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Vocab Level G Unit 1

acquisitive (adj.) able to get and retain ideas or information; concerned with acquiring wealth or property
acquisitive syn: greedy, grasping, avaricious, retentive
acquisitive ant: altruistic, retentive
arrogate (v.) to claim or take without right
arrogate syn: expropriate, usurp, commandeer
arrogate ant: relinquish, renounce; abdicate, abandon
banal (adj.) hackneyed, trite, commonplace
banal syn: stale, insipid
banal ant: fresh, novel, original, new
belabor (v.) to work on excessively; to thrash soundly
belabor syn: overwork
carping (adj.) tending to find fault, especially in a petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; (n.) petty, nagging, criticism
carping syn: (adj.) nit-picking, caviling
carping ant: (adj.) approving, uncritical
coherent (adj.) holding or sticking together; making a logical whole; comprehensible, meaningful
coherent syn: connected, unified, consistent, cohesive
coherent ant: muddled, chaotic, disjointed
congeal (v.) to change from liquid to solid, thicken; to make inflexible or rigid
congeal syn: harden, jell, coagulate, solidify
congeal melt, liquify
emulate (v.) to imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model
emulate syn: copy, mimic, rival, match, measure up to
encomium (n.) a formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute
encomium syn: panegyric, eulogy, commendation
encomium ant: condemnation, castigation, criticism
eschew (v.) to avoid, shun, keep away from
eschew syn: abstain from, steer clear of, forgo
eschew ant: embrace, adopt
germane (adj.) relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting
germane syn: pertinent
germane ant: irrelevant, extraneous, inappropriate
insatiable (adj.) so great or demanding as not to be satisfied
insatiable syn: unquenchable, ravenous, voracious
intransigent (adj.) refusing to compromise, irreconcilable
intransigent syn: uncompromising, unyielding, obdurate
intransigent ant: lukewarm, halfhearted, yielding
invidious (adj.) offensive, hateful; tending to cause bitterness and resentment
invidious syn: malicious, spiteful, prejudicial, pejorative
invidious ant: complimentary, flattering, ameliorative
reconnaissance (n.) a survey made for military purposes; any kind of preliminary inspection or examination
reconnaissance syn: scouting expedition
substantiate (v.) to establish by evidence, prove; to give concrete or substantial form to
substantiate syn: verify, confirm, validate, authenticate
substantiate ant: refute, disprove, invalidate
taciturn (adj.) habitually silent or quiet, inclined to talk very little
taciturn syn: tight-lipped, uncommunicative, laconic
taciturn ant: garrulous, loquacious, prolix, verbose
temporize (v.) to stall or act evasively in order to gain time, avoid a confrontation, or postpone a decision; to compromise
temporize syn: hedge, dillydally, procrastinate
tenable (adj.) capable of being held or defended
tenable syn: defensible, justifiable, maintainable
tenable ant: indefensible, unjustifiable
Created by: flyingtoretilas
Popular Stadlier Oxford Voca sets




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