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Hon Eng Unit 2

Honors English Unit 2

emaciated abnormally thin, wasted away
malnutrition lack of necessities
ubiquitous being everywhere at the same time
excruciating agonizing, torturing
fretful worrisome, irritable
harbinger a forerunner, advance notice
privation faulty or inadequate diet
sanctuary shelter
tranquil quiet
besiege to surround, hem in
thwart to hinder, defeat
reverberating reechoing, resounding
respite an interval of relief, delay
succumb to give way, yield
malignant likely to cause death
remote distant, hidden away
sinister evil, ominous
afflict to trouble greatly, to distress
ascend to rise
surge to rush suddenly
skirmish small fight, brief encounter
fray a fight
turbulent unruly, agitated
oust to drive out, eject
revert return
cognizant aware
indigent poor, needy
jurisdiction power, range of authority
reprehensible worthy of blame
arbitrary based on a whim, dictatorial
flout show contempt, scoff
exacerbate to irritate, make worse
forthwith immediately
effigy likeness (usually of a hated person)
monolithic massively solid
paroxysm a fit, a sudden outburst
implacable cannot be pacified, inexorable
harass to trouble, torment
stymie to hinder, impede
terminate to end
rampant going unchecked, widespread
inane foolish
ethics code of principles
concur agree
clandestine secret, undercover
elicit to draw forth
pernicious harmful, causing injury
tolerate to put up with, to bear
construe an interpretation or explanation on the meaning of something
impunity freedom from punishment
affluent rich or wealthy
feasible possible
discern perceive or to understand
sally to suddenly rush forth
consternation dismay
quell put an end to
voluble talkative
confidant[e] one to whom you confide your secrets
obsolescence process of wearing out
dubious doubtful
flagrant obvious, outrageous, glaringly bad; often paired with foul
egregious remarkably bad; often paired with mistake
admonish warn or reprimand someone firmly.
distraught mentally confused, crazed
duress compulsion, force
duplicity cunning, trickery
culprit the guilty person
acrimonious bitter
inexorable inflexible, unrelenting
paucity scarcity or lacking
precocious reaching maturity early
disparage to discredit, belittle
perfunctory done without care, superficial
laudable praiseworthy
chagrin feeling of disappointment, humiliation
fiasco complete failure
perverse contrary, persisting in error
masticate to chew up
deride to ridicule, scoff at
eschew avoid
Created by: adam.seipel
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