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Pharmacology Exam 1

Focus on Nursing Pharmacology- Chapter One

Adverse Effects drug effects that are not the desireed therapeutic effects, may be unpleasant or even dangerous
Brand Name Name of drug given by pharmaceutical company
chemical name name of drug that rerlects the chemical structure of the drug
Drugs Chemicals that are introduces into the body to bring about a certain outcome
Generic name The original designation that a drug is given when the drug company that developed it applies for the approval process
Generic Drugs drugs that are sold by the chemical name not the brand/trade name
Orphan drugs drugs that have been developed but would not be profitable to the drug company
Over the Counter drugs that can be purchsed without a prescription for self treatment
Pharmacology the study of the bilogoical effects of chemicals
Phase II Study Clinical study of a proposed drug by selected doctors using actual patients who have the ailment that the drug is designed to treat
Phase III Study Use of a proposed drug on a wide scale in a clinical setting for patients who have the disease the drug is thought to treat
Phase IV Continous evaluation of the drug after it has gone to the market
Teratogenic A drug having adverse affects on the fetus
Preclinincal trials initail drug trial on laboratory animals
Pharmacotherapeutics addresses the following Drug's effect on the body and the body's response to the drugs
Nurse responsibiities towards drug therapy Administer the drugs, Assess the drug effects, Intervene to make drug regimen more tolerable, teach patient about drug regimen, monitor overall patient care to prevent errors
Sources of drugs Natural and Synthetic
Natural drug sources Animal, Plant, Inorganic Sources
Example of drug made with synthetic plant souces Dronabinol ( marinol)- contains active ingredient delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol foundi n marijuana
Genetic Engineering Process of altering DNA
Types of Inorganic Sources of Drugs Iron, Gold, Aluminimum, Fluoride
Ricinus Communis A drug derived from plant- Castor Oil
Category A Drugs Adequate studies in prenant women have not demonstrated a risk to the fetus in the 1st trimester of the pregnancy and there is no evidence of risk in later trimesters
Category B Drugs Animal studies have not shown a risk to the fetus, or have shown adverse effects but there have been not adequate in women.
Category C drugs Animal Study have shown an adverse effect but no adequate studies in Humans
Category D Drugs There is no evidence of human fetal risk,but the potential benefits from the use in pregnant women may be acceptable despite teh potential risks
Category X Drugs Studies in Human and animal have shown fetal abnormalities and adverse reation, the risk cleary outweighs any benefit
Thalidomide the sleeping aid used in the 1960 that cause tetratogenic effects on fetus, resulting in babies with limb deformities
Kefauver Harris Act of 1962 Gave FDA regulatory control over the testing and evaluating of drug and set the standards for safety and efficacy. Happen as an outcry of thalidomide adverse effects on babies
FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) Federal Agency responsible for development and sale of drugs.
DEA( Drug Enforcement Agency) Enforces the conrtrol of FDA
Controlled Substance drugs with abuse potential
Schedule I DRUGS A drug with high abuse potential and no accepted medical use ( example heorin, LSD, marijuana)
Schedule II DRUGS drug with high abuse potential with severe dependence liability examples barbiturates sedatives, amphetamines, narcotics
Schedule III DRUGS drug with less abuse potential with severe dependence and moderate liability examples nonbarbiturates sedatives, nonamphetamines, limited amounts of narcotics
Schedule iv DRUGS Drugs with les abuse potential and limited dependence liability examplea antianxiety meds, non-narcotic analgesics, some sedative
Schedule V drugs Drugs with limited abuse potential . Example Codeine used as antitussives or antidiarrheals. Can be purchsed in small amounts OTC
Clinical Pharmacology is the study of the biological effects of chemicals
FDA pregnancy categories indicate a drug's potential or actual teratogenic effects
The duties of DEA are as follows
Clinical Pharmacology The branch of pharmacology that deals with the use of drugs to treat, prevent and diagnose illness
DAW Dispense as Written: meaning that the brand drug not generic be given to the patient
Use of Dronabinol ( marinol) This drug prevents nausea and vomiting in cancer patients
Natural Licorice If ingested in large amounts can be retained in body resulting in false aldosterone- a hormone found in the body which leads to fluid retention and hypokalemia and kow serum potassium
Digitalis An example of a plant derived drug source
FDA regulated tests are designed to do what FDA regulated tests are designed to ensure the safety and reliability of any drug approved in the USA
Iron Used for the treatment of anemia
Gold Used to treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
fluroide To prevent tooth decay
Aluminimum Antacid used to decreae gastric acid, prevention of the formation of phosphate urinanry stones, for the management of hyperphosphaternia
Drug Lag the time it takes usually 5 to 6 years for drug companies to bring the drug to the market. It can be accelerated if the benefit is thought to be very important to the diseased population
Pure Food and Drug Act -1906 Prevented the marketing of adulterated drugs and required labelling to eliminate false or misleading claims
Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act -1938 Mandated tests for drug toxicity and provided a means of recalling the drugs. It established the procedures for new drugs and gave FDA the power of enforcement
Durham- Humphrey Amendment- 1951 Tightened control of certain drugs- specified drugs to be labeles as " may not be distributed without a prescription"
Controlled Substance Act-1970 Defined drug abuse and classified drugs as to their potential for abuse and provided strict controls over the distribution and use of these drugs
Orphan Drug Act 1983 Provided incentives for the development of orphan drugs for treatment of rate diseases
The FDA Pregnancy categories Indicate a drug's potential or actual teratogenci effects
The duties of DEA The storing, prescribing and distributing if controlled substances- drugs that are more apt to be addictive
Phase 1 drugs are: Include studies on healthy human volunteers who are often paid for their participation
Generic name of a drug The name assigned to the drug by the pharmaceutical company developing it
The reason health young women are not involved in Phase I drug studies is Females are more apt to suffer from ova problems and female ova is formed before birth
Created by: Nurseifey
Popular Pharmacology sets




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