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MasterVocab 151-200
SAT words
Question | Answer |
burgeon | grow forth; send out buds |
burnish | to polish, rub to a shine |
cabal | a scheme or plot; a group of plotters |
cacophony | harsh sound |
cadence | rhythmic modulation of sound |
cadge | to beg; to get by begging |
cajole | use flattery or deceit; to persuade |
calumny | slander; aspersion |
candid | frank; straight-forward |
cant | insincere talk |
cantankerous | bad-tempered; quarrelsome |
canvass | discuss thoroughly; sort of touting |
captious | critical |
carouse | to drink alcohol freely |
carp | to find fault or complain querulously |
carte blanche | full discretionary power |
castigation | severe punishment |
catalyst | substance that causes speeding up |
catatonic | immobile |
catholic | comprehensive; universal |
caustic | biting; sarcastic |
cavil at | to raise trivial and frivolous objection |
cede/cession | to surrender possession of, especially by treaty |
celerity | rapidity of motion or action |
censure | expression of blame or disapproval a rebuke |
centurion | leader of a unit of 100 soldiers |
chaff | to tease good-naturedly |
charlatan | quack or fraud |
chary (of) | cautious; wary |
chastisement | punishment |
chauvinist | a blindly devoted patriot |
chicanery | legal trickery; false argument |
chimera | illusion or fabrication of the mind |
chisel | steel tool for shaping materials |
chivy | to tease or annoy with persistent petty attacks |
choleric | irritable; bad-tempered |
chromatic | of color |
churl | bad-tempered person |
chutzpah | nerve; gall |
circumscribe | to draw line around; to limit |
clamor | shout; complain with a lot of noise |
clerical | of the clergy or clerk |
clientele | customers |
clinch | come to grips; settle conclusively |
cling | to resist separation |
clot | half-solid lump formed from liquid |
cloture | closing device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting |
coagulation | change to a thick and solid state |
coalescing | coming together and uniting into one substance |
coax | get smb to do smth by kindness |