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MasterVocab 301-350

SAT words

deprecate protest against; express disapproval of
dereliction deserting and leaving; to fall into ruins
derision ridicule; mockery; deriding
derivative unoriginal; obtained from another source
derogatory to insulting; tending to damage
descry catch sight of; see smth in the distance
desiccant substance used to absorb moisture
desuetude cessation of use; disuse
desultory aimless; haphazard; digressing at random
deter smb frm smth discourage; hinder
detraction slandering; verbal attack; aspersion
detumescence diminishing or lessening of swelling
deviance being different in moral standards (from normal)
dexterity skill (esp. in handling)
diaphanous transparent; gauzy
diatribe agnst bitter and violent attack in words
didactic intended to teach; preachy
diffidence shyness
dilate speak comprehensively; become wider, large
dilatory intended to delay
disabuse to free from error
disallow refuse to allow or accept as a correct
discern see with an effort but clearly
discomfit confuse; embarrass
discompose to destroy the composure of
disconcert upset the self-possession of
disconsolate at,about cheerless; dejected
discountenance refuse to approve of
discourse speech lecture
discredit refuse to believe
discreet careful, prudent
discrete individually distinct
disdain look on with contempt
disencumber free from encumbrance
disheveled untidy
disingenuous sophisticated; artful; trying to deceive; cunning
disinter dig up from the earth
dislodge move force from the place occupied
dismal sad; gloomy; miserable
disparate essentially different
disproof proof to the contrary
disquiet to take away the peace or tranquility
dissemble speak or behave so as to hide smth (in mind)
disseminate distribute (esp. ideas)
dissent have a different opinion refuse to assent
dissipate to be dissolute
dissolute marked by indulgence in vices
dissolution disintegration; looseness in morals
distraught at, with distracted violently; upset in mind
divergence getting farther apart from a point
Created by: msg
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