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Therapeutics III

*w/glucosamine to treat osteoarthritis Chondroitin
*Treats <3 *prevents muscle soreness *may reduce warfarin effects Coenzyme Q10
*works against meds that depress the immune system *treats colds Echinacea
*treats high cholesterol & triglycerides *helps with coronary artery disease Fish/Oil
*treats hypertension & high cholesterol *may decrease effectiveness of isoniazid (tb drug) *may decrease effectiveness of contraceptives Garlic
*resist stress *stop the aging *protects from tissue injury *increases energy *increase or decrease warfarin effects Ginseng
*antidepressant *Clopidogrel gets converted to its more active form, can cause bleeding St. John's Wort
Two general categories of poisoning cases Intentional Accidental
3 types of intentional poisoning Suicide/attempted suicide Child abuse Homicide/attemped homicide
3 types of Accidental Poisoning Drug intoxication Naivete Errors
4 ways poison can enter into the body Inhalation Injection Topical Application Ingestion
Oral Contraceptives Inhalation aerosols Questran and colestipol sublingual prednisone Exceptions to Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970
3 minimizing agents Ipecac Activated Charcoal Cathartics
*used to help hepatotoxicity *Mucomyst is an example Acetylcysteine
*serum to treat venomous bites or stings *Crotalidae Antivenom
*anitcholinesterase inhibitor, cholinergic, and organophosphate poisonings *insecticide or nerve gas poisonings *Atropine Sulfate Injection Atropine
*The name "BAL" for British anti-lewisite Dimercaprol
*treats benzodiazeine *romazicon Flumazenil
*antiseptic and oxidation or reduction properties *treats methemoglbinemia *used for surgical marking and fistula location Methylene Blue
Caused by abnormal cell growth that may be stimulated by various factors. Cancer
Causes of Cancer Radiation Sunlight Viruses Substances Smoking
Cancers that originate in the bone marrow, lymphatic system, and other cells dealing with blood and immune HEmatologic Cancers
Cencers that originate in solid tissues other than the bone marrow, lymphatic system and cells dealing with the blood and immune process Non-hematologic cancers
A new abnormal tissue growth that grows more rapidly than normal tissue Neoplasm
A type of neoplasm that may be benign or malignant A Tumor
Slow growing and unlikely to spread Benign
Fast growing and likely to spread Malignant
Process by which normal cells are turned into cancer cells Carcinogenesis
Any substance directly involved in the promotion of cancer Carcinogen
Suppressor genes protect the cell from abnormal growth and cancer Tumor suppressor genes
Genes, that once mutated, can promote the formation of cancer Oncogenes
Certain chemicals and viruses that can permanently change DNA, increase the risk for developing cancer Environmental carcinogens
Examples of physical carcinogens Ionizing radiation and ultraviolet light
5 types of Carcinogens Environmental Chemical Radiation Biologic *other
Agent include viruses Biologic
The other risk factors for developing cancer gender, diet, and chronic irritation and inflammation, age
Tumor cells that originate from epithelial tissues Surface of your body and organs like epithelial tissues are large/small intestines, ovaries, epididymis, and larynx Carcinoma
Tumor cells that originate from connective tissues, such as bone and muscle Sarcoma
Tumor cell tissues that include tonsils, lymph nodes, and spleen Lymphoma
Tumor cells associated with diseases like lung and prostate cancers Adenocarcinoma
Blasts White Blood Cells
A cancer that arises from a part of the immune system called the plasma cell Multiple Myeloma
Anenocarcinoma and forms in the tissues of the prostrate Prostate Cancer
Breast cancer is usually.......... A carcinoma
A therapy that cannot differentiate between healthy and cancerous cells Chemotherapy
A therapy that acts by killing cells both normal and cancerous. Cytotoxic Therapy
A therapy that slows or suppresses the growth of cancer cells Cytostatic Therapy
A therapy that uses hormones to prevent cancer cell growth by "starving" them Hormonal Therapy
A therapy that destroys cancer cells by the use of waves of subatomic particles such as gamma rays or X-rays Radiation
Common side effects of cancer medication regimens: Nausea Hair Loss Myelosuppression
Factors of Chemotherapy 1. Death of healthy cells 2. Activation of a part of the brain called the chemo trigger zone 3. Sensory affects
The term that describes how likely a drug is to cause emesis Emetogenicity
Damage to the heart tissue Cardiotoxicity
Nerve pain, tingling or burning in the hands and feet Peripheral Neuropathy
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the mouth and throat Mucositis
Damage to the liver Hepatotoxicity
Damage to the kidneys Nephrotoxicity
Closely related to substances required by the cell, block its metabolism and growth Antimetabolites
Acts as a folic acid antagonist Methotrexate (Rheumatrex)
Methotrexate Rheumatrex
What is Methotrexate (Rheumatrex) used for? Autoimmune diseases Antineoplastic Therapeutic abortion ectopic pregnancy
The antidote for Methotrexate - Rheumatrex Calcium Leucovorin - oral, IV, IM
Which antineoplastic drug is the only one to have an antidote? Methotrexate - Rheumatrex
An example of "rational" drug design used for colon and breast cancer Fluorouracil - Efudex
Which drug causes nausea/vomiting and bone marrow depression? Chlorambucil - Leukeran
Chlorambucil Leukeran
LHRH angonists GnRH agonists
GnRH agonist work by stimulating the release of.........initially then the feedback shuts off further testosterone production to................This causes ............ ..............of the bodies testosterone in treatment of cancer. LH/FSH Castration levels Complete depletion
Created by: lacythecoolest
Popular Pharmacology sets




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