Created by: kraith
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