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las celebraciones
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el aniversario (de bodas)
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Descubre 1 ch9

Descubre 1 Chapter 9 vocabulary

las celebraciones celebrations
el aniversario (de bodas) (wedding) anniversary
la boda wedding
el cumpleaños birthday
el día de fiesta holiday
la fiesta party
el/la invitado/a guest
la Navidad Christmas
la quinceañera young woman's fifteenth birthday celebration
la sorpresa surprise
brindar to toast (drink)
celebrar to celebrate
divertirse (e:ie) to have fun
invitar to invite
pasarlo bien/mal to have a good/bad time
regalar to give (a gift)
reírse (e:i) to laugh
relajarse to relax
sonreír (e:i) to smile
sorprender to surprise
la botella (de vino) bottle (of wine)
el champán champagne
los dulces sweets; candy
el flan (de caramelo) baked (caramel) custard
la galleta cookie
el helado ice cream
el pastel (de chocolate) (chocolate) cake; pie
el postre dessert
las relaciones personales personal relations
la amistad friendship
el amor love
el divorcio divorce
el estado civil marital status
el matrimonio marriage
la pareja (married) couple; partner
el/la recién casado/a newlywed
casarse (con) to get married (to)
comprometerse (con) to get engaged (to)
divorciarse (de) to get divorced (from)
enamorarse (de) to fall in love (with)
llevarse bien/mal (con) to get along well/ badly (with)
odiar to hate
romper (con) to break up (with)
salir (con) to go out (with); to date
separarse (de) to separate (from)
tener una cita to have a date; to have an appointment
casado/a married
divorciado/a divorced
juntos/as together
separado/a separated
soltero/a single
viudo/a widower/widow
la adolescencia adolescence
la edad age
el estado civil marital status
las etapas de la vida the stages of life
la juventud youth
la madurez maturity; middle age
la muerte death
el nacimiento birth
la niñez childhood
la vejez old age
cambiar (de) to change
graduarse (de/en) to graduate (from/in)
jubilarse to retire (from work)
nacer to be born
la alegría happiness
el beso kiss
conmigo with me
contigo with you
Created by: MrsAntul
Popular Spanish sets




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