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Class 4 Alcohol/Psyc

RSU Pharm Alcohol/Psycho Drugs

Scientific Name for Alcohol Ethanol (EtOH) Ethyl Alcohol Grain Alcohol
Alcohol effects on: CNS, Vascular, GI, Renal, Nutritional CNS- Depresses Vascular- Dialation GI- Secretion Renal- Increase actvity Nutritional- Empty cals & vit. deficiencies
Scientific Name for Wood alcohol (moonshine) Methanol
Increases appetite & increase inflamation of gastric acids Alcohol
Alcohol metabolised by ? Liver
Rate of alcohol metabolism 10-15 mL/hr
Stage of alcohol metabolism Alcohol-> acetaldehyde-> acethl coenzyme A
Acetaldehyde effect on body makes you vomit
Describe Disulfiram (Antabuse) mechanism Stops conversion of acetaldehyde to acethl conemzyme they vomit
Acute Adverse effects of Alcohol CNS depression (impaired speech, ataxia, blurred vision, loss of memory, severe depression may lead to stupor & coma Cold clammy skin, increase HR, decreased temp
Chronic adverse effects of Alcohol Fatty liver/cirrhosis Tolerance & dependence (withdrawal syndrome) Often Vit. B deficient Malnutrition/vit deficiency
Alcohol cautions & contraindications Intoxication can resemble head injury, diabetic coma, overdose Potentiation of centrally acting depressants Hepatic/renal disease, ulcers, epilepsy, hyperacidity
Alcohol Clinical indications Topically: decrease temp, disinfectant OTC: cold remedies
Alcohol uses Antoseptic, cooling agent, neuronal lysis, Antidote (methanol poisoning, antifreeze injestion, huff carborator cleaner/paint
Alcohol is #1 cause of ____________ in US liver failure
Ways to die of liver failure Bleed to death, Poison yourself
Mental illnesses Psychoses (schizophrenia) Neuroses (Anxiety/tension) Affective disorders (severe depression, bipolar)
Schizophrenia is disordered thoughts, emotions, & behaviors
Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid, Catatonc (extremes:loopy to comatos state), Disorganized (funtional, problems w/ thought & speech
Delusions truely believe
Hallucinations sensory but small doubt
Schizophrenia: Types of delusions Persecutory (Stocked, tricked) Referential (sublimial messages from TV) Somatic (fake illness) Religious (talked to God) Erotamatic (social delusions, believe in a relationship, but not) Grandiose (always one up you, believe what they are saying is t
Neurosis: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Constant worry, restless, difficulty concentrating, irritable, insomnia,SOB, tachycardia
To be diagnosed w/ Generalized Anxiety Disorder what 2 things must happen? Has to significantly alter your life & be present for 2 or more weeks
Types of Depression Exogenous aka reactive depression Endogenous (more serious)
Cause of Exogenous depression external factors usually self limiting
Cause of Endogenous depression orginates w/in individual usually requires meds
Severe depression symptoms feeling sad, irritable, loss of interest, insomnia, change in appetite, slow thinking, crying spells for no reason, frequent thoughts of death dying or suicide
Bipolar Disorder classifications Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymia
Bipolar I extreme mania, longer periods of mania then depression
bipolar II Hypomania, longer periods of depression then mania
Cyclothymia mild form of bipolar (never extremes) hypomania & hyperdepression
EPS Extrapyramidal Side Effects
EPS Dystonic reactioons involuntary movements-face, mouth & tongue
EPS Akathisia can't sit still
EPS Parkinsonism rolling fingers jerky movements, symptoms of Parkinson
Antipsychotic Drugs aka ? Neuroleptics
Functions of Antipsychotic drugs (Neuroleptics) Suppress symptoms (thalamus, limbic system) Regulate neurotransmitters
Nerotransmitters abbreviations: Dopamine Serotonin Histamine Acetylcholine DA, 5.HT, H, ACh
Created by: kraith
Popular Pharmacology sets




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