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CHp22 23 29 mod 11

Angina A severe often constricting pain affecting the pectoris or chest region, caused by lack of oxygen to the heart cells.
Arrhythmia Irregular rhythm of the heart.
Congestive Heart Failure Acculmulation of blood in circulatory system, caused by the heart being unable to pump efficiently.
Coronary artery disease A common term used for several diseases that affect the heart.
Diuretic Agent that increases urine output and and diuresis
Hyperlipdemia Abnormally high concentration of lipids in the circulatory system
Hypertension high blood pressure
Hypotension Low blood pressure
Mycardial Infarction Death of the heart muscle
Stroke Impaired cerebal blood flow caused by thrombosis, hemorrhage, or embolism
Thrombolytic Medication used to break up a thrombus or blood clot
Vein A vessel that carries deoxygenated blood to or toward the heart
Aldomet methyldopa (antihypertensive)
Catapres clonidine (antihypertensive)
Diuril chlorothiazide(antihypertensive)
Lanoxin digoxin (Antiarrhytmitic)
Norpace CR discopyramide (Antiarrhytmitic)
Pronestyl procainamide (Antiarrhytmitic)
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Accupril, Capoten, Lotensin, Monopril, Zestril, Prinivil, Vasoctec
Accupril quinapril
Capoten captopril
Lotensin benazepril
Monopril fosinopril
Prinivil lisinopril
Zestril lisinopril
Vasotec enalapril
Cozaar losartan (angiotenson II antagonist)
Diovan valsartan (angiotenson II antagonist)
Inderal betaxolol (B-Blockers)
Lopressor metoprolol (B-Blockers)
Sectral acebutolol(B-Blockers)
Tenormin atenolol (B-Blockers)
Isoptin verapamil (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Cardizem diltiazem (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Norvasc amlodipine (Calcium Channel Blocker)
Coumadin warfarin (anticoagulant)
Nitrostat nitroglycerin (nitrostat/antiaginal)
Antihypelipdemic agents Lipitor, Lopid, Mevacor, Niacor, Pravachol, Questran, zetia
Lipitor atorvastatin
Lopid gemfibrozil
Mevacor lovastatin
Niacor niacin
Pravachol pravastatin
Questran cholestyramine
Zetia ezetimibe
Colestid colestipol (bile-acid agent)
Welchol colesevelam (bile-acid agent)
Lasix furosemide (diuretic)
Nitrostat nitroglycerin (Vasodilator)
Transderm Nitro nitroglycerin patches (Vasodilator)
Abbokinase urokinase (Thrombolytics agent)
Activase altepase (Thrombolytics agent)
Streptase streptokinase(Thrombolytics agent)
Three main layers of the Heart Endocardium (inside), Myocardium (muscle), Epicardium (outside)
The Hearts has how many pumps? Two(composed of two chambers)
Right Ventricle Contracts blood expelling into the pulmonary arteries, that go to the lungs, where blood is fully oxygenated
Coronary atery disease is associated with atherosclerosis
Define LDL(bad) Low-density lipoprotien carries around lipids that attach to artery walls
Define HDL(good) High-Density lipoprotien transports fat from tissues
Common signs of high blood pressure blurred vision, headache, shortness of breath
Factors the increase Hypertension genetic, age, gender, race, lifestyle, diet, anxiety, alcohol intake, sodium intake
Measurement of systolic blood pressure Normal:115mg Hg
Common Conditions for Hypertension Heart Condition, Hyperthyroidism, Kidney Condition
Many OTC drugs agents affect blood pressure such as? antihistamines, decongestants, cold & allergy remedies
TIA's are caused by? Short duration of a reduction of oxygen to the brain
Angina pectoris Results from a decrease in blood flow to the heart
Thrombosis Main blod clot formed to prevent bleeding
Embolus Blood clot that broke away from thrombosis
Zocor simvastatin (HMG-COA)
Mevacor lovastatin (HMG-COA & antihyperlipdemic)
Lidocaine Xylocaine (antiarrhytmics)
Quindex quinidine sulfate/gluconate (antiarrhytmics)
Cardioglycosides Most common treatments for CHF
Cardioglycosides Increase? The forcefulness of the pumping of the heart
Serious medication errors can occur from similar sounding names
Lanoxin Digoxin (tx of CHF & certain arrhythmias) (cardioglycoside)
Diuril chlorothiazide (thiazide)
Lasix furosemide(loop diuretic)
Bumex Bumetanide (loop diuretic)
Diamox acetazolamide (carbonica anhydrase Inhi)
Vasotec enalapril (ace agent)
Lotensin benazepril (ace agent)
Calcium C Blockers Work by? Decreasing calcium intake by heart & blood vessels
Most prescribed antianginal agents? nitroglycerin
Nitrates are? Vasodilators that dilate the arteries to permit & increase blood flow threw the heart
Nitrates also reduce? worklaod of heart
Nitroglycerin tablets should never be taken out of? Their glass container
Aspirin is a popular OTC used to prevent? Thrombosis
Aspirin should not be taken with warfarin because? It increases the anticoagulants effectiveness
Amenorrhea Absence or supression of menses
Benign prostatic hypertrophy non-malignant enlargement of prostate gland
Dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
Cardura doxazosin
Flomax tamsulosin
Hytrin terazosin
Proscar finasteride
Estrace estradiol (estrogen)
Prempro conjugated estrogen (estrogen)
Provera medroxyprogesterone (progestin)
Clomid clomiphene (infertility)
Parlodel bromocriptine (infertility)
Pergonal menotropins (infertility)
Patients taking nitrates should not take? sildenafil (decreases blood pressure)
Oral contraceptives provide no protection against? STD's
Infertility Decreased ability to reproduce
Aerobic term describes organisms that need oxygen
Biology study of life
Microbial refers to microorganisms
Anaerobic term describes organisms that need no oxygen
Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin
Penicillin destroys bacteria by? interacting with enzymes that are present withion bacterial cell wall
Canida albicans (fungi) causes? Malaria
Clostridium tetani (bacteria) causes? Botulism
Poxvirus (virus) causes? chickenpox
Streptococcus aureus causes? Menigitis
Digoxin is taken from? Foxglove plant
Ginko biloba is taken from? Ginko tree
cholesteral less than 200mg/DL - Low 200mg-239/DL- borderline high more than 240mg/DL- High
bacterial can be classified as.... gram negative or gram positive
gram positive thick peptidoglycan layers link by teichoic acids to the inner membrane
gram negative outter membrane enable to withstand certain antibiotics such as penicillin, detergants, digestive eneymes and certian dyes. contains a lipid that becomes toxic when in the blood stream of the host.
narrow-spectrum antibiotics affect gram positive postive microbes.
braod-spectrum affect gram negative microbes.
Created by: lbracetti
Popular Pharmacology sets




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