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Wordly Wise 10-14

10th Grade English vocabulary

1. aberration A departure from the norm or what is considered right, natural, or normal; a flaw or defect. The failure of a mirror or lens to reproduce an image in focus.
2. antiquated Grown old; out-of-date.
3. celestial Of or relating to the skies or heavens. Heavenly, divine; of the finest or highest kind.
4. certitude The state of being certain of the truth or rightness of something.
5. disburse To distribute something or pay out money, especially from a public or other fund.
6. galaxy A vast cluster of stars and other matter, billions of which make up the known universe. A group of brilliant or notable people or things.
7. intractable Hard to manage, tame, or control; stubborn; not easily cured.
8. juncture A joining or coming together; the place where such a connection occurs.A point in time made critical by the timing of the circumstances.
9. juxtapose To place side by side.
10. maelstrom A large and violent whirlpool or something resembling a whirlpool. A place or state of great turmoil or confusion.
11. optimum Best or most favorable.
12. pillory To expose to public scorn or contempt.
13. proliferate To grow, expand, or multiply at a rapid rate.
14. remiss Negligent; careless; lax.
15. titanic Marked by great strength, size, or influence.
Created by: Ilovemyfamily
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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