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Nonplus To bewilder, to puzzle.
Peroate To make a long, formal speech, to sum up a speech.
Privation a lack of comforts, poverty, a state of being deprived.
Protean readily assuming different shapes or characters.
Provenance origin, source, proof of past ownership.
Prurient lascivious, have lustful thoughts or desires.
Puissance power, strength
Sangfroid(SANG FRWA)
Sententious preachy, pompous, using wise sayings excessively
Shibboleth a distinctive word or behavior that typifies a group, a slogan.
Simper to smile foolishly.
Slatternly untidy and dirty through habitual neglect.
Sylvan forestlike, wooded.
Trice a moment, a short period of time.
Vagary a whim, an unpredictable action.
Vainglorious boastful, pompous.
Wont a custom, habit
Zaftig full figured, plump.
Ablution the act of washing one’s body.
Adventitious accidental
Afflatus (AFF FLAY
Agathism(A GUH
Agnate from the father’s side of the family
Aleatory based on chance
Animus(n.) a hostile feeling.
Antinomy a contradiction between two seemingly true statements.
Arrant(adj.) 1)notoriously, without moderation 2) downright
Arriviste A social climber, an upstart.
Atrabilious inclined to melanchololy
Melancholy sad, gloomy or depressed.
Bailiwick A particular area of expertise.
Banausic routine, mechanical, boring.
Bellwether A person who assumes leadership role or takes initiative.
Benison blessing, benediction
Bibulous highly absorbent, given to food or fond of alcoholic beverages
Bosky covered with trees and shrubs
Brummagem bogus, fraudulent, cheap, showy.
Caducity the frailty of old age, the quality of being perishable.
Claque 1)an audience paid to clap 2) an obsequious audience
Clerisy the intellectual elite
Codicil Addition to a will
Coeval originating during the same period.
Concupiscence ardent sexual desire.
Culvert a sewer or drain
Daedal ingenious or complex in design
Defalcate to embezzle
Demimonde 1)a distinct circle or world that is often an isolated part of a larger world(fringe society). 2) a class of women of lower social standing.
Denouement the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel.
Diadem a crown that indicates royalty.
Dolorous sorrowful
Edacious having an insatiable appetite, voracity.
Epicene having characteristics of both male and female, neuter
Esculent edible, suitable for eating.
Etiolate to deprive of natural vigor : make feeble
Euthenics the idea of improving the condition of humans by improving their environment
Evince 1)to display outward evidence of. 2)To reveal
Froward contrary, consistently disobedient
Fustian ridiculously pompous, bombastic, grandiose in delivery
Galoot a clumsy but somewhat likeable person
Grig a lively person
Homologate to confirm officially
Hortative giving advice or exhortation
Imago 1) an adult stage of an insect 2) An ideal image of a parent formed in childhood and remaining unconscious in adulthood.
Indubitable unquestionably true, evident
Ineluctable inescapable, cannot be avoided
Labile unstable, adaptable, liable to change
Lambent radiant, flickering, marked by lightness
Manumit release from slavery
Melange a mixture, often of incongruous elements
Mien(MEEN) demeanor, the air or bearing of someone
Nefandous a person or politician who can’t make up his mind, an independent
Nimbus an atmosphere that surrounds a person( can be either positive or negative vibe)
Offal the waste products of a product(often as a butchered animal), refuse, rubbish
Paralogism illogical reasoning of which the reasoned is not aware
Parvenu an upstart who has acquired wealth but hasn’t achieved the social acceptance or position
Plenary complete, fully attended, not deficient in any way
Pluvial rainy
Proscenium the part of the stage in front of the curtain, the wall frame for the stage
Quiddity the real nature of a thing, the essence
Quisling a traitor who helps an enemy who occupies his country
Saporous tasty, flavorsome
Satrap a subordinate ruler
Sciolism superficial knowledge
Senesence the onset of old age
Sequacious intellectually servile, incapable of independence of thought
Serried crowded together
Supervene to follow immediately after, to ensue
Surcease cessation
Tatterdemalion always in tatters
Tenebrous dark and gloomy
Termagant an overbearing and nagging woman
Tumid 1) swollen, distended, a bulging shape 2)overblown 3)bombastic
Ukase(YOU-KAZE) a proclamation by an emperor or government having the force of law
Votary a person bound by vows to live a life of religious service
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